Contact: Suren A. Chilingaryan


RusXMMS RusXMMS project is aimed to provide libraries for easy encoding/translation handling in various applications. It could handle multiple languages simultaneously, supports encoding and language auto detection, automatic recoding, and translation. The auto detection engines are optimized for handling short text messages and provide almost precise recognition starting from 4 letters (Russian, Ukrainian). The UI library provide easy configuration interface. The provided console utilities allow fixing
file names in directory hierarchies, ID3 tags within music collections and etc. Among the currently supported applications are XMMS, TagLib (Amarok, JUK, Audacious, and much more), LibID3 (zinf), MOC, mpg123, GFTP (both console and X versions), unzip, p7zip.
XML Benchmark C/C /Java XML toolkits benchmarking toolset. Supported parsers: LibXML2 (Gdome, LibXSLT, XMLSec), Xerces (Xalan), IBM XML4C, Expat (Sablotron, CSLXML, Arabica), Oracle XDK, RXP, QT XML Module, Sun Crismon, Xerces for Java. Benchmarking fields: Parsing (Native, SAX, DOM), DOM Manipulations, Schema Validation, XSL Transformation, XML Signature and Encryption.
ADEI ADEI(Advanced Data Extraction Infrastructure) is a dynamic web interface facilitating fast access (visualization and data extraction) to the time series which are stored in various data sources. The software is still on alpha stage. Main highlights are:
  • Fast processing of huge amounts of data
  • Google maps style navigation
  • Demo site is available
Toma Reviewing GPU architectures to build efficient back projection for parallel geometries
DICT_HW This is CUDA-optimized implementation of Digital Image Correlation and Tracking Algorithm. The software is based upon the original Matlab version.
PAM X509 Authentication This module provides password-less login authentication on local console using X509 certificates and private keys stored on some personal data holders like
mobile phones, usb sticks and etc...
DarkLin IV Current Extensions to Gentoo Linux. Including RusXMMS patches, russification related stuff, some other enhacments and additional packages.
My Documents Ill-structured collection of different useless notes and docs on Misc. notes on software, programing languages, operating systems, hardware and etc. Mixed russian/english language.


PhP 5.2.9 PDO/ODBC complains (on long binary queries) PhP PDO/ODBC driver incorrectly handles long binary fields in the queries (resulting in "Out of memory" error). This is a fix. Php bug #42765
PhP 5.2.9 PDO/ODBC timeout support This patch implements timeout (PDO::ATTR_TIMEOUT) support in PDO/ODBC driver. It is required to limit amount of time the ODBC driver is trying to connect dead/unreachable server.
Php Bug #45287
FreeTDS 0.82 ODBC Driver: data corruption fix FreeTDS ODBC driver is corrupting data if SQLGetData is called multiple times on a single column and data conversion have been involved. This is a fix. This is a second revision of the patch.

The patch is applied upstream. Version 0.83 is expected to have this issue fixed.
lpc2k_pgm console mode The patch provides console mode for lpc2k_pgm Philips LPC ARM7 Chips programmer (originally only gtk interface).
Libtranslate 0.99 improvements Various official and my own fixes for LibTranslate. Includes updated services.xml describing online services and patch extending Libtranslate API with a function which accepts deadline parameter and will return a error if translation was not performed within allocated time slice. The time resolution is around 10ms.
GRip TrackArtist fix Advance to the next track, when enter pressed in the "Track Artist" input field (same behaviour like "Track Name" field).
GnomeTranslate 0.99 Compilation Fix Fixes compilation of Gnome Translate with latest version of eel.
Zip 2.32 Russification Russification patch for Zip archiver: solves problem of exchanging zip files (with russian file-names inside) between linux and windows PCs.
Happy Camel 1b3 Enhancement This patch provides support for two new command-line options to Happy Camel. Both options are only applicable for KMZ file generation.
1) Provide an URL there the original photos are stored, so the original images can be linked to the thumbnails displayed on the google maps.
2) Provide ability to indicate photos on the map using very small photo thumbnails instead of default google icon.
Munin pluginv improvements 1. Improvement of courier_ plugin to count logins/logouts on per-user basis.
2. Plugin to measure cpu & memory usage on per-user and per-application basis.
PSI 0.14 Multilanguage This is port of the multilanguage patch by A.Tsvyashchenko. The patch allows to list used languages in the configuration and enables spell-checking using all specified dictionaries.
XTerm 278 Few small fixes improving handling of non-latin languages. Plus my config.
pam_fprint This provides few enhancements to fingerprint pam authentication module using libfprint (Bug #45575).
1. Allows to specify which finger should be authenticated.
2. Implements checks for remote users connected over SSH or NX. The authentication is not performed in this case.
3. Supports optional parameter specifying external application which will be called and upon its exit code, the pam_module will proceed with authentication or fail back to password authentication. One of possible uses is following: For security reasons, the gnome keyring can't be unlocked by finger-print authorization, the password will be asked upon the login. This forces user to make both finger and password authentication. So, the external application will check if the keyring already unlocked and only in this case allow the fingerprint authentication.
Thinkpad X220 Mic-mute button Enables mic-mute button and led indicator on Lenovo Thinkpad X220 (and similar) laptop.
VTE 0.30.1 MC integration This patch disable few key-bindings in VTE (Gnome Terminal) when Midnight Commander is executed inside. Hence, midnight commander may get and handle this combinations of key. Currently: Ctrl Ins and Shift Ins are disabled to allow MC to use internal clipboard buffer.
laptop_krf_scripts Just a few scripts to enhance security and usability of Gnome Keyring/FPrint combination on laptop computers (based on pam_fprint patch).
1. Enforces locking of keyrings on system hibernate
2. Automate selection of fingerprint or password authentication to avoid double authentication (keyring asks for passwords after fingerprint auth)
Ezmlm-browse Fixes incompatibility of ezmlm-browse 0.20 with recent versions of ezmlm-idx

CRD/FZK Internal Projects

Ands Ands (Advanced aNalysis and Data Services) is an OpenShift-based Cloud platform for KATRIN (KArlsruhe TRItium Neutrino) experiment and other internal projects
Alps Alps (Advanced Linux PCI Services) for development and debugging of high-speed PCIe electronics
ADAS 3.3.2 / LibDS 0.1.3 ADAS - Unified Aragats Data Acquisition System
LibDS - DarkSoft Abstraction Library
NAMT Driver 2.5.6 Data Acquisition Software for Multidirectional Muon Monitor with Fujitsu FRV based board by Varuzhan Danielyan.
NAMT Driver 2.2.3 Data Aquisition Software for Neutron Monitor with LPT board by Harut (version with events aggregation).
NAMT Driver 1.2.2 Data Aquisition Software for Neutron Monitor with LPT board by Harut (version without events aggregation)
NAMT Driver 0.8.2 Data Aquisition Software for Neutron Monitor with PCI board by Vasenyuk
ANI UI TCL Interface for ANI program (obsolete).
NCurses interface for Solar NCurses Interface for Solar program (obsolete).
GTK interface for MRSES Frontend to MRSES program provides web portal and distributed calculations solution (obsolete).
WinCC Database Extractor This windows application provides CSV file export for the data stored in Siemens WinCC databases (based on original source by V. Zaharchenko, here).
Camera Viewer The GTK/OpenGL based application to control fast Photonfocus camera (1024x768 at 500 fps) connected over Camera Link interface using Silicon Software microEnable frame grabber.
MRSES It is a fast implementation of Multiple Random Searches with Early Stop , a feature selection algorithm. The application is optimized for IBM CELL architecture and x86 processors with SSSE3 support.

Third Party Patches

Pine with maildir Maildir patch for pine.
MC menu extensions A lot of extensions for standard menu of midnight commander.
Proftpd Auth Using Alias Fixes problem with authorisation using user aliases ("UserAlias" and "UserPassword" derictives).
Russification Stuff Russification patches for console-tools, a2ps, mpage, groff.

Our Friends

GalaxyWorks Custom software development