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<book id="index">
    <title>libuca Reference Manual</title>
        for libuca ${UCA_VERSION_STRING}. The latest version of this documentation can be found on-line at
      <ulink role="online-location"

    <title>Unified Camera Access</title>
        <xi:include href="xml/uca-camera.xml"/>


  <chapter id="howto-add-camera">
      <title>How to add a new camera</title>

          Adding a new camera involves three steps:
              <listitem><para>Subclass from <link linkend="UcaCamera">UcaCamera</link> and implement all necessary methods
                  to start and stop recording, to grab frames and override and
                  add properties that are special to your
              <listitem><para>Adapt <filename>src/CMakeLists.txt</filename>, so
                      that your dependencies are detected and your source files
                      are added to the <literal>uca_SRCS</literal> CMake
                      variable. Furthermore you must add an entry to
                      <filename>src/config.h.in</filename> that reflects the
                      CMake option variable</para></listitem>
              <listitem><para>Change <filename>src/uca-camera.c</filename>
                      and add a new (guarded) entry to the factory as well
                      as necessary include files.</para></listitem>

  <index id="api-index-full">
    <title>API Index</title>
    <xi:include href="xml/api-index-full.xml"><xi:fallback /></xi:include>
