% UFO camera manual % A. Kopmann % \documentclass[12pt,a4paper,twoside]{book} \parindent0mm \parskip2ex plus1ex minus0.5ex \usepackage{a4wide} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage{hyperref} %\usepackage{longtable} \usepackage{listings} \usepackage[usenames]{color} \definecolor{comment}{rgb}{1,0,0} \lstset{ basicstyle=\scriptsize\ttfamily, keywordstyle=\bfseries\ttfamily\color{orange}, stringstyle=\color{green}\ttfamily, commentstyle=\color{middlegray}\ttfamily, emph={square}, emphstyle=\color{blue}\texttt, emph={[2]root,base}, emphstyle={[2]\color{yac}\texttt}, showstringspaces=false, flexiblecolumns=false, tabsize=8, %numbers=left, numberstyle=\tiny, numberblanklines=false, stepnumber=1, numbersep=10pt, xleftmargin=15pt } \begin{document} \begin{titlepage} \includegraphics[width=4cm]{images/kit_logo.png} \hspace{4cm} \begin{minipage}{12cm} \vspace{3cm} {\LARGE\bf User manual} \vspace{0.2cm} 08/2012 \vspace{2.5cm} {\LARGE UFO fully programmable\\[0.7ex] high-throughput camera} \end{minipage} \vfill \hspace{4cm} \begin{minipage}{12cm} \begin{description} \item[\textnormal{Authors:}] U Stevanovic, M Caselle, M Vogelgesang, S Chilingaryan, A. Kopmann \item[\textnormal{Project:}] UFO \item[\textnormal{Revision:}] 31.7.2012 \end{description} \vspace{3cm} KIT -- University of the State of Baden-Württemberg and\\ National Research Center of the Helmholtz Association \end{minipage} \end{titlepage} \tableofcontents \chapter*{Introduction} The manual introduces a new concept of a flexible camera platform for science. The camera platform is able to include nearly all available image sensor. It comprises an readout module with FPGA and memory and possesses an high-throughput interface to the camera PC. Linux drivers and applications are available. The manual splits in three parts basically user manual, administration manual and developers manual. Part 1: Overview of the system architecture, operation of the camera. Part 2: Installation of the camera drivers and the software tools. Update of the camera firmware. Description of the camera characterization. Part 3: Overview of the firmware, drivers and software architecture, management of the source code, Programming interfaces, instructions for analyzing and tracking bug. The appendix gives data sheets on the camera characteristics. The document refers to firmware version UFO5/12bit, pcitools-0.0.1, libuca-0.6.0. \include{user} \include{admin} \include{devel} \include{appendix} \bibliography{ufo}{} \bibliographystyle{plain} \end{document}