%% This BibTeX bibliography file was created using BibDesk. %% http://bibdesk.sourceforge.net/ %% Created for Andreas Kopmann at 2012-07-30 13:52:58 +0200 %% Saved with string encoding Unicode (UTF-8) %% Image sensors datasheets @MANUAL{CMOSIS:CMV2000, title="{CMV2000} Datasheet", organization="{CMOSIS NV Image Sensors}", year="2010" } @MANUAL{CMOSIS:CMV4000, title="{CMV4000} Datasheet", organization="{CMOSIS NV Image Sensors}", year="2010" } @MANUAL{FAIRCHILD:CIS1021, title="{CIS1021} Datasheet", organization="{BAE Systems Imaging Solutions}", year="2011" } @MANUAL{XILINX:ML605, title="ML605 Hardware User Guide", organization="{Xilinx}", url="http://www.xilinx.com/support/documentation/boards_and_kits/ug534.pdf", year="2012" } @MISC{SW:IMAGEJ, title="{ImageJ -- Image processing and Analysis in Java}", howpublished="http://rsbweb.nih.gov/ij/" } @MISC{SW:FIJI, title="{Fiji is just ImageJ}", howpublished="http://fiji.sc/wiki/index.php/Fiji" } @article{ISI:000278830600027, Abstract = {{The 7B2 bio-imaging beamline of the Pohang Accelerator Laboratory (PAL) is newly equipped with a 3D X-ray tomography system. It can provide 3D X-ray images with a resolving power better than 2 mu m in a non-destructive way without destroying an optically opaque substance. By using stable, high-flux synchrotron radiation, it can photograph digital images with high resolution at exposure times of ms in real time. While it; can obtain an absorption contrast image according to the absorption difference of a substance, it can also obtain an image representing the edge-enhanced mechanism by using a small angle diffraction of synchrotron radiation, which takes place at the boundary surface of the density difference in an individual component material. The 7B2 bio-imaging beamline has been newly setup and provides users with image acquisition, reconstruction, and image-rendering software for computer X-ray tomography. In this presentation, we will introduce the beamline setup, with optical instruments and imaging processing software, of the 7B2 bio-imaging beamline.}}, Address = {{635-4, YUKSAM-DONG, KANGNAM-KU, SEOUL 135-703, SOUTH KOREA}}, Affiliation = {{Choi, HJ (Reprint Author), Pohang Accelerator Lab, Dept Beamline, Pohang 790784, South Korea. Choi, Hyo-Jin; Kim, Hyo-Yun; Lim, Jae-Hong; Huang, Jung Yun, Pohang Accelerator Lab, Dept Beamline, Pohang 790784, South Korea.}}, Author = {Choi, Hyo-Jin and Kim, Hyo-Yun and Lim, Jae-Hong and Huang, Jung Yun}, Author-Email = {{choihyo@postech.ac.kr huang@postech.ac.kr}}, Doc-Delivery-Number = {{611PD}}, Doi = {{10.3938/jkps.56.2055}}, Issn = {{0374-4884}}, Journal = {{JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY}}, Journal-Iso = {{J. Korean Phys. Soc.}}, Keywords = {{X-ray image; 3D Tomography; Image reconstruction; Image rendering}}, Language = {{English}}, Month = {{JUN}}, Note = {{13th International Conference on Accelerator and Beam Utilization, Gyeongju, SOUTH KOREA, OCT 13-14, 2009}}, Number = {{6, Part 1, SI}}, Number-Of-Cited-References = {{1}}, Pages = {{2055-2058}}, Publisher = {{KOREAN PHYSICAL SOC}}, Subject-Category = {{Physics}}, Times-Cited = {{0}}, Title = {{3D X-ray Tomography System in the PLS 7B2 Bio-imaging Beamline}}, Type = {{Article; Proceedings Paper}}, Unique-Id = {{ISI:000278830600027}}, Volume = {{56}}, Web-Of-Science-Category = {{Physics, Multidisciplinary}}, Year = {{2010}}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://dx.doi.org/10.3938/jkps.56.2055%7D}}