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authorPasca <>2017-03-29 16:46:28 +0100
committerPasca <>2017-03-29 16:46:28 +0100
commitb325933591cd1d0d534a90ad5a417c2d03a0c6f3 (patch)
tree716a1c5eab60dfe0622b7f98e6e3b8056cdcae51 /
Initial revision
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 82 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
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+# FISTA Reconstruction (Daniil Kazanteev)
+# General Description
+Software for reconstructing 2D/3D x-ray and neutron tomography datasets. The data can be undersampled, of poor contrast, noisy, and contain various artifacts. This is Matlab and C-omp implementation of iterative model-based algorithms with unconventional data fidelities and with various regularization terms (TV and higher-order LLT). The main optimization problem is solved using FISTA framework [1]. The presented algorithms are FBP, FISTA (Least-Squares), FISTA-LS-TV(LS-Total Variation), FISTA-GH(Group-Huber)-TV, and FISTA-Student-TV. More information about the algorithms can be found in papers [2,3]. Please cite [2] if the algorithms or data used in your research.
+## Requirements/Dependencies:
+ * MATLAB (
+ * ASTRA toolbox (
+ * C/C++ compiler (run compile_mex in Matlab first to compile C-functions)
+## Package Contents:
+### Demos:
+ * Demo1: Synthetic phantom reconstruction with noise, stripes and zingers
+ * Demo2: Synthetic phantom reconstruction with noise, stripes, zingers, and the missing wedges
+ * DemoRD1: Real data reconstruction from sino_basalt.mat (see Data)
+ * DemoRD2: Real data reconstruction from sino3D_dendrites.mat (see Data)
+### Data:
+ * phantom_bone512.mat - a synthetic 2D phantom obtained from high-resolution x-ray scan
+ * sino_basalt.mat – 2D neutron (PSI) tomography sinogram (slice across a pack of basalt beads)
+ * sino3D_dendrites.mat – 3D (20 slices) x-ray synchrotron dataset (DLS) of growing dendrites
+### Main modules:
+ * FISTA_REC.m – Matlab function to perform FISTA-based reconstruction
+ * FISTA_TV.c – C-omp function to solve for the weighted TV term using FISTA
+ * SplitBregman_TV.c – C-omp function to solve for the weighted TV term using Split-Bregman
+ * LLT_model.c – C-omp function to solve for the weighted LLT [3] term using explicit scheme
+ * studentst.m – Matlab function to calculate Students t penalty with 'auto-tuning'
+### Supplementary:
+ * zing_rings_add.m Matlab script to generate proj. data, add noise, zingers and stripes
+ * add_wedges.m script to add the missing wedge to existing sinogram
+ * my_red_yellowMAP.mat – nice colormap for the phantom
+ * RMSE.m – Matlab function to calculate Root Mean Square Error
+ * subplot_tight – visualizing better subplots
+ * ssim_index – ssim calculation
+### Practical advices:
+ * Full 3D reconstruction provides much better results than 2D. In the case of ring artifacts, 3D is almost necessary
+ * Depending on data it is better to use TV-LLT combination in order to achieve piecewise-smooth solution. The DemoRD2 shows one possible example when smoother surfaces required.
+ * L (Lipshitz constant) if tweaked can lead to faster convergence than automatic values
+ * Convergence is normally much faster when using Fourier filtering before backprojection
+ * Students’t penalty is generally quite stable in practice, however some tweaking of L might require for the real data
+ * You can choose between SplitBregman-TV and FISTA-TV modules. The former is slower but requires less memory (for 3D volume U it can take up to 6 x U), the latter is faster but can take more memory (for 3D volume U it can take up to 11 x U). Also the SplitBregman is quite good in improving contrast.
+ ### Compiling:
+ It is very important to check that OMP support is activated for the optimal use of all CPU cores.
+#### Windows
+ In Windows enable OMP support, e.g.:
+edit C:\Users\Username\AppData\Roaming\MathWorks\MATLAB\R2012b\mexopts.bat
+In the file, edit 'OPTIMFLAGS' line as shown below (add /openmp entry at the end):
+OPTIMFLAGS = /O2 /Oy- /DNDEBUG /openmp
+define and set the number of CPU cores
+PROC = feature('numCores');
+PROCS = num2str(PROC);
+setenv('OMP_NUM_THREADS', PROCS); % you can check how many CPU's by: getenv
+#### Linux
+In Linux in terminal: export OMP_NUM_THREADS = (the numer of CPU cores)
+then run Matlab as normal
+to compile with OMP support from Matlab in Windows run:
+mex *.cpp CFLAGS="\$CFLAGS -fopenmp -Wall" LDFLAGS="\$LDFLAGS -fopenmp"
+to compile with OMP support from Matlab in Linux ->rename *cpp to *c and compile:
+mex *.c CFLAGS="\$CFLAGS -fopenmp -Wall" LDFLAGS="\$LDFLAGS -fopenmp"
+### References:
+[1] Beck, A. and Teboulle, M., 2009. A fast iterative shrinkage-thresholding algorithm for linear inverse problems. SIAM journal on imaging sciences,2(1), pp.183-202.
+[2] Kazantsev, D., Bleichrodt, F., van Leeuwen, T., Kaestner, A., Withers, P.J., Batenburg, K.J., 2017. A novel tomographic reconstruction method based on the robust Student's t function for suppressing data outliers, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTATIONAL IMAGING (to appear)
+[3] Lysaker, M., Lundervold, A. and Tai, X.C., 2003. Noise removal using fourth-order partial differential equation with applications to medical magnetic resonance images in space and time. IEEE Transactions on image processing, 12(12), pp.1579-1590.
+[4] Paleo, P. and Mirone, A., 2015. Ring artifacts correction in compressed sensing tomographic reconstruction. Journal of synchrotron radiation, 22(5), pp.1268-1278.
+[5] Sidky, E.Y., Jakob, H.J. and Pan, X., 2012. Convex optimization problem prototyping for image reconstruction in computed tomography with the Chambolle-Pock algorithm. Physics in medicine and biology, 57(10), p.3065.
+D. Kazantsev / Harwell Campus / 16.03.17
+any questions/comments please e-mail to