%-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % This file is part of the ASTRA Toolbox % % Copyright: 2010-2016, iMinds-Vision Lab, University of Antwerp % 2014-2016, CWI, Amsterdam % License: Open Source under GPLv3 % Contact: astra@uantwerpen.be % Website: http://www.astra-toolbox.com/ %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- addpath('../'); %% Example 3: 3D cone beam, cuda % configuration proj_count = 20; dart_iterations = 20; outdir = './'; prefix = 'example3'; rho = [0, 0.5, 1]; tau = [0.25, 0.75]; gpu_core = 0; % load phantom load('phantom3d'); % create projection and volume geometries det_count = size(I, 1); slice_count = size(I,3); angles = linspace2(0, pi, proj_count); proj_geom = astra_create_proj_geom('cone', 1, 1, slice_count, det_count, angles, 500, 0); vol_geom = astra_create_vol_geom(size(I)); % create sinogram [sinogram_id, sinogram] = astra_create_sino3d_cuda(I, proj_geom, vol_geom); astra_mex_data3d('delete', sinogram_id); % DART D = DARTalgorithm(sinogram, proj_geom); D.t0 = 100; D.t = 10; D.tomography = IterativeTomography3D(); D.tomography.method = 'SIRT3D_CUDA'; D.tomography.gpu_core = gpu_core; D.tomography.use_minc = 'yes'; D.segmentation.rho = rho; D.segmentation.tau = tau; D.smoothing.b = 0.1; D.smoothing.full3d = 'yes'; D.smoothing.gpu_core = gpu_core; D.masking.random = 0.1; D.masking.conn = 4; D.masking.gpu_core = gpu_core; D.output.directory = outdir; D.output.pre = [prefix '_']; D.output.save_images = 'no'; D.output.save_results = {'stats', 'settings', 'S', 'V'}; D.output.save_interval = dart_iterations; D.output.verbose = 'yes'; D.statistics.proj_diff = 'no'; D.initialize(); D.iterate(dart_iterations); % save the central slice of the reconstruction and the segmentation to file imwritesc(D.S(:,:,64), [outdir '/' prefix '_S_slice_64.png']); imwritesc(D.V(:,:,64), [outdir '/' prefix '_V_slice_64.png']);