path: root/lib/remote
diff options
authorSuren A. Chilingaryan <>2019-09-04 22:06:01 +0200
committerSuren A. Chilingaryan <>2019-09-04 22:06:01 +0200
commit6db35a5230578e296d9f493b28e6330e22569c8f (patch)
tree86ccb8725d2ae1a779459e2d8c01087c07a37e58 /lib/remote
parent78f3f37d3d8b213887fa6d47e32c5f9f05c0e299 (diff)
Integrate also nagios-based monitoring here
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/remote')
5 files changed, 462 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/remote/README.txt b/lib/remote/README.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c5998f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/remote/README.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+conky format
+ - Server status
+ * ping works
+ * no output from '' and additional listed checks
+ [*] Checks for additional listed services 'check_<service>'.
+ - The optional status is in the beginning of first line (0 - red, 1 - green, 2 - yellow). Otherwise, 'red' if any output (also if first word is non-number on the first string).
+ - If first line starts from the status, the rest of the line is considered a header and reported on the status line. Everything else goes to textual section bellow.
+ [headers]
+ ... Textual information reported by '' and check_* scripts. The format
+ server:port[:service] text....
+ - Extra info for DarkSoft servers
+ * VPN to the server is working (checked with the ping). This not included in the scripted version, instead server traffic reported directly here.
+ # # Traffic on VPN interface from/to
+ - Server traffic
+ in/out/forw. Yellow/Red if above specified threshold. No additional errors are reported here.
+ - Services (operated by local scripts in 'services' directory)
+ * Online
+ * Healthy
+ [headers] Information about service operation
+ [errors] Short information on critical errors are reported here (in conky, we push everything in the text section)
+ ... Larger textual information about the problems.
+ Service format is following (status is on the last line and mandatory):
+ * Critical Lines starting with '*' contain critical errors and highlighted (remote) / reported in the service table (conky)
+ Text This is normal problem description reported in the textual area
+ # # [header] Two statuses (0 - error, 1 - ok, 2 - warning) and optional header with information about service operation
+ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/remote/ b/lib/remote/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a0fdcbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/remote/
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+# underlines 4;30,... blinking 5:30,...
+# backgrounds: 40,...
+declare -A colors=(
+ [black]='0;30'
+ [red]='0;31'
+ [green]='0;32'
+ [orange]='0;33'
+ [blue]='0;34'
+ [purple]='0;35'
+ [cyan]='0;36'
+ [lightgray]='0;37'
+ [gray]='1;30'
+ [lightred]='1;31'
+ [lightgreen]='1;32'
+ [yellow]='1;33'
+ [lightblue]='1;34'
+ [lightpurple]='1;35'
+ [lightcyan]='1;36'
+ [white]='1;37'
+# Fixing color map
+#echo -ne "\e[44m"
+#echo -ne '\x1B[K'
+function set_background {
+ if [ -n "$background" ]; then
+ echo -ne "$background"
+ echo -ne '\x1B[K'
+ fi
+function set_color {
+ local color=${1:-""}
+ local effect=${2:-""}
+ c=${colors[$color]}
+ case "$effect" in
+ 'u')
+ c=$(echo $c | sed -r "s/^0/4/ ; s/^1/1;4/")
+ ;;
+ esac
+ [ -n "$color" ] && echo -ne "\033[${c}m"
+ set_background
+function reset_color {
+ echo -ne "\033[0m"
+ set_background
+ [ -n "$foreground" ] && set_color "$foreground"
+function finish {
+ echo -ne "\033[0m"
+ echo
+function configure_palete {
+ case $1 in
+ blue)
+ background="\e[1;44m"
+ foreground="white"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ # Lightgray and Yellow are almost invisible on white
+ colors[yellow]=${colors[orange]}
+ colors[white]=${colors[black]}
+ colors[lightgray]=${colors[gray]}
+ colors[cyan]=${colors[blue]}
+ ;;
+ esac
+ set_background
+ reset_color
+function decorate {
+ local output="$1"
+ local color=${2:-""}
+ local effect=${3:-""}
+ if [ -n "$color" ]; then
+ set_color $color $effect
+ echo -ne "${output}"
+ reset_color
+ else
+ echo -ne "$output"
+ fi
+function eol {
+ sed 's/$/\x1B[K/'
+function print_eol {
+ echo -e '\x1B[K'
+function print {
+ local output="$1"
+ local color=${2:-""}
+ local char_limit=${3:-$fold}
+ local line_limit=${4:-0}
+ local cmd="decorate \"${output}\" \"$color\" | fold -s -w $char_limit"
+ [ $line_limit -gt 0 ] && cmd="$cmd | head -n $line_limit"
+ eval "$cmd" | eol
+function print_hline {
+ local color=${1:-"gray"}
+ local cols=${COLUMNS:-$(tput cols)}
+ decorate $(printf '%*s' $cols '' | tr ' ' -) "$color"
+ echo | eol
+function print_table {
+ # The problem here is that all escapes for colors are treated as normal visible symbols
+ sed "s/ ::: /@/g" | column -t -s "@" -o " " | eol
+function decorate_table {
+ print_hline
+ cat -
+ print_hline
+function print_status {
+ local status="$1"
+ if [[ $status =~ ^.$ ]]; then
+ case $status in
+ 0)
+ decorate "*" "red"
+ ;;
+ 1)
+ decorate "*" "green"
+ ;;
+ 2)
+ decorate "*" "yellow"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ decorate "$status" "red"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ else
+ decorate "?" "red"
+ fi
+ echo -n " "
diff --git a/lib/remote/ b/lib/remote/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e6766a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/remote/
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+function simple_report {
+ local generator="$1"
+ local filter="${2:-cat}"
+ {
+ eval "$generator 12>/dev/fd/12 | $filter"
+ report=$(cat<&12)
+ } 12<<EOF
+ wait
+function short_report {
+ local generator="$1"
+ local filter="${2:-print_table | decorate_table}"
+ configure_palete "$palete"
+ simple_report "$generator" "$filter"
+ finish
+function standart_report {
+ local generator="$1"
+ local filter="${2:-print_table | decorate_table}"
+ configure_palete "$palete"
+ simple_report "$generator" "$filter"
+ print "$report"
+ echo
+ finish
+function report {
+ # Eval breaks output for some reason
+ case $report in
+ simple_report)
+ simple_report "$@"
+ ;;
+ short_report)
+ short_report "$@"
+ ;;
+ standart_report)
+ standart_report "$@"
+ ;;
+ default)
+ echo "Report is not implemented"
+ esac
diff --git a/lib/remote/ b/lib/remote/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fdd7311
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/remote/
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+function run_ {
+ local output=$(eval source "$@")
+ flock -x $0 echo -e "$output"
+function run {
+ if [ $parallel -gt 0 ]; then
+ run_ "$@" &
+ else
+ run_ "$@"
+ fi
diff --git a/lib/remote/ b/lib/remote/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7bef6c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/remote/
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+. setup/
+. lib/remote/
+. lib/remote/
+. lib/remote/
+function check_server_traffic {
+ local result="$1"
+ local yellow=${2:-0}
+ local red=${3:-0}
+ local name=("in" "out" "fwd")
+ local traf
+ read -ra traf <<< $result
+ if [ ${#traf[@]} -ne 3 ]; then
+ [ -z "$result" ] && result="No info received"
+ print "$result" "red" $fold 1
+ return
+ fi
+ local output=""
+ for i in $(seq 0 2); do
+ if ! [[ ${traf[$i]} =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then
+ print "$result" "red" $fold 1
+ return
+ fi
+ local val=$(printf "% 4u" $((${traf[$i]} / 1024 / 1024 / 1024)))
+ if [ $red -gt 0 -a $val -gt $red ]; then
+ val=$(decorate "$val GB" "red")
+ elif [ $yellow -gt 0 -a $val -gt $yellow ]; then
+ val=$(decorate "$val GB" "yellow")
+ else
+ val="$val GB"
+ fi
+# output="$output${output:+, }${name[$i]}: $val"
+ output="$output${output:+, } $val"
+ done
+# print "$output"
+ print "in/out/fwd: $output"
+function check_server_ {
+ local service=$1 && shift
+ local hopo
+ IFS=':' read -ra hopo <<< $1 && shift
+ local host=${hopo[0]}
+ local port=${hopo[1]:-22}
+ local result=$(ssh $ssh_params -p $port root@$host /opt/scripts/check_server_$ 2>&1 )
+ case "$service" in
+ 'traffic')
+ check_server_traffic "$result" "$@"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ print "$result"
+ esac
+function check_server_status {
+ local hopo
+ IFS=':' read -ra hopo <<< $1 && shift
+ local host=${hopo[0]}
+ local port=${hopo[1]:-22}
+ local services="$@"
+ local ping_output=$(scripts/ $host $port $timeout)
+ print_status "$ping_output"
+ if [ "$services" == "-" ]; then return; fi
+ if [ "$ping_output" == "1" ]; then
+ local output=$(ssh $ssh_params -p $port root@$host /opt/scripts/ 2>&1)
+ local status=1
+ [ -n "$output" ] && status=0 && output="\n$(decorate "$host:$port" "cyan" "u")\n$output\n"
+ print_status $status
+ # Check Additional services, error is reported if anything provides information
+ local headers=""
+ if [ -n "$services" ]; then
+ for service in "$services"; do
+ if [[ "$service" =~ ^vpn/(.*)$ ]]; then
+ local ip=${BASH_REMATCH[1]}
+ [ $(hostname) == "styx" ] && check_server_status "$ip" "-"
+ else
+ local service_status=1
+ local service_output=$(ssh $ssh_params -p $port root@$host /opt/scripts/check_${service} 2>&1 | sed 's/^[[:space:]]*//;/^$/d')
+ if [ -n "$service_output" ]; then
+ first_line=$(echo "$service_output" | head -n 1)
+ if [[ "$first_line" =~ ^([0-9]+)[[:space:]](.*)$ ]]; then
+ service_status=${BASH_REMATCH[1]}
+ service_output=$(sed "1 d" <<< "$service_output")
+ if [ -n "${BASH_REMATCH[2]}" ]; then
+ service_header=$(sed -r "s/\\$\{color\s+([^}]*)\}/\$(set_color \\1)/g" <<< "${BASH_REMATCH[2]}") #"
+ headers="$headers $service_header"
+ fi
+ else
+ service_status=0
+ fi
+ if [ -n "$service_output" ]; then
+ [ -z "$output" ] && output="\n$(decorate "$host:$port" "cyan" "u")"
+ output="${output}\n $(decorate "$service" "gray" "u")\n$(echo ${service_output} | sed 's/^/ /')"
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ done
+ fi
+ print " ::: ${headers}"
+ #report="$report<section>$output"
+ if [ -n "$output" ]; then
+ flock -x $0 echo "${output}" >&12
+ fi
+ else
+ print_status "x"
+ for service in "$services"; do
+ print_status "x"
+ done
+ fi
+function check_service {
+ local service="$1" && shift
+ local id="$1" && shift
+ local args="$@"
+ local output=$(service/check_${service}.sh ${id} "$@" 2>&1 | sed 's/^[[:space:]]*//;/^$/d')
+ local info=$(echo "$output" | tail -n 1)
+ local online=0
+ local health=0
+ local header=""
+ if [[ "$info" =~ ^([0-9]+)[[:space:]]+([0-9]+)[[:space:]]+(.*)$ ]]; then
+ online=${BASH_REMATCH[1]}
+ health=${BASH_REMATCH[2]}
+ header=${BASH_REMATCH[3]}
+ output=$(sed '$ d' <<< "$output")
+ fi
+ print_status "$online"
+ print_status "$health"
+ header=$(sed -r "s/\\$\{color\s+([^}]*)\}/\$(set_color \\1)/g" <<< "$header") # "
+ print " ::: ${header}"
+ important=$(grep "^\*" <<< "$output")
+ messages=$(grep -v "^\*" <<< "$output")
+ if [ -n "$output" ]; then
+ output="\n$(decorate "$service:$id" "cyan" "u")\n$important\n$(set_color gray)$messages$(reset_color)\n"
+ flock -x $0 echo "${output}" >&12
+ fi
+function check__ {
+ local args
+ local title="$1" && shift
+ read -ra args <<< "$1" && shift
+ local host=${args[0]};
+ print "$(decorate $title "purple") ::: " | sed -r "s/\\$\{color\s+([^}]*)\}/\$(set_color \\1)/g; "
+ local service
+ for service in "$@"; do
+ service=$(sed -r "s/<([0-9]+)>/\${args[\\1]}/g; s/<([^>]+)>/\${\\1}/g" <<< "$service") # "
+ ( eval "$service" )
+ done
+ print_eol
+function check_ {
+ # Buffer the output
+ local output=$(check__ "$@")
+ echo -e "$output"
+function check {
+ if [ $parallel -gt 0 ]; then
+ check_ "$@" &
+ else
+ check_ "$@"
+ fi