Copyright: 2010-2014, iMinds-Vision Lab, University of Antwerp
2014, CWI, Amsterdam
Contact: astra@uantwerpen.be
Website: http://sf.net/projects/astra-toolbox
This file is part of the ASTRA Toolbox.
The ASTRA Toolbox is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
The ASTRA Toolbox is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with the ASTRA Toolbox. If not, see .
#include "Globals.h"
#include "Config.h"
#include "VolumeGeometry2D.h"
namespace astra
* This class represents a 3D pixel grid that is placed in the geometry. It defines a rectangular volume window.
* \par XML Configuration
* \astra_xml_item{GridColCount, integer, Number of columns in this geometry.}
* \astra_xml_item{GridRowCount, integer, Number of rows in this geometry.}
* \astra_xml_item{GridSliceCount, integer, Number of slices in this geometry.}
* \astra_xml_item_option{WindowMinX, float, -GridColCount/2, Minimal X-coordinate in the volume window.}
* \astra_xml_item_option{WindowMaxX, float, GridColCount/2, Maximal X-coordinate in the volume window.}
* \astra_xml_item_option{WindowMinY, float, -GridRowCount/2, Minimal Y-coordinate in the volume window.}
* \astra_xml_item_option{WindowMaxY, float, GridRowCount/2, Maximal Y-coordinate in the volume window.}
* \astra_xml_item_option{WindowMinZ, float, -GridSliceCount/2, Minimal Z-coordinate in the volume window.}
* \astra_xml_item_option{WindowMaxZ, float, GridSliceCount/2, Maximal Z-coordinate in the volume window.}
* \par MATLAB example
* \astra_code{
* vol_geom = struct();\n
* vol_geom.GridColCount = 1024;\n
* vol_geom.GridRowCount = 768;\n
* vol_geom.GridSliceCount = 300;\n
* vol_geom.option.WindowMinX = -512;\n
* vol_geom.option.WindowMaxX = -384;\n
* vol_geom.option.WindowMinY = 512;\n
* vol_geom.option.WindowMaxY = 384;\n
* vol_geom.option.WindowMinZ = -150;\n
* vol_geom.option.WindowMaxZ = 150;\n
* }
class _AstraExport CVolumeGeometry3D {
bool m_bInitialized; ///< Has this object been initialized?
int m_iGridColCount; ///< number of columns in the volume grid.
int m_iGridRowCount; ///< number of rows in the volume grid.
int m_iGridSliceCount; ///< number of slices in the volume grid.
int m_iGridTotCount; ///< total number of pixels in the volume grid (= m_iGridColCount * m_iGridRowCount * m_iGridSliceCount).
/** Width of the volume window, in unit lengths.
* Note that this width is independent of the number of pixels in the X-direction, as the width of a pixel can
* be different from 1.
float32 m_fWindowLengthX;
/** Height of the volume window, in unit lengths.
* Note that this height is independent of the number of pixels in the Y-direction, as the height of a pixel can
* be different from 1.
float32 m_fWindowLengthY;
/** Depth of the volume window, in unit lengths.
* Note that this depth is independent of the number of pixels in the Z-direction, as the depth of a pixel can
* be different from 1.
float32 m_fWindowLengthZ;
/** Total area of the volume window, in unit lengths squared.
float32 m_fWindowArea;
float32 m_fPixelLengthX; ///< Width of a single pixel, in unit lengths.
float32 m_fPixelLengthY; ///< Height of a single pixel, in unit lengths.
float32 m_fPixelLengthZ; ///< Depth of a single pixel, in unit lengths.
float32 m_fPixelArea; ///< Area of a single pixel, in unit lengths squared.
float32 m_fDivPixelLengthX; ///< 1/m_fPixelLengthX, used for fast division.
float32 m_fDivPixelLengthY; ///< 1/m_fPixelLengthY, used for fast division.
float32 m_fDivPixelLengthZ; ///< 1/m_fPixelLengthZ, used for fast division.
float32 m_fWindowMinX; ///< Minimal X-coordinate in the volume window.
float32 m_fWindowMinY; ///< Minimal Y-coordinate in the volume window.
float32 m_fWindowMinZ; ///< Minimal Z-coordinate in the volume window.
float32 m_fWindowMaxX; ///< Maximal X-coordinate in the volume window.
float32 m_fWindowMaxY; ///< Maximal Y-coordinate in the volume window.
float32 m_fWindowMaxZ; ///< Maximal Z-coordinate in the volume window.
/** Check the values of this object. If everything is ok, the object can be set to the initialized state.
* The following statements are then guaranteed to hold:
* - number of rows, columns and slices is larger than zero
* - window minima is smaller than window maxima
* - m_iGridTotCount, m_fWindowLengthX, m_fWindowLengthY, m_fWindowLengthZ, m_fWindowArea, m_fPixelLengthX,
* m_fPixelLengthY, m_fPixelLengthZ, m_fPixelArea, m_fDivPixelLengthX, m_fDivPixelLengthY
* and m_fDivPixelLengthZ are initialized ok
bool _check();
/** Default constructor. Sets all numeric member variables to 0 and all pointer member variables to NULL.
* If an object is constructed using this default constructor, it must always be followed by a call
* to one of the init() methods before the object can be used. Any use before calling init() is not allowed,
* except calling the member function isInitialized().
/** Constructor. Create an instance of the CVolumeGeometry2D class.
* The minimal and coordinates values of the geometry will be set to -/+ the number of rows/columns.
* @param _iGridCountX Number of columns in the volume grid.
* @param _iGridCountY Number of rows in the volume grid.
* @param _iGridCountZ Number of slices in the volume grid.
CVolumeGeometry3D(int _iGridCountX, int _iGridCountY, int _iGridCountZ);
/** Constructor. Create an instance of the CVolumeGeometry2D class.
* @param _iGridCountX Number of columns in the volume grid.
* @param _iGridCountY Number of rows in the volume grid.
* @param _iGridCountZ Number of slices in the volume grid.
* @param _fWindowMinX Minimal X-coordinate in the volume window.
* @param _fWindowMinY Minimal Y-coordinate in the volume window.
* @param _fWindowMinZ Minimal Z-coordinate in the volume window.
* @param _fWindowMaxX Maximal X-coordinate in the volume window.
* @param _fWindowMaxY Maximal Y-coordinate in the volume window.
* @param _fWindowMaxZ Maximal Z-coordinate in the volume window.
CVolumeGeometry3D(int _iGridCountX,
int _iGridCountY,
int _iGridCountZ,
float32 _fWindowMinX,
float32 _fWindowMinY,
float32 _fWindowMinZ,
float32 _fWindowMaxX,
float32 _fWindowMaxY,
float32 _fWindowMaxZ);
* Copy constructor
CVolumeGeometry3D(const CVolumeGeometry3D& _other);
* Assignment operator
CVolumeGeometry3D& operator=(const CVolumeGeometry3D& _other);
/** Destructor.
virtual ~CVolumeGeometry3D();
/** Clear all member variables, setting all numeric variables to 0 and all pointers to NULL.
void clear();
/** Create a hard copy.
CVolumeGeometry3D* clone() const;
/** Initialize the volume geometry with a config object.
* @param _cfg Configuration Object.
* @return initialization successful?
virtual bool initialize(const Config& _cfg);
/** Initialization. Initializes an instance of the CVolumeGeometry3D class.
* The minimal and maximal coordinates of the geometry will be set to -/+ half the number of rows/columns/slices.
* If the object has been initialized before, the object is reinitialized and
* memory is freed and reallocated if necessary.
* @param _iGridColCount Number of columns in the volume grid.
* @param _iGridRowCount Number of rows in the volume grid.
* @param _iGridSliceCount Number of slices in the volume grid.
* @return initialization successful
bool initialize(int _iGridColCount, int _iGridRowCount, int _iGridSliceCount);
/** Initialization. Initializes an instance of the CVolumeGeometry3D class.
* If the object has been initialized before, the object is reinitialized and
* memory is freed and reallocated if necessary.
* @param _iGridColCount Number of columns in the volume grid.
* @param _iGridRowCount Number of rows in the volume grid.
* @param _iGridSliceCount Number of slices in the volume grid.
* @param _fWindowMinX Minimal X-coordinate in the volume window.
* @param _fWindowMinY Minimal Y-coordinate in the volume window.
* @param _fWindowMinZ Minimal Z-coordinate in the volume window.
* @param _fWindowMaxX Maximal X-coordinate in the volume window.
* @param _fWindowMaxY Maximal Y-coordinate in the volume window.
* @param _fWindowMaxZ Maximal Z-coordinate in the volume window.
* @return initialization successful
bool initialize(int _iGridColCount,
int _iGridRowCount,
int _iGridSliceCount,
float32 _fWindowMinX,
float32 _fWindowMinY,
float32 _fWindowMinZ,
float32 _fWindowMaxX,
float32 _fWindowMaxY,
float32 _fWindowMaxZ);
/** Get the initialization state of the object.
* @return true iff the object has been initialized.
bool isInitialized() const;
/** Return true if this geometry instance is the same as the one specified.
* @return true if this geometry instance is the same as the one specified.
virtual bool isEqual(const CVolumeGeometry3D*) const;
/** Get the number of columns in the volume grid.
* @return Number of columns in the volume grid.
int getGridColCount() const;
/** Get the number of rows in the volume grid.
* @return Number of rows in the volume grid.
int getGridRowCount() const;
/** Get the number of slices in the volume grid.
* @return Number of slices in the volume grid.
int getGridSliceCount() const;
/** Get the total number of pixels in the volume grid.
* @return Total number of pixels.
int getGridTotCount() const;
/** Get the horizontal length of the volume window, in unit lengths.
* @return Horizontal length of the volume window.
float32 getWindowLengthX() const;
/** Get the vertical length of the volume window, in unit lengths.
* @return Vertical length of the volume window.
float32 getWindowLengthY() const;
/** Get the depth of the volume window, in unit lengths.
* @return Depth of the volume window.
float32 getWindowLengthZ() const;
/** Get the total area of the volume window, in unit lengths squared.
* @return Total area of the volume window.
float32 getWindowArea() const;
/** Get the horizontal length of a single pixel (i.e., width), in unit lengths.
* @return Horizontal length of a single pixel.
float32 getPixelLengthX() const;
/** Get the vertical length of a single pixel (i.e., height), in unit lengths.
* @return Vertical length of a single pixel.
float32 getPixelLengthY() const;
/** Get the depth of a single pixel in unit lengths.
* @return Depth of a single pixel.
float32 getPixelLengthZ() const;
/** Get the area of a single pixel (width*height*depth), in unit lengths squared.
* @return Area of a single pixel.
float32 getPixelArea() const;
/** Get the minimal X-coordinate in the volume window.
* @return Minimal X-coordinate in the volume window.
float32 getWindowMinX() const;
/** Get the minimal Y-coordinate in the volume window.
* @return Minimal Y-coordinate in the volume window.
float32 getWindowMinY() const;
/** Get the minimal Z-coordinate in the volume window.
* @return Minimal Z-coordinate in the volume window.
float32 getWindowMinZ() const;
/** Get the maximal X-coordinate in the volume window.
* @return Maximal X-coordinate in the volume window.
float32 getWindowMaxX() const;
/** Get the maximal Y-coordinate in the volume window.
* @return Maximal Y-coordinate in the volume window.
float32 getWindowMaxY() const;
/** Get the maximal Z-coordinate in the volume window.
* @return Maximal Z-coordinate in the volume window.
float32 getWindowMaxZ() const;
/** Convert row, column and slice index of a pixel to a single index in the interval [0..getGridTotCount()-1].
* @param _iPixelRow Row index of the pixel, in the interval [0..getGridRowCount()-1].
* @param _iPixelCol Column index of the pixel, in the interval [0..getGridColCount()-1].
* @param _iPixelSlice Slice index of the pixel, in the interval [0..getGridSliceCount()-1].
* @return Computed index of the pixel, in the interval [0..getGridTotCount()-1].
int pixelRowColSliceToIndex(int _iPixelRow, int _iPixelCol, int _iPixelSlice) const;
/** Convert a pixel index (from the interval [0..getGridTotCount()-1] to row, column and slice index.
* @param _iPixelIndex Index of the pixel, in the interval [0..getGridTotCount()-1].
* @param _iPixelRow Computed row index of the pixel, in the interval [0..getGridRowCount()-1].
* @param _iPixelCol Computed column index of the pixel, in the interval [0..getGridColCount()-1].
* @param _iPixelSlice Computed slice index of the pixel, in the interval [0..getGridSliceCount()-1].
void pixelIndexToRowColSlice(int _iPixelIndex, int &_iPixelRow, int &_iPixelCol, int &_iPixelSlice) const;
/** Convert a pixel column index to the X-coordinate of its center.
* @param _iPixelCol Column index of the pixel.
* @return X-coordinate of the pixel center.
float32 pixelColToCenterX(int _iPixelCol) const;
/** Convert a pixel column index to the minimum X-coordinate of points in that column.
* @param _iPixelCol Column index of the pixel.
* @return Minimum X-coordinate.
float32 pixelColToMinX(int _iPixelCol) const;
/** Convert a pixel column index to the maximum X-coordinate of points in that column.
* @param _iPixelCol Column index of the pixel.
* @return Maximum X-coordinate.
float32 pixelColToMaxX(int _iPixelCol) const;
/** Convert a pixel row index to the Y-coordinate of its center.
* @param _iPixelRow Row index of the pixel.
* @return Y-coordinate of the pixel center.
float32 pixelRowToCenterY(int _iPixelRow) const;
/** Convert a pixel row index to the minimum Y-coordinate of points in that row.
* @param _iPixelRow Row index of the pixel.
* @return Minimum Y-coordinate.
float32 pixelRowToMinY(int _iPixelRow) const;
/** Convert a pixel row index to the maximum Y-coordinate of points in that row.
* @param _iPixelRow Row index of the pixel.
* @return Maximum Y-coordinate.
float32 pixelRowToMaxY(int _iPixelRow) const;
/** Convert a pixel slice index to the Z-coordinate of its center.
* @param _iPixelSlice Slice index of the pixel.
* @return Z-coordinate of the pixel center.
float32 pixelSliceToCenterZ(int _iPixelSlice) const;
/** Convert a pixel slice index to the minimum Z-coordinate of points in that slice.
* @param _iPixelSlice Slice index of the pixel.
* @return Minimum Z-coordinate.
float32 pixelSliceToMinZ(int _iPixelSlice) const;
/** Convert a pixel slice index to the maximum Z-coordinate of points in that slice.
* @param _iPixelSlice Slice index of the pixel.
* @return Maximum Z-coordinate.
float32 pixelSliceToMaxZ(int _iPixelSlice) const;
/** Convert an X-coordinate to a column index in the volume grid.
* @param _fCoordX X-coordinate.
* @return If the X-coordinate falls within a column of the volume grid, the column index is returned.
* Otherwise, a value of -1 is returned.
int coordXToCol(float32 _fCoordX) const;
/** Convert a Y-coordinate to a row index in the volume grid.
* @param _fCoordY Y-coordinate
* @return If the Y-coordinate falls within a row of the volume grid, the row index is returned.
* Otherwise, a value of -1 is returned.
int coordYToRow(float32 _fCoordY) const;
/** Convert a Z-coordinate to a slice index in the volume grid.
* @param _fCoordZ Z-coordinate
* @return If the Z-coordinate falls within a slice of the volume grid, the slice index is returned.
* Otherwise, a value of -1 is returned.
int coordZToSlice(float32 _fCoordZ) const;
/** Convert an X-coordinate to a column index in the volume grid.
* @param _fCoordX X-coordinate.
* @return If the X-coordinate falls within a column of the volume grid, the column index is returned.
* Otherwise, a value of -1 is returned.
float32 coordXToColFloat(float32 _fCoordX) const;
/** Convert a Y-coordinate to a row index in the volume grid.
* @param _fCoordY Y-coordinate
* @return If the Y-coordinate falls within a row of the volume grid, the row index is returned.
* Otherwise, a value of -1 is returned.
float32 coordYToRowFloat(float32 _fCoordY) const;
/** Convert a Z-coordinate to a slice index in the volume grid.
* @param _fCoordZ Z-coordinate
* @return If the Z-coordinate falls within a slice of the volume grid, the slice index is returned.
* Otherwise, a value of -1 is returned.
float32 coordZToSliceFloat(float32 _fCoordZ) const;
CVolumeGeometry2D * createVolumeGeometry2D() const;
//< For Config unused argument checking
ConfigCheckData* configCheckData;
friend class ConfigStackCheck;
// Get the initialization state of the object.
inline bool CVolumeGeometry3D::isInitialized() const
return m_bInitialized;
// Get the number of columns in the volume grid.
inline int CVolumeGeometry3D::getGridColCount() const
return m_iGridColCount;
// Get the number of rows in the volume grid.
inline int CVolumeGeometry3D::getGridRowCount() const
return m_iGridRowCount;
// Get the number of rows in the volume grid.
inline int CVolumeGeometry3D::getGridSliceCount() const
return m_iGridSliceCount;
// Get the total number of pixels in the volume window.
inline int CVolumeGeometry3D::getGridTotCount() const
return m_iGridTotCount;
// Get the horizontal length of the volume window, in unit lengths.
inline float32 CVolumeGeometry3D::getWindowLengthX() const
return m_fWindowLengthX;
// Get the vertical length of the volume window, in unit lengths.
inline float32 CVolumeGeometry3D::getWindowLengthY() const
return m_fWindowLengthY;
// Get the vertical length of the volume window, in unit lengths.
inline float32 CVolumeGeometry3D::getWindowLengthZ() const
return m_fWindowLengthZ;
// Get the total area of the volume window, in unit lengths squared.
inline float32 CVolumeGeometry3D::getWindowArea() const
return m_fWindowArea;
// Get the horizontal length of a single pixel (i.e., width), in unit lengths.
inline float32 CVolumeGeometry3D::getPixelLengthX() const
return m_fPixelLengthX;
// Get the vertical length of a single pixel (i.e., height), in unit lengths.
inline float32 CVolumeGeometry3D::getPixelLengthY() const
return m_fPixelLengthY;
// Get the depth of a single pixel in unit lengths.
inline float32 CVolumeGeometry3D::getPixelLengthZ() const
return m_fPixelLengthZ;
// Get the area of a single pixel (width*height), in unit lengths squared.
inline float32 CVolumeGeometry3D::getPixelArea() const
return m_fPixelArea;
// Get the minimal X-coordinate in the volume window.
inline float32 CVolumeGeometry3D::getWindowMinX() const
return m_fWindowMinX;
// Get the minimal Y-coordinate in the volume window.
inline float32 CVolumeGeometry3D::getWindowMinY() const
return m_fWindowMinY;
// Get the minimal Y-coordinate in the volume window.
inline float32 CVolumeGeometry3D::getWindowMinZ() const
return m_fWindowMinZ;
// Get the maximal X-coordinate in the volume window.
inline float32 CVolumeGeometry3D::getWindowMaxX() const
return m_fWindowMaxX;
// Get the maximal Y-coordinate in the volume window.
inline float32 CVolumeGeometry3D::getWindowMaxY() const
return m_fWindowMaxY;
// Get the maximal Z-coordinate in the volume window.
inline float32 CVolumeGeometry3D::getWindowMaxZ() const
return m_fWindowMaxZ;
// Convert row, column and slice index of a pixel to a single index in the interval [0..getGridCountTot()-1].
inline int CVolumeGeometry3D::pixelRowColSliceToIndex(int _iPixelRow, int _iPixelCol, int _iPixelSlice) const
ASTRA_ASSERT(_iPixelCol >= 0);
ASTRA_ASSERT(_iPixelCol < m_iGridColCount);
ASTRA_ASSERT(_iPixelRow >= 0);
ASTRA_ASSERT(_iPixelRow < m_iGridRowCount);
ASTRA_ASSERT(_iPixelSlice >= 0);
ASTRA_ASSERT(_iPixelSlice < m_iGridSliceCount);
return (m_iGridColCount*m_iGridRowCount*_iPixelSlice + _iPixelRow * m_iGridColCount + _iPixelCol);
// Convert a pixel index (from the interval [0..getGridCountTot()-1] to a row, column and slice index.
inline void CVolumeGeometry3D::pixelIndexToRowColSlice(int _iPixelIndex, int &_iPixelRow, int &_iPixelCol, int &_iPixelSlice) const
ASTRA_ASSERT(_iPixelIndex >= 0);
ASTRA_ASSERT(_iPixelIndex < m_iGridTotCount);
_iPixelSlice = _iPixelIndex / (m_iGridRowCount*m_iGridColCount);
_iPixelRow = (_iPixelIndex-_iPixelSlice*m_iGridRowCount*m_iGridColCount) / m_iGridColCount;
_iPixelCol = (_iPixelIndex-_iPixelSlice*m_iGridRowCount*m_iGridColCount) % m_iGridColCount;
// Convert a pixel column index to the X-coordinate of its center
inline float32 CVolumeGeometry3D::pixelColToCenterX(int _iPixelCol) const
ASTRA_ASSERT(_iPixelCol >= 0);
ASTRA_ASSERT(_iPixelCol < m_iGridColCount);
return (m_fWindowMinX + (float32(_iPixelCol) + 0.5f) * m_fPixelLengthX);
// Convert a pixel column index to the minimum X-coordinate of points in that column
inline float32 CVolumeGeometry3D::pixelColToMinX(int _iPixelCol) const
ASTRA_ASSERT(_iPixelCol >= 0);
ASTRA_ASSERT(_iPixelCol < m_iGridColCount);
return (m_fWindowMinX + float32(_iPixelCol) * m_fPixelLengthX);
// Convert a pixel column index to the maximum X-coordinate of points in that column
inline float32 CVolumeGeometry3D::pixelColToMaxX(int _iPixelCol) const
ASTRA_ASSERT(_iPixelCol >= 0);
ASTRA_ASSERT(_iPixelCol < m_iGridColCount);
return (m_fWindowMaxX + (float32(_iPixelCol) + 1.0f) * m_fPixelLengthX);
// Convert a pixel row index to the Y-coordinate of its center
inline float32 CVolumeGeometry3D::pixelRowToCenterY(int _iPixelRow) const
ASTRA_ASSERT(_iPixelRow >= 0);
ASTRA_ASSERT(_iPixelRow < m_iGridRowCount);
return (m_fWindowMaxY - (float32(_iPixelRow) + 0.5f) * m_fPixelLengthY);
// Convert a pixel row index to the minimum Y-coordinate of points in that row
inline float32 CVolumeGeometry3D::pixelRowToMinY(int _iPixelRow) const
ASTRA_ASSERT(_iPixelRow >= 0);
ASTRA_ASSERT(_iPixelRow < m_iGridRowCount);
return (m_fWindowMaxY - (float32(_iPixelRow) + 1.0f) * m_fPixelLengthY);
// Convert a pixel row index to the maximum Y-coordinate of points in that row
inline float32 CVolumeGeometry3D::pixelRowToMaxY(int _iPixelRow) const
ASTRA_ASSERT(_iPixelRow >= 0);
ASTRA_ASSERT(_iPixelRow < m_iGridRowCount);
return (m_fWindowMaxY - (float32(_iPixelRow) * m_fPixelLengthY));
// Convert a pixel slice index to the Z-coordinate of its center
inline float32 CVolumeGeometry3D::pixelSliceToCenterZ(int _iPixelSlice) const
ASTRA_ASSERT(_iPixelSlice >= 0);
ASTRA_ASSERT(_iPixelSlice < m_iGridSliceCount);
return (m_fWindowMaxZ - (float32(_iPixelSlice) + 0.5f) * m_fPixelLengthZ);
// Convert a pixel row index to the minimum Y-coordinate of points in that row
inline float32 CVolumeGeometry3D::pixelSliceToMinZ(int _iPixelSlice) const
ASTRA_ASSERT(_iPixelSlice >= 0);
ASTRA_ASSERT(_iPixelSlice < m_iGridSliceCount);
return (m_fWindowMaxZ - (float32(_iPixelSlice) + 1.0f) * m_fPixelLengthZ);
// Convert a pixel row index to the maximum Y-coordinate of points in that row
inline float32 CVolumeGeometry3D::pixelSliceToMaxZ(int _iPixelSlice) const
ASTRA_ASSERT(_iPixelSlice >= 0);
ASTRA_ASSERT(_iPixelSlice < m_iGridSliceCount);
return (m_fWindowMaxZ - (float32(_iPixelSlice) * m_fPixelLengthZ));
// Convert an X-coordinate to a column index in the volume grid
inline int CVolumeGeometry3D::coordXToCol(float32 _fCoordX) const
if (_fCoordX < m_fWindowMinX) return -1;
if (_fCoordX > m_fWindowMaxX) return -1;
int iCol = int((_fCoordX - m_fWindowMinX) * m_fDivPixelLengthX);
ASTRA_ASSERT(iCol >= 0);
ASTRA_ASSERT(iCol < m_iGridColCount);
return iCol;
// Convert a Y-coordinate to a row index in the volume grid
inline int CVolumeGeometry3D::coordYToRow(float32 _fCoordY) const
if (_fCoordY < m_fWindowMinY) return -1;
if (_fCoordY > m_fWindowMaxY) return -1;
int iRow = int((m_fWindowMaxY - _fCoordY) * m_fDivPixelLengthY);
ASTRA_ASSERT(iRow >= 0);
ASTRA_ASSERT(iRow < m_iGridRowCount);
return iRow;
// Convert a Z-coordinate to a slice index in the volume grid
inline int CVolumeGeometry3D::coordZToSlice(float32 _fCoordZ) const
if (_fCoordZ < m_fWindowMinZ) return -1;
if (_fCoordZ > m_fWindowMaxZ) return -1;
int iSlice = int((m_fWindowMaxZ - _fCoordZ) * m_fDivPixelLengthZ);
ASTRA_ASSERT(iSlice >= 0);
ASTRA_ASSERT(iSlice < m_iGridSliceCount);
return iSlice;
// Convert an X-coordinate to a column index in the volume grid
inline float32 CVolumeGeometry3D::coordXToColFloat(float32 _fCoordX) const
return (_fCoordX - m_fWindowMinX) * m_fDivPixelLengthX;
// Convert a Y-coordinate to a row index in the volume grid
inline float32 CVolumeGeometry3D::coordYToRowFloat(float32 _fCoordY) const
return (m_fWindowMaxY - _fCoordY) * m_fDivPixelLengthY;
// Convert a Z-coordinate to a slice index in the volume grid
inline float32 CVolumeGeometry3D::coordZToSliceFloat(float32 _fCoordZ) const
return (m_fWindowMaxZ - _fCoordZ) * m_fDivPixelLengthZ;
} // end namespace astra