path: root/blueprints/script
diff options
authorroot <>2023-01-10 07:45:02 +0400
committerroot <>2023-01-10 07:45:02 +0400
commit2c0c331eb7b7a03152309bbbd4e0fee157e8d86c (patch)
tree03391160212b39c4597ecc26010f2ba1235a65e3 /blueprints/script
Initial configuration
Diffstat (limited to 'blueprints/script')
6 files changed, 459 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/blueprints/script/camera/security_camera.yaml b/blueprints/script/camera/security_camera.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0430266
--- /dev/null
+++ b/blueprints/script/camera/security_camera.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+ name: Security Camera Streamer
+ description: Stream photos from security camera
+ domain: script
+ input:
+ camera:
+ name: Camera
+ description: Camera
+ default: camera.192_168_50_51
+ selector:
+ entity:
+ domain: camera
+ motion_sensor:
+ name: Motion Sensor
+ description: Sensor detecting if there are motions to trigger the camera
+ selector:
+ entity:
+ domain: binary_sensor
+ device_class: motion
+ host:
+ name: Host
+ description: Host running camera server
+ default:
+ caption:
+ name: Caption
+ description: Caption to send in telegram message
+ default: 'Intusion Alert: '
+ lights_on:
+ name: Lights On
+ description: List of lights to turn on
+ default: []
+ selector:
+ entity:
+ multiple: true
+ domain: [light, switch]
+ lights_off:
+ name: Lights Off
+ description: List of lights to turn off
+ default: []
+ selector:
+ entity:
+ multiple: true
+ domain: [light, switch]
+ prepare:
+ name: prepare
+ description: Actions to perform before shooting photos
+ default: []
+ selector:
+ action:
+ delay:
+ name: Delay
+ description: Delay between shots (seconds)
+ default: 5
+ selector:
+ number:
+ min: 1
+ max: 3600
+ unit_of_measurement: s
+ fast_shots:
+ name: Fast Shots
+ description: Number of initial shots with short delay
+ default: 10
+ selector:
+ number:
+ min: 0
+ max: 50
+ fast_delay:
+ name: Fast Delay
+ description: Delay between fast shots (milliseconds)
+ default: 1000
+ selector:
+ number:
+ min: 100
+ max: 10000
+ unit_of_measurement: ms
+ camera: !input camera
+ smartpi: !input host
+ caption: !input caption
+ delay: !input delay
+ fast_shots: !input fast_shots
+ fast_delay: !input fast_delay
+mode: restart
+ - parallel:
+ - service: homeassistant.turn_on
+ target:
+ entity_id: !input lights_on
+ - service: homeassistant.turn_off
+ target:
+ entity_id: !input lights_off
+ - choose: []
+ default: !input "prepare"
+ - sequence:
+ - service: telegram_bot.send_photo
+ data:
+ disable_notification: false
+ caption: '{{ caption }} at {{ states("sensor.date_time_iso")
+ }}'
+ url: '{{ smartpi + state_attr(camera, "entity_picture") }}'
+ - repeat:
+ while:
+ - condition: template
+ value_template: '{{ repeat.index < fast_shots }}'
+ sequence:
+ - service: telegram_bot.send_photo
+ data:
+ disable_notification: true
+ caption: '{{ caption }} {{ repeat.index }} (fast)'
+ url: '{{ smartpi + state_attr(camera, "entity_picture") }}'
+ - delay:
+ hours: 0
+ minutes: 0
+ seconds: 0
+ milliseconds: '{{ fast_delay }}'
+ - repeat:
+# About 30 seconds delay before occupancy clears (both ways via state or device)
+ until:
+ - condition: state
+ entity_id: !input motion_sensor
+ state: 'off'
+# for:
+# seconds: 2
+# - type: is_no_motion
+# condition: device
+# device_id: 6deb0a6fb7a4a849ba22afc166cf9919
+# device_id: '{{ device_id("binary_sensor.0x00158d0004485e0b_occupancy") }}'
+# entity_id: binary_sensor.0x00158d0004485e0b_occupancy
+# domain: binary_sensor
+ sequence:
+ - service: telegram_bot.send_photo
+ data:
+ disable_notification: true
+ caption: '{{ caption }} {{ repeat.index + fast_shots - 1 }}'
+ url: '{{ smartpi + state_attr(camera, "entity_picture") }}'
+ - delay:
+ hours: 0
+ minutes: 0
+ seconds: '{{ delay }}'
+ milliseconds: 0
diff --git a/blueprints/script/camera/send_photo.yaml b/blueprints/script/camera/send_photo.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b14639
--- /dev/null
+++ b/blueprints/script/camera/send_photo.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+ name: Send Photo
+ description: Send a single photo from the camera
+ domain: script
+ input:
+ camera:
+ name: Camera
+ description: Camera
+ default: camera.192_168_50_51
+ selector:
+ entity:
+ domain: camera
+ host:
+ name: Host
+ description: Host running camera server
+ default:
+ caption:
+ name: Caption
+ description: Caption to send in telegram message
+ default: ''
+ camera: !input camera
+ smartpi: !input host
+ caption: !input caption
+# caption: AubergineView
+# delay: 5
+# fast_shots: 15
+# fast_delay: 1000
+mode: single
+ - service: telegram_bot.send_photo
+ data:
+ disable_notification: false
+ caption: '{{ caption }} at {{ states("sensor.date_time_iso") }}'
+ url: '{{ smartpi + state_attr(camera, "entity_picture") }}'
diff --git a/blueprints/script/devices/aircon.yaml b/blueprints/script/devices/aircon.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b2641be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/blueprints/script/devices/aircon.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+ name: AirCon
+ description: Stream photos from security camera
+ domain: script
+ input:
+ power:
+ name: Power
+ description: Aircon Smart Power Plug
+ selector:
+ entity:
+ domain: switch
+ temperature:
+ name: Temperature
+ description: Temperature sensor
+ selector:
+ entity:
+ domain: sensor
+ device_class: temperature
+ cold_temp:
+ name: Cold Temp
+ description: Temperature threshold to turn on heating
+ default: 16
+ selector:
+ number:
+ min: 8
+ max: 20
+ unit_of_measurement: C
+ hot_temp:
+ name: Hot Temp
+ description: Temperature threshold to turn on cooling
+ default: 20
+ selector:
+ number:
+ min: 20
+ max: 36
+ unit_of_measurement: C
+ cool_scene:
+ name: Cool Scene
+ description: Cooling scene of Aircon
+ selector:
+ entity:
+ domain: scene
+ heat_scene:
+ name: Heat Scene
+ description: Warming scene of Aircon
+ selector:
+ entity:
+ domain: scene
+ off_scene:
+ name: Off Scene
+ description: Off scene of Aircon
+ selector:
+ entity:
+ domain: scene
+ confirm:
+ name: Confirm
+ description: Confirmation script
+ default: []
+ selector:
+ action:
+ temp: !input temperature
+ cold: !input cold_temp
+ hot: !input hot_temp
+alias: AirCon
+ - if:
+ - condition: state
+ entity_id: !input power
+ state: 'on'
+ then:
+ - service: scene.turn_on
+ target:
+ entity_id: !input off_scene
+ - delay:
+ hours: 0
+ minutes: 0
+ seconds: 5
+ milliseconds: 0
+ - service: switch.turn_off
+ target:
+ entity_id: !input power
+ else:
+ - service: switch.turn_on
+ target:
+ entity_id: !input power
+ - delay:
+ hours: 0
+ minutes: 0
+ seconds: 5
+ milliseconds: 0
+ - choose:
+ - conditions:
+ - "{{ states('sensor.bedroom_temp_temperature') | float < cold }}"
+ sequence:
+ - service: scene.turn_on
+ target:
+ entity_id: !input heat_scene
+ - conditions:
+ - "{{ states('sensor.bedroom_temp_temperature') | float > hot }}"
+ sequence:
+ - service: scene.turn_on
+ target:
+ entity_id: !input cool_scene
+ default:
+ - service: switch.turn_off
+ target:
+ entity_id: !input power
+ - service: switch.turn_on
+ target:
+ entity_id: !input power
+ - choose: []
+ default: !input "confirm"
+# - if:
+# - condition: state
+# entity_id: switch.bedroom_aircon
+# state: 'off'
+# then:
+# - service: switch.turn_on
+# data: {}
+# target:
+# entity_id: switch.bedroom_aircon
+# - delay:
+# hours: 0
+# minutes: 0
+# seconds: 5
+# milliseconds: 0
+ - service: scene.turn_on
+ target:
+ entity_id: scene.hyundai_aircon_cool_18
+ metadata: {}
+mode: single
diff --git a/blueprints/script/devices/kodi-alarm.yaml b/blueprints/script/devices/kodi-alarm.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..48ecd1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/blueprints/script/devices/kodi-alarm.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+ name: Kodi - Play Alarm
+ description: Stream photos from security camera
+ domain: script
+ input:
+ player:
+ name: Player
+ description: KoDi Media Player
+ selector:
+ entity:
+ domain: media_player
+ song:
+ name: Player
+ description: KoDi Media Player
+ selector:
+ media: {}
+mode: restart
+ - service: media_player.volume_set
+ data:
+ volume_level: 1
+ target:
+ entity_id: !input player
+ - service: media_player.play_media
+ target:
+ entity_id: !input player
+ data:
+ !input song
diff --git a/blueprints/script/homeassistant/confirmable_notification.yaml b/blueprints/script/homeassistant/confirmable_notification.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d52e5a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/blueprints/script/homeassistant/confirmable_notification.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+ name: Confirmable Notification
+ description: >-
+ A script that sends an actionable notification with a confirmation before
+ running the specified action.
+ domain: script
+ source_url:
+ input:
+ notify_device:
+ name: Device to notify
+ description: Device needs to run the official Home Assistant app to receive notifications.
+ selector:
+ device:
+ integration: mobile_app
+ title:
+ name: "Title"
+ description: "The title of the button shown in the notification."
+ default: ""
+ selector:
+ text:
+ message:
+ name: "Message"
+ description: "The message body"
+ selector:
+ text:
+ confirm_text:
+ name: "Confirmation Text"
+ description: "Text to show on the confirmation button"
+ default: "Confirm"
+ selector:
+ text:
+ confirm_action:
+ name: "Confirmation Action"
+ description: "Action to run when notification is confirmed"
+ default: []
+ selector:
+ action:
+ dismiss_text:
+ name: "Dismiss Text"
+ description: "Text to show on the dismiss button"
+ default: "Dismiss"
+ selector:
+ text:
+ dismiss_action:
+ name: "Dismiss Action"
+ description: "Action to run when notification is dismissed"
+ default: []
+ selector:
+ action:
+mode: restart
+ - alias: "Set up variables"
+ variables:
+ action_confirm: "{{ 'CONFIRM_' ~ }}"
+ action_dismiss: "{{ 'DISMISS_' ~ }}"
+ - alias: "Send notification"
+ domain: mobile_app
+ type: notify
+ device_id: !input notify_device
+ title: !input title
+ message: !input message
+ data:
+ actions:
+ - action: "{{ action_confirm }}"
+ title: !input confirm_text
+ - action: "{{ action_dismiss }}"
+ title: !input dismiss_text
+ - alias: "Awaiting response"
+ wait_for_trigger:
+ - platform: event
+ event_type: mobile_app_notification_action
+ event_data:
+ action: "{{ action_confirm }}"
+ - platform: event
+ event_type: mobile_app_notification_action
+ event_data:
+ action: "{{ action_dismiss }}"
+ - choose:
+ - conditions: "{{ == action_confirm }}"
+ sequence: !input confirm_action
+ - conditions: "{{ == action_dismiss }}"
+ sequence: !input dismiss_action
diff --git a/blueprints/script/lights/turn_off_lights.yaml b/blueprints/script/lights/turn_off_lights.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e5538b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/blueprints/script/lights/turn_off_lights.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+ name: turn_off_lights
+ description: Turns off a group of lights
+ domain: script
+ input:
+ lights:
+ name: Affected class of lights
+ description: "Which class of lights to turn off: all, bedroom, living, hall"
+ default: "all"
+ name: !input lights
+ std: "switch.lights_{{ name }}"
+ manual: "switch.lights_{{ name }}_manual"
+mode: single
+ - service: switch.turn_off
+ target:
+ entity_id: "{{ std, manual }}"
+ - delay:
+ hours: 0
+ minutes: 0
+ seconds: 3
+ milliseconds: 0
+ - service: switch.turn_on
+ target:
+ entity_id: "{{ [ manual ] }}"