#Copyright 2013 Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica, Amsterdam
#Author: Daniel M. Pelt
#Contact: D.M.Pelt@cwi.nl
#Website: http://dmpelt.github.io/pyastratoolbox/
#This file is part of the Python interface to the
#All Scale Tomographic Reconstruction Antwerp Toolbox ("ASTRA Toolbox").
#The Python interface to the ASTRA Toolbox is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#(at your option) any later version.
#The Python interface to the ASTRA Toolbox is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#GNU General Public License for more details.
#You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#along with the Python interface to the ASTRA Toolbox. If not, see .
# distutils: language = c++
# distutils: libraries = astra
import six
cimport cython
from cython cimport view
cimport PyData2DManager
from .PyData2DManager cimport CData2DManager
cimport PyXMLDocument
from .PyXMLDocument cimport XMLDocument
import numpy as np
cimport numpy as np
from .PyIncludes cimport *
cimport utils
from .utils import wrap_from_bytes
cdef CData2DManager * man2d = PyData2DManager.getSingletonPtr()
def clear():
def delete(ids):
for i in ids:
except TypeError:
def create(datatype, geometry, data=None):
cdef Config *cfg
cdef CVolumeGeometry2D * pGeometry
cdef CProjectionGeometry2D * ppGeometry
cdef CFloat32Data2D * pDataObject2D
if datatype == '-vol':
cfg = utils.dictToConfig(six.b('VolumeGeometry'), geometry)
pGeometry = new CVolumeGeometry2D()
if not pGeometry.initialize(cfg[0]):
del cfg
del pGeometry
raise Exception('Geometry class not initialized.')
pDataObject2D = new CFloat32VolumeData2D(pGeometry)
del cfg
del pGeometry
elif datatype == '-sino':
cfg = utils.dictToConfig(six.b('ProjectionGeometry'), geometry)
tpe = wrap_from_bytes(cfg.self.getAttribute(six.b('type')))
if (tpe == 'sparse_matrix'):
ppGeometry = new CSparseMatrixProjectionGeometry2D()
elif (tpe == 'fanflat'):
ppGeometry = new CFanFlatProjectionGeometry2D()
elif (tpe == 'fanflat_vec'):
ppGeometry = new CFanFlatVecProjectionGeometry2D()
ppGeometry = new CParallelProjectionGeometry2D()
if not ppGeometry.initialize(cfg[0]):
del cfg
del ppGeometry
raise Exception('Geometry class not initialized.')
pDataObject2D = new CFloat32ProjectionData2D(ppGeometry)
del ppGeometry
del cfg
raise Exception("Invalid datatype. Please specify '-vol' or '-sino'.")
if not pDataObject2D.isInitialized():
del pDataObject2D
raise Exception("Couldn't initialize data object.")
fillDataObject(pDataObject2D, data)
return man2d.store(pDataObject2D)
cdef fillDataObject(CFloat32Data2D * obj, data):
if data is None:
fillDataObjectScalar(obj, 0)
if isinstance(data, np.ndarray):
fillDataObjectArray(obj, np.ascontiguousarray(data,dtype=np.float32))
fillDataObjectScalar(obj, np.float32(data))
cdef fillDataObjectScalar(CFloat32Data2D * obj, float s):
cdef int i
for i in range(obj.getSize()):
obj.getData()[i] = s
cdef fillDataObjectArray(CFloat32Data2D * obj, float [:,::1] data):
if (not data.shape[0] == obj.getHeight()) or (not data.shape[1] == obj.getWidth()):
raise Exception(
"The dimensions of the data do not match those specified in the geometry.")
cdef float [:,::1] cView = obj.getData2D()[0]
cView[:] = data
cdef CFloat32Data2D * getObject(i) except NULL:
cdef CFloat32Data2D * pDataObject = man2d.get(i)
if pDataObject == NULL:
raise Exception("Data object not found")
if not pDataObject.isInitialized():
raise Exception("Data object not initialized properly.")
return pDataObject
def store(i, data):
cdef CFloat32Data2D * pDataObject = getObject(i)
fillDataObject(pDataObject, data)
def get_geometry(i):
cdef CFloat32Data2D * pDataObject = getObject(i)
cdef CFloat32ProjectionData2D * pDataObject2
cdef CFloat32VolumeData2D * pDataObject3
if pDataObject.getType() == TWOPROJECTION:
pDataObject2 = pDataObject
geom = utils.configToDict(pDataObject2.getGeometry().getConfiguration())
elif pDataObject.getType() == TWOVOLUME:
pDataObject3 = pDataObject
geom = utils.configToDict(pDataObject3.getGeometry().getConfiguration())
raise Exception("Not a known data object")
return geom
def change_geometry(i, geom):
cdef Config *cfg
cdef CVolumeGeometry2D * pGeometry
cdef CProjectionGeometry2D * ppGeometry
cdef CFloat32Data2D * pDataObject = getObject(i)
cdef CFloat32ProjectionData2D * pDataObject2
cdef CFloat32VolumeData2D * pDataObject3
if pDataObject.getType() == TWOPROJECTION:
pDataObject2 = pDataObject
cfg = utils.dictToConfig(six.b('ProjectionGeometry'), geom)
tpe = wrap_from_bytes(cfg.self.getAttribute(six.b('type')))
if (tpe == 'sparse_matrix'):
ppGeometry = new CSparseMatrixProjectionGeometry2D()
elif (tpe == 'fanflat'):
ppGeometry = new CFanFlatProjectionGeometry2D()
elif (tpe == 'fanflat_vec'):
ppGeometry = new CFanFlatVecProjectionGeometry2D()
ppGeometry = new CParallelProjectionGeometry2D()
if not ppGeometry.initialize(cfg[0]):
del cfg
del ppGeometry
raise Exception('Geometry class not initialized.')
if (ppGeometry.getDetectorCount() != pDataObject2.getDetectorCount() or ppGeometry.getProjectionAngleCount() != pDataObject2.getAngleCount()):
del ppGeometry
del cfg
raise Exception(
"The dimensions of the data do not match those specified in the geometry.")
del ppGeometry
del cfg
elif pDataObject.getType() == TWOVOLUME:
pDataObject3 = pDataObject
cfg = utils.dictToConfig(six.b('VolumeGeometry'), geom)
pGeometry = new CVolumeGeometry2D()
if not pGeometry.initialize(cfg[0]):
del cfg
del pGeometry
raise Exception('Geometry class not initialized.')
if (pGeometry.getGridColCount() != pDataObject3.getWidth() or pGeometry.getGridRowCount() != pDataObject3.getHeight()):
del cfg
del pGeometry
raise Exception(
'The dimensions of the data do not match those specified in the geometry.')
del cfg
del pGeometry
raise Exception("Not a known data object")
def get(i):
cdef CFloat32Data2D * pDataObject = getObject(i)
outArr = np.empty((pDataObject.getHeight(), pDataObject.getWidth()),dtype=np.float32,order='C')
cdef float [:,::1] mView = outArr
cdef float [:,::1] cView = pDataObject.getData2D()[0]
mView[:] = cView
return outArr
def get_shared(i):
cdef CFloat32Data2D * pDataObject = getObject(i)
cdef np.npy_intp shape[2]
shape[0] = pDataObject.getHeight()
shape[1] = pDataObject.getWidth()
return np.PyArray_SimpleNewFromData(2,shape,np.NPY_FLOAT32,pDataObject.getData2D()[0])
def get_single(i):
raise Exception("Not yet implemented")
def info():