% libuca -- A Unified Camera Access Interface % Matthias Vogelgesang [matthias.vogelgesang@kit.edu] libuca is a light-weight camera abstraction library, focused on scientific cameras used at the ANKA synchrotron. # Quickstart ## Installation Before installing `libuca` itself, you should install any drivers and SDKs needed to access the cameras you want to access through `libuca`. Now you have two options: install pre-built packages or build from source. ### Installing packages Packages for the core library and all plugins are currently provided for openSUSE. To install them run `zypper`: sudo zypper in libuca-x.y.z-x86_64.rpm sudo zypper in uca-plugin-*.rpm To install development files such as headers, you have to install the `libuca-x.y.z-devel.rpm` package. ### Building from source Building the library and installing from source is simple and straightforward. Make sure you have * CMake, * a C compiler, * GLib and GObject development libraries and * necessary camera SDKs installed. For the base system, install [Debian] sudo apt-get install libglib2.0 cmake gcc [openSUSE] sudo zypper in glib2-devel cmake gcc In case you want to use the graphical user interface you also need the Gtk+ development libraries: [Debian] sudo apt-get install libgtk+2.0-dev [openSUSE] sudo zypper in gtk2-devel To generate bindings for third-party languages, you have to install [Debian] sudo apt-get install gobject-introspection [openSUSE] sudo zypper in gobject-introspection-devel #### Fetching the sources Untar the distribution untar xfz libuca-x.y.z.tar.gz or clone the repository git clone http://ufo.kit.edu/git/libuca and create a new, empty build directory inside: cd libuca/ mkdir build #### Configuring and building Now you need to create the Makefile with CMake. Go into the build directory and point CMake to the `libuca` top-level directory: cd build/ cmake .. As long as the last line reads "Build files have been written to", the configuration stage is successful. In this case you can build `libuca` with make and install with sudo make install If an _essential_ dependency could not be found, the configuration stage will stop and build files will not be written. If a _non-essential_ dependency (such as a certain camera SDK) is not found, the configuration stage will continue but that particular camera support not built. If you want to customize the build process you can pass several variables to CMake: cmake .. -DPREFIX=/usr -DLIBDIR=/usr/lib64 The former tells CMake to install into `/usr` instead of `/usr/local` and the latter that we want to install the libraries and plugins into the `lib64` subdir instead of the default `lib` subdir as it is common on SUSE systems. #### Building this manual Make sure you have [Pandoc][] installed. With Debian/Ubuntu this can be achieved with sudo apt-get install pandoc Once done, go into `docs/` and type make [all|pdf|html] [Pandoc]: http://johnmacfarlane.net/pandoc/ ## First look at the API The API for accessing cameras is straightforward. First you need to include the necessary header files: ~~~ {.c} #include #include #include ~~~ Then you need to setup the type system: ~~~ {.c} int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { UcaPluginManager *manager; UcaCamera *camera; GError *error = NULL; /* this _must_ be set to NULL */ g_type_init (); ~~~ Now you can instantiate new camera _objects_. Each camera is identified by a human-readable string, in this case we want to access any pco camera that is supported by [libpco][]. To instantiate a camera we have to create a plugin manager first: ~~~ {.c} manager = uca_plugin_manager_new (); camera = uca_plugin_manager_get_camera (manager, "pco", &error); ~~~ Errors are indicated with a returned value `NULL` and `error` set to a value other than `NULL`: ~~~ {.c} if (camera == NULL) { g_error ("Initialization: %s", error->message); return 1; } ~~~ You should always remove the [reference][gobject-references] from the camera object when not using it in order to free all associated resources: ~~~ {.c} g_object_unref (camera); return 0; } ~~~ Compile this program with cc `pkg-config --cflags --libs libuca glib-2.0` foo.c -o foo Now, run `foo` and verify that no errors occur. [libpco]: http://ufo.kit.edu/repos/libpco.git/ [gobject-references]: http://developer.gnome.org/gobject/stable/gobject-memory.html#gobject-memory-refcount ### Grabbing frames To synchronously grab frames, first start the camera: ~~~ {.c} uca_camera_start_recording (camera, &error); g_assert_no_error (error); ~~~ Now, you have to allocate a suitably sized buffer and pass it to `uca_camera_grab`. ~~~ {.c} gpointer buffer = g_malloc0 (640 * 480 * 2); uca_camera_grab (camera, buffer, &error); ~~~ You have to make sure that the buffer is large enough by querying the size of the region of interest and the number of bits that are transferred. ### Getting and setting camera parameters Because camera parameters vary tremendously between different vendors and products, they are realized with so-called GObject _properties_, a mechanism that maps string keys to typed and access restricted values. To get a value, you use the `g_object_get` function and provide memory where the result is stored: ~~~ {.c} guint roi_width; gdouble exposure_time; g_object_get (G_OBJECT(camera), "roi-width", &roi_width, "exposure-time", &exposure_time, /* The NULL marks the end! */ NULL ); g_print ("Width of the region of interest: %d\n", roi_width); g_print ("Exposure time: %3.5s\n", exposure_time); ~~~ In a similar way, properties are set with `g_object_set`: ~~~ {.c} guint roi_width = 512; gdouble exposure_time = 0.001; g_object_set (G_OBJECT (camera), "roi-width", roi_width, "exposure-time", exposure_time, NULL); ~~~ Each property can be associated with a physical unit. To query for the unit call `uca_camera_get_unit` and pass a property name. The function will then return a value from the `UcaUnit` enum. Several essential camera parameters _must_ be implemented by all cameras. To get a list of them consult the API reference for [`UcaCamera`][ucacam-ref]. For camera specific parameters you need to consult the corresponding API reference for `UfoFooCamera`. The latest nightly built reference can be found [here][libuca-reference]. [ucacam-ref]: http://ufo.kit.edu/extra/libuca/reference/UcaCamera.html#UcaCamera.properties [libuca-reference]: http://ufo.kit.edu/extra/libuca/reference/ # Supported cameras The following cameras are supported: * pco.edge, pco.dimax, pco.4000 (all CameraLink) via [libpco][]. You need to have the SiliconSoftware frame grabber SDK with the `menable` kernel module installed. * PhotonFocus * Pylon * UFO Camera developed at KIT/IPE. ## Property documentation * [mock][mock-doc] * [pco][pco-doc] * [PhotonFocus][pf-doc] * [Ufo Camera][ufo-doc] [mock-doc]: mock.html [pco-doc]: pco.html [pf-doc]: pf.html [ufo-doc]: ufo.html # More API In the [last section][], we had a quick glance over the basic API used to communicate with the camera. Now we will go into more detail. ## Instantiating cameras We have already seen how to instantiate a camera object from a name. If you have more than one camera connected to a machine, you will most likely want the user decide which to use. To do so, you can enumerate all camera strings with `uca_plugin_manager_get_available_cameras`: ~~~ {.c} GList *types; types = uca_camera_get_available_cameras (manager); for (GList *it = g_list_first; it != NULL; it = g_list_next (it)) g_print ("%s\n", (gchar *) it->data); /* free the strings and the list */ g_list_foreach (types, (GFunc) g_free, NULL); g_list_free (types); ~~~ [last section]: #first-look-at-the-api ## Errors All public API functions take a location of a pointer to a `GError` structure as a last argument. You can pass in a `NULL` value, in which case you cannot be notified about exceptional behavior. On the other hand, if you pass in a pointer to a `GError`, it must be initialized with `NULL` so that you do not accidentally overwrite and miss an error occurred earlier. Read more about `GError`s in the official GLib [documentation][GError]. [GError]: http://developer.gnome.org/glib/stable/glib-Error-Reporting.html ## Recording Recording frames is independent of actually grabbing them and is started with `uca_camera_start_recording`. You should always stop the recording with `ufo_camera_stop_recording` when you finished. When the recording has started, you can grab frames synchronously as described earlier. In this mode, a block to `uca_camera_grab` blocks until a frame is read from the camera. Grabbing might block indefinitely, when the camera is not functioning correctly or it is not triggered automatically. ## Triggering `libuca` supports three trigger modes through the "trigger-mode" property: 1. `UCA_CAMERA_TRIGGER_AUTO`: Exposure is triggered by the camera itself. 2. `UCA_CAMERA_TRIGGER_INTERNAL`: Exposure is triggered via software. 3. `UCA_CAMERA_TRIGGER_EXTERNAL`: Exposure is triggered by an external hardware mechanism. With `UCA_CAMERA_TRIGGER_INTERNAL` you have to trigger with `uca_camera_trigger`: ~~~ {.c} /* thread A */ g_object_set (G_OBJECT (camera), "trigger-mode", UCA_CAMERA_TRIGGER_INTERNAL, NULL); uca_camera_start_recording (camera, NULL); uca_camera_grab (camera, &buffer, NULL); uca_camera_stop_recording (camera, NULL); /* thread B */ uca_camera_trigger (camera, NULL); ~~~ ## Grabbing frames asynchronously In some applications, it might make sense to setup asynchronous frame acquisition, for which you will not be blocked by a call to `libuca`: ~~~ {.c} static void callback (gpointer buffer, gpointer user_data) { /* * Do something useful with the buffer and the string we have got. */ } static void setup_async (UcaCamera *camera) { gchar *s = g_strdup ("lorem ipsum"); g_object_set (G_OBJECT (camera), "transfer-asynchronously", TRUE, NULL); uca_camera_set_grab_func (camera, callback, s); uca_camera_start_recording (camera, NULL); /* * We will return here and `callback` will be called for each newo * new frame. */ } ~~~ # Bindings Since version 1.1, libuca generates GObject introspection meta data if `g-ir-scanner` and `g-ir-compiler` can be found. When the XML description `Uca-x.y.gir` and the typelib `Uca-x.y.typelib` are installed, GI-aware languages can access libuca and create and modify cameras, for example in Python: ~~~ {.python} from gi.repository import Uca pm = Uca.PluginManager() # List all cameras print(pm.get_available_cameras()) # Load a camera cam = pm.get_camerav('pco', []) # You can read and write properties in two ways cam.set_properties(exposure_time=0.05) cam.props.roi_width = 1024 ~~~ Note, that the naming of classes and properties depends on the GI implementation of the target language. For example with Python, the namespace prefix `uca_` becomes the module name `Uca` and dashes separating property names become underscores. Integration with Numpy is relatively straightforward. The most important thing is to get the data pointer from a Numpy array to pass it to `uca_camera_grab`: ~~~ {.python} import numpy as np def create_array_from(camera): """Create a suitably sized Numpy array and return it together with the arrays data pointer""" bits = camera.props.sensor_bitdepth dtype = np.uint16 if bits > 8 else np.uint8 a = np.zeros((cam.props.roi_height, cam.props.roi_width), dtype=dtype) return a, a.__array_interface__['data'][0] # Suppose 'camera' is a already available, you would get the camera data like # this: a, buf = create_array_from(camera) camera.start_recording() camera.grab(buf) # Now data is in 'a' and we can use Numpy functions on it print(np.mean(a)) camera.stop_recording() ~~~ # Integrating new cameras A new camera is integrated by [sub-classing][] `UcaCamera` and implement all virtual methods. The simplest way is to take the `mock` camera and rename all occurences. Note, that if you class is going to be called `FooBar`, the upper case variant is `FOO_BAR` and the lower case variant is `foo_bar`. In order to fully implement a camera, you need to override at least the following virtual methods: * `start_recording`: Take suitable actions so that a subsequent call to `grab` delivers an image or blocks until one is exposed. * `stop_recording`: Stop recording so that subsequent calls to `grab` fail. * `grab`: Return an image from the camera or block until one is ready. ## Asynchronous operation When the camera supports asynchronous acquisition and announces it with a true boolean value for `"transfer-asynchronously"`, a mechanism must be setup up during `start_recording` so that for each new frame the grab func callback is called. ## Cameras with internal memory Cameras such as the pco.dimax record into their own on-board memory rather than streaming directly to the host PC. In this case, both `start_recording` and `stop_recording` initiate and end acquisition to the on-board memory. To initiate a data transfer, the host calls `start_readout` which must be suitably implemented. The actual data transfer happens either with `grab` or asynchronously. [sub-classing]: http://developer.gnome.org/gobject/stable/howto-gobject.html # Tools Several tools are available to ensure `libuca` works as expected. All of them are located in `build/test/` and some of them are installed with `make installed`. ## `uca-grab` -- grabbing frames Grab with frames with $ uca-grab --num-frames=10 camera-model store them on disk as `frames.tif` if `libtiff` is installed, otherwise as `frame-00000.raw`, `frame-000001.raw`. The raw format is a memory dump of the frames, so you might want to use [ImageJ][] to view them. You can also specify the output filename or filename prefix with the ``-o/--output`` option: $ uca-grab -n 10 --output=foobar.tif camera-model Instead of reading exactly _n_ frames, you can also specify a duration in fractions of seconds: $ uca-grab --duration=0.25 camera-model [ImageJ]: http://rsbweb.nih.gov/ij/ ## `uca-camera-control` -- simple graphical user interface Shows the frames and displays them on screen. Moreover, you can change the camera properties in a side pane. ## `uca-benchmark` -- check bandwidth Measure the memory bandwidth by taking subsequent frames and averaging the grabbing time: $ ./benchmark mock # --- General information --- # Sensor size: 640x480 # ROI size: 640x480 # Exposure time: 0.000010s # type n_frames n_runs frames/s MiB/s sync 100 3 29848.98 8744.82 async 100 3 15739.43 4611.16 # The GObject Tango device UcaDevice is a generic Tango Device that wraps `libuca` in order to make libuca controlled cameras available as Tango devices. ## Architecture UcaDevice is derived from GObjectDevice and adds libuca specific features like start/stop recording etc. The most important feature is _acquisition control_. UcaDevice is responsible for controlling acquisition of images from libuca. The last aquired image can be accessed by reading attribute `SingleImage`. UcaDevice is most useful together with ImageDevice. If used together, UcaDevice sends each aquired image to ImageDevice, which in turn does configured post-processing like flipping, rotating or writing the image to disk. ## Attributes Besides the dynamic attributes translated from libuca properties UcaDevice has the following attributes: * `NumberOfImages (Tango::DevLong)`: how many images should be acquired? A value of -1 means unlimited _(read/write)_ * `ImageCounter (Tango::DevULong)`: current number of acquired images _(read-only)_ * `CameraName (Tango::DevString)`: name of libuca object type _(read-only)_ * `SingleImage (Tango::DevUChar)`: holds the last acquired image ## Acquisition Control In UcaDevice acquisition control is mostly implemented by two `yat4tango::DeviceTasks`: _AcquisitionTask_ and _GrabTask_. _GrabTask_'s only responsibility is to call `grab` on `libuca` synchronously and post the data on to AcquisitionTask. _AcquisitionTask_ is responsible for starting and stopping GrabTask and for passing image data on to `ImageDevice` (if exisiting) and to `UcaDevice` for storage in attribute `SingleImage`. It counts how many images have been acquired and checks this number against the configured `NumberOfImages`. If the desired number is reached, it stops GrabTask, calls `stop_recording` on `libuca` and sets the Tango state to STANDBY. ## Plugins As different cameras have different needs, plugins are used for special implementations. Plugins also makes UcaDevice and Tango Servers based on it more flexible and independent of libuca implementation. ## Pco The Pco plugin implements additional checks when writing ROI values. ## Pylon The Pylon plugin sets default values for `roi-width` and `roi-height` from libuca properties `roi-width-default` and `roi-height-default`. ## Installation Detailed installation depends on the manifestation of UcaDevice.
All manifestations depend on the following libraries: * YAT * YAT4Tango * Tango * GObjectDevice * ImageDevice ## Build export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/lib/pkgconfig export PYLON_ROOT=/usr/pylon export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$PYLON_ROOT/lib64:$PYLON_ROOT/genicam/bin/Linux64_x64 git clone git@iss-repo:UcaDevice.git cd UcaDevice mkdir build cd build cmake .. make ## Setup in Tango Database / Jive Before `ds_UcaDevice` can be started, it has to be registered manually in the Tango database. With `Jive` the following steps are necessary: [1] Register Server
Menu _Tools_ → Server Wizard
Server name → ds_UcaDevice
Instance name → my_server _(name can be chosen freely)_
Cancel [2] Register Classes and Instances
In tab _Server_: context menu on ds_UcaDevice → my_server → Add Class
Class: UcaDevice
Devices: `iss/name1/name2`
Register server
same for class ImageDevice [3] Start server export TANGO_HOST=anka-tango:100xx export UCA_DEVICE_PLUGINS_DIR=/usr/lib(64) ds_UcaDevice pco my_server [4] Setup properties for UcaDevice
context menu on device → Device wizard
Property StorageDevice: _address of previously registered ImageDevice instance_ [5] Setup properties for ImageDevice
context menu on device → Device wizard
PixelSize: how many bytes per pixel for the images of this camera?
GrabbingDevice: _address of previously registered UcaDevice instance_ [6] Finish
restart ds_UcaDevice ## FAQ _UcaDevice refuses to start up...?_
Most likely there is no instance registered for class UcaDevice. Register an instance for this class and it should work. _Why does UcaDevice depend on ImageDevice?_
UcaDevice pushes each new Frame to ImageDevice. Polling is not only less efficient but also prone to errors, e.g. missed/double frames and so on. Perhaps we could use the Tango-Event-System here! ## Open Questions, Missing Features etc. _Why do we need to specify `Storage` for UcaDevice and `GrabbingDevice` for ImageDevice?_
ImageDevice needs the Tango-Address of UcaDevice to mirror all Attributes and Commands and to forward them to it. UcaDevice needs the Tango-Address of ImageDevice to push a new frame on reception. A more convenient solution could be using conventions for the device names, e.g. of the form `$prefix/$instance_name/uca` and `$prefix/$instance_name/image`. That way we could get rid of the two Device-Properties and an easier installation without the process of registering the classes and instances in `Jive`. _Why does UcaDevice dynamically link to GObjectDevice?_
There is no good reason for it. Packaging and installing would be easier if we linked statically to `GObjectDevice` because we would hide this dependency. Having a separate `GObjectDevice` is generally a nice feature to make `GObjects` available in Tango. However, there is currently no GObjectDevice in use other than in the context of UcaDevice. _Why must the plugin name be given as a command line parameter instead of a Device-Property?_
There is no good reason for it. UcaDevice would be easier to use, if the plugin was configured in the Tango database as a Device-Property for the respective server instance.