package: name: ccpi-framework version: {{ environ['CIL_VERSION'] }} build: preserve_egg_dir: False script_env: - CIL_VERSION #number: 0 test: requires: - python-wget - cvxpy # [ unix and py36 and np115 ] source_files: - ./Wrappers/Python/test # [win] - ./ccpi/Wrappers/Python/test # [not win] commands: - python -c "import os; print ('TESTING IN THIS DIRECTORY' , os.getcwd())" - python -m unittest discover Wrappers/Python/test # [win] - python -m unittest discover -s ccpi/Wrappers/Python/test # [not win] requirements: build: - {{ pin_compatible('numpy', max_pin='x.x') }} - python - setuptools - cmake run: - {{ pin_compatible('numpy', max_pin='x.x') }} - python - numpy - scipy - matplotlib - h5py - pillow - libgcc-ng # [not win] about: home: license: Apache 2.0 License summary: 'CCPi Framework'