path: root/lib/adei/
diff options
authorSuren A. Chilingaryan <>2019-09-04 22:06:01 +0200
committerSuren A. Chilingaryan <>2019-09-04 22:06:01 +0200
commit6db35a5230578e296d9f493b28e6330e22569c8f (patch)
tree86ccb8725d2ae1a779459e2d8c01087c07a37e58 /lib/adei/
parent78f3f37d3d8b213887fa6d47e32c5f9f05c0e299 (diff)
Integrate also nagios-based monitoring here
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/adei/')
1 files changed, 287 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/adei/ b/lib/adei/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a0aeb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/adei/
@@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
+cd $(dirname $0)
+. lib/adei/
+. lib/adei/
+. lib/adei/
+. lib/nagios/
+shopt -s nocasematch;
+# Auth with redirect (-L/--location-trusted) not working. Credentials are lost on hops.
+function adei_query {
+ local resp
+ local timeout=${3:-$adei_default_timeout}
+ local err=0
+ if [ "$2" == "ecode" ]; then
+ url="$1&mysql=master"
+# resp=$(curl --proxy "" -f -m "$timeout" "$url" 2>&1 | grep "returned error")
+ resp=$(curl --proxy "" --location-trusted -sf -m "$timeout" -w "%{http_code}" -o /dev/null "$url" 2>&1);
+ [ -z "$resp" -o "$resp" = "000" ] && resp="10" # error code 1
+ elif [ "$2" == "emsg" ]; then
+ url="$1&mysql=master"
+ resp=$(curl --proxy "" --location-trusted -f -m "$timeout" "$url" 2>&1 | grep -o "curl.*")
+ [ -z "$resp" ] && resp="No response from"
+ else
+ if [ "$2" == "slave" ]; then
+ url="$1&mysql=slave"
+ else
+ url="$1&mysql=master"
+ fi
+ resp=$(curl --proxy "" --location-trusted -sf -m "$timeout" "$url"); err=$?
+ if [ $err -ne 0 ]; then
+ resp=$(adei_query "$1" "ecode" "$timeout")
+ err=$(($(($resp / 10)) + $(($resp % 10))))
+ resp=$(adei_query "$1" "emsg" "$timeout")
+ [ -n "$debug" ] && echo "$(date) $timeout Failed $url" >> /tmp/adei.log
+ else
+ [ -n "$debug" ] && echo "$(date) $timeout OK $url" >> /tmp/adei.log
+ fi
+ fi
+ echo -n $resp
+ return $err
+function adei_format_query {
+ local with_auth="${1:-1}"
+ local query="$2"
+ local timeout=${3:-$adei_default_timeout}
+ local source=${4:-"$adei_source"}
+ local url="${5:-$adei_url}"
+ auth=""
+ [ $with_auth -gt 0 ] && auth="$adei_auth"
+ if [[ "$query" =~ \? ]]; then
+ echo "http://${auth}${url}/${query}${source}"
+ else
+ echo "http://${auth}${url}/${query}?xxxxx${source}"
+ fi
+function adei_simple_query {
+ local req=$(adei_format_query 1 "$@")
+ adei_query "$req" "master" "$timeout"; err=$?
+ return $err
+function adei_text_query {
+ local out # Local on the same string breaks error reporting
+ out="$(adei_simple_query "$@")"; local err=$?
+ if [ $err -gt 0 -o -z "$out" ]; then
+# echo "Error sending ADEI request: $(adei_format_query 0 "$@")"
+ [ $err -eq 0 ] && local err=1
+ [ -n "$out" ] && echo -n "$out"
+ return $err
+ elif [[ "$out" =~ "Error:" ]]; then
+ echo -n "$out"
+ return 7
+ else
+ echo -n "$out"
+ return 0
+ fi
+function adei_xml_query {
+ local out # Local on the same string breaks error reporting
+ out="$(adei_simple_query "$@")"; local err=$?
+ if [ $err -ne 0 -o -z "$out" ]; then
+# echo "Error sending ADEI request: $(adei_format_query 0 '$@')"
+ [ $err -eq 0 ] && err=1
+ [ -n "$out" ] && echo "$out"
+ return $err
+ fi
+ local xml="$(echo "$out" | xmllint --format - 2>/dev/null)"
+ if [ $err -ne 0 -o -z "$out" ]; then
+ echo "$out"
+ if [[ "$out" =~ "Error:" ]]; then
+ return 7
+ else
+ return 4
+ fi
+ fi
+ error=$(echo "$xml" | grep "<Error>")
+ if [ -n "$error" ]; then
+ echo $error | sed -e "s|</\?Error>||g"
+ return 7
+ fi
+ echo "$xml"
+ return $err
+function adei_value_query {
+ local out # Local on the same string breaks error reporting
+ out="$(adei_xml_query "$@")"; local err=$?
+ [ $err -ne 0 ] && { echo "$out"; return $err; }
+ local values
+ values="$(echo "$out" | grep "Value")"; err=$?
+ [ $err -ne 0 ] && return 6
+ echo "$values"
+function adei_get_databases {
+ local out
+ out="$(adei_xml_query "list.php?target=databases" "$@")"
+ [ $err -gt 0 ] && { echo -n "$out"; return $err; }
+ echo "$out" | grep "Value" | sed -e "s/^.*db_name=\"\([^\"]*\)\".*$/\\1/" | sed -e "s/ /::space::/"
+function adei_query_version {
+ local version # Local on the same string breaks error reporting
+ version="$(adei_text_query "info.php?target=version&encoding=text" "$@")"; local err=$?
+ [ $err -gt 0 ] && { echo "$version"; return $err; }
+ adei_version="$version"
+ adei_revision=$(echo $adei_version | cut -d '-' -f 1)
+ if [ "$adei_revision" == "$adei_version" ]; then
+ adei_date=""
+ else
+ adei_date=$(echo $adei_version | cut -d '-' -f 2)
+ fi
+function adei_resolve_id {
+ fn="$1"
+ id="$2"
+ host="$3"
+ setup="$4"
+ local var=$(cat "$fn" | grep "^$id" | awk '{ print $2 }')
+ [ -z "$var" -a -n "$host" ] && var=$(cat "$fn" | grep "^$host" | awk '{ print $2 }')
+ [ -z "$var" -a -n "$setup" ] && var=$(cat "$fn" | grep "^$setup" | awk '{ print $2 }')
+ [ -n "$debug" ] && echo "$(date) resolved ($var) from $fn (id=$id, host=$host, setup=$setup) pwd ($(pwd))" >> /tmp/resolv.log
+ echo "$var"
+function adei_init_ {
+ local id="$1" && shift # Either URL or [setup]@[host]
+# local url="$1" && shift
+ local server="$1" && shift
+ local database="$1" && [[ ! "$server" =~ \&|= ]] && shift
+ adei_args=( "$@" )
+ [ -z "$id" ] && { echo "ADEI ID is not specified" && exit 8 ; }
+ local url
+ local host
+ local setup
+ if [[ $id =~ http.*:// ]]; then # url
+ url="$id"
+ host="$(echo ${url#http*://} | cut -d '/' -f 1)" # parse port, maybe
+ unset $setup
+ elif [[ $id =~ : ]]; then # [setup@]host
+ local seho
+ IFS='@' read -ra seho <<< "$id" && shift
+ host="${seho[1]:-${seho[0]}}" # parse port, for sure
+ setup="${seho[1]:+${seho[0]}}"
+ unset $url
+ else # [setup]@[host] or both, no port
+ local seho
+ IFS='@' read -ra seho <<< "$id" && shift # techincally we can try to resolve to decide which is which
+ host="${seho[1]:-${seho[0]}}" # This could be mixed up, but it is either not important, or correct, or misconfigured anyway
+ setup="${seho[1]:+${seho[0]}}" # Only error if only setup is provided. But we handle it in resolution code which agnostic and treats them as ids
+ url=$(adei_resolve_id "setup/adei.txt" "$id" "$host" "$setup")
+ if [ -n "$url" ]; then # Get URL, now we can determine host correctly and ignore the ids.
+ host="$(echo ${url#http*://} | cut -d '/' -f 1)"
+ unset $setup
+ else # only 'setup' is not allowed if URL is not configured, so it should be host (or error in configuration)
+ unset $url # so either we have both (correctly) or only host (correctly)
+ fi
+ fi
+ local hopo
+ IFS=':' read -ra hopo <<< "$host" && shift
+ host="${hopo[0]}" # only non fqdn if also url not set
+ port=":${hopo[1]:-80}"
+ [ $port = ":80" ] && port=""
+ local fqdn
+ if [ -z "$url" ]; then
+ url=$(adei_resolve_id "setup/adei.txt" "$id" "$host" "$setup")
+ if [ -n "$url" ]; then
+ fqdn="$(echo ${url#http*://} | cut -d '/' -f 1)"
+ IFS=':' read -ra hopo <<< "$fqdn" && shift
+ host="${hopo[0]}" # again fqdn
+ port=":${hopo[1]:-80}"
+ [ $port = ":80" ] && port=""
+ else
+ fqdn=$(resolve_fqdn "$host") # this may be not fqdn
+ [ -n "$fqdn" ] && host="$fqdn"
+ url="${host}${port}/adei"
+ fi
+ fi
+ # In some case we miss here "setup", but surely then the password is resolved host-based
+ adei_auth=$(adei_resolve_id "security/adei.txt" "$id" "$host" "$setup")
+ [ -n "$adei_auth" ] && adei_auth="$adei_auth@"
+ # Now check port
+ adei_online=$(scripts/ "$host" "$port")
+ [ $adei_online -ne 1 ] && return 2
+ # Now build ADEI url
+ adei_setup="$setup"
+ adei_host="$host"
+ adei_port="$port"
+ adei_url="${url#http*://}/services"
+ adei_query_version; local err=$?
+ [ $err -gt 0 ] && return $err
+ if [[ "$server" =~ \&|= ]]; then
+ adei_source="&$server"
+ else
+ adei_source=""
+ [ -n "$adei_setup" -a "$adei_setup" != "*" ] && adei_source+="&setup=$adei_setup"
+ [ -n "$server" -a "$server" != "-" ] && adei_source+="&db_server=$server"
+ if [ "$database" == "#1" ]; then
+ databases="$(adei_get_databases)"; err=$?
+ [ $err -gt 0 ] && { echo "Failed to query ADEI databases: $databases"; return $err; }
+ [ -z "$databases" ] && { echo "No databases reported by ADEI"; return 6; }
+ database=$(echo "$databases" | head -n 1)
+ fi
+ [ -n "$database" -a "$database" != "-" ] && adei_source+="&db_name=$database"
+ fi
+ return 0
+function adei_init {
+ adei_init_ "$@"; local code=$?
+ adei_healthy=$(($code == 0))
+ adei_process_error "$code" "" "*" "$(adei_print_status "$0" $adei_online $adei_healthy)"