path: root/camera-manual-v1208.tex
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authorAndreas Kopmann <>2012-07-31 23:57:04 +0200
committerAndreas Kopmann <>2012-07-31 23:57:04 +0200
commitdc1752ece277963f98fb96800a07c1dd8208612e (patch)
treed7cfaa87402451ad0ce60d7bfbd4c75f2dc71376 /camera-manual-v1208.tex
Initial version of the UFO camera users manual
Diffstat (limited to 'camera-manual-v1208.tex')
1 files changed, 112 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/camera-manual-v1208.tex b/camera-manual-v1208.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f946c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/camera-manual-v1208.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+% UFO camera manual
+% A. Kopmann
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+{\LARGE\bf User manual}
+{\LARGE UFO fully programmable\\[0.7ex]
+ high-throughput camera}
+\item[\textnormal{Authors:}] U Stephanovic, M Caselle, M Vogelgesang, S Chilingaryan, A. Kopmann
+\item[\textnormal{Project:}] UFO
+\item[\textnormal{Revision:}] 31.7.2012
+KIT -- University of the State of Baden-Württemberg and\\
+National Research Center of the Helmholtz Association
+The manual introduces a new concept of a flexible camera platform for science. The camera platform is able
+to include nearly all available image sensor. It comprises an readout module with FPGA and memory and
+possesses an high-throughput interface to the camera PC. Linux drivers and applications are available.
+The manual splits in three parts basically user manual, administration manual and developers manual.
+Part 1: Overview of the system architecture, operation of the camera.
+Part 2: Installation of the camera drivers and the software tools. Update of the camera firmware.
+Description of the camera characterization.
+Part 3: Overview of the firmware, drivers and software architecture, management of the source code,
+Programming interfaces, instructions for analyzing and tracking bug.
+The appendix gives data sheets on the camera characteristics.
+The document refers to firmware version UFO5/12bit, pcitools-0.0.1, libuca-0.6.0.