Copyright: 2010-2018, imec Vision Lab, University of Antwerp
           2014-2018, CWI, Amsterdam

Contact: astra@astra-toolbox.com
Website: http://www.astra-toolbox.com/

This file is part of the ASTRA Toolbox.

The ASTRA Toolbox is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

The ASTRA Toolbox is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with the ASTRA Toolbox. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.


#include "astra/cuda/2d/fft.h"
#include "astra/cuda/2d/util.h"

#include "astra/Logging.h"
#include "astra/Fourier.h"

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>

#include <cufft.h>
#include <cuda.h>

using namespace astra;

// TODO: evaluate what we want to do in these situations:

#define CHECK_ERROR(errorMessage) do {                                     \
  cudaError_t err = cudaThreadSynchronize();                               \
  if( cudaSuccess != err) {                                                \
      ASTRA_ERROR("Cuda error %s : %s",                                    \
              errorMessage,cudaGetErrorString( err));                      \
      exit(EXIT_FAILURE);                                                  \
  } } while (0)

#define SAFE_CALL( call) do {                                              \
  cudaError err = call;                                                    \
  if( cudaSuccess != err) {                                                \
      ASTRA_ERROR("Cuda error: %s ",                                       \
              cudaGetErrorString( err));                                   \
      exit(EXIT_FAILURE);                                                  \
  }                                                                        \
  err = cudaThreadSynchronize();                                           \
  if( cudaSuccess != err) {                                                \
      ASTRA_ERROR("Cuda error: %s : ",                                     \
              cudaGetErrorString( err));                                   \
      exit(EXIT_FAILURE);                                                  \
  } } while (0)

namespace astraCUDA {

__global__ static void applyFilter_kernel(int _iProjectionCount,
                                          int _iFreqBinCount,
                                          cufftComplex * _pSinogram,
                                          cufftComplex * _pFilter)
	int iIndex = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
	int iProjectionIndex = iIndex / _iFreqBinCount;

	if(iProjectionIndex >= _iProjectionCount)

	float fA = _pSinogram[iIndex].x;
	float fB = _pSinogram[iIndex].y;
	float fC = _pFilter[iIndex].x;
	float fD = _pFilter[iIndex].y;

	_pSinogram[iIndex].x = fA * fC - fB * fD;
	_pSinogram[iIndex].y = fA * fD + fC * fB;

__global__ static void rescaleInverseFourier_kernel(int _iProjectionCount,
                                                    int _iDetectorCount,
                                                    float* _pfInFourierOutput)
	int iIndex = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
	int iProjectionIndex = iIndex / _iDetectorCount;
	int iDetectorIndex = iIndex % _iDetectorCount;

	if(iProjectionIndex >= _iProjectionCount)

	_pfInFourierOutput[iProjectionIndex * _iDetectorCount + iDetectorIndex] /= (float)_iDetectorCount;

static void rescaleInverseFourier(int _iProjectionCount, int _iDetectorCount,
                                  float * _pfInFourierOutput)
	const int iBlockSize = 256;
	int iElementCount = _iProjectionCount * _iDetectorCount;
	int iBlockCount = (iElementCount + iBlockSize - 1) / iBlockSize;

	rescaleInverseFourier_kernel<<< iBlockCount, iBlockSize >>>(_iProjectionCount,
	CHECK_ERROR("rescaleInverseFourier_kernel failed");

void applyFilter(int _iProjectionCount, int _iFreqBinCount,
                 cufftComplex * _pSinogram, cufftComplex * _pFilter)
	const int iBlockSize = 256;
	int iElementCount = _iProjectionCount * _iFreqBinCount;
	int iBlockCount = (iElementCount + iBlockSize - 1) / iBlockSize;

	applyFilter_kernel<<< iBlockCount, iBlockSize >>>(_iProjectionCount,
	                                                  _pSinogram, _pFilter);
	CHECK_ERROR("applyFilter_kernel failed");

static bool invokeCudaFFT(int _iProjectionCount, int _iDetectorCount,
                          const float * _pfDevSource,
                          cufftComplex * _pDevTargetComplex)
	cufftHandle plan;
	cufftResult result;

	result = cufftPlan1d(&plan, _iDetectorCount, CUFFT_R2C, _iProjectionCount);
	if(result != CUFFT_SUCCESS)
		ASTRA_ERROR("Failed to plan 1d r2c fft");
		return false;

	result = cufftExecR2C(plan, (cufftReal *)_pfDevSource, _pDevTargetComplex);

	if(result != CUFFT_SUCCESS)
		ASTRA_ERROR("Failed to exec 1d r2c fft");
		return false;

	return true;

static bool invokeCudaIFFT(int _iProjectionCount, int _iDetectorCount,
                           const cufftComplex * _pDevSourceComplex,
                           float * _pfDevTarget)
	cufftHandle plan;
	cufftResult result;

	result = cufftPlan1d(&plan, _iDetectorCount, CUFFT_C2R, _iProjectionCount);
	if(result != CUFFT_SUCCESS)
		ASTRA_ERROR("Failed to plan 1d c2r fft");
		return false;

	// todo: why do we have to get rid of the const qualifier?
	result = cufftExecC2R(plan, (cufftComplex *)_pDevSourceComplex,
	                      (cufftReal *)_pfDevTarget);

	if(result != CUFFT_SUCCESS)
		ASTRA_ERROR("Failed to exec 1d c2r fft");
		return false;

	return true;

bool allocateComplexOnDevice(int _iProjectionCount, int _iDetectorCount,
                             cufftComplex ** _ppDevComplex)
	size_t bufferSize = sizeof(cufftComplex) * _iProjectionCount * _iDetectorCount;
	SAFE_CALL(cudaMalloc((void **)_ppDevComplex, bufferSize));
	return true;

bool freeComplexOnDevice(cufftComplex * _pDevComplex)
	return true;

bool uploadComplexArrayToDevice(int _iProjectionCount, int _iDetectorCount,
                                cufftComplex * _pHostComplexSource,
                                cufftComplex * _pDevComplexTarget)
	size_t memSize = sizeof(cufftComplex) * _iProjectionCount * _iDetectorCount;
	SAFE_CALL(cudaMemcpy(_pDevComplexTarget, _pHostComplexSource, memSize, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice));

	return true;

bool runCudaFFT(int _iProjectionCount, const float * _pfDevRealSource,
                int _iSourcePitch, int _iProjDets,
                int _iFFTRealDetectorCount, int _iFFTFourierDetectorCount,
                cufftComplex * _pDevTargetComplex)
	float * pfDevRealFFTSource = NULL;
	size_t bufferMemSize = sizeof(float) * _iProjectionCount * _iFFTRealDetectorCount;

	SAFE_CALL(cudaMalloc((void **)&pfDevRealFFTSource, bufferMemSize));
	SAFE_CALL(cudaMemset(pfDevRealFFTSource, 0, bufferMemSize));

	for(int iProjectionIndex = 0; iProjectionIndex < _iProjectionCount; iProjectionIndex++)
		const float * pfSourceLocation = _pfDevRealSource + iProjectionIndex * _iSourcePitch;
		float * pfTargetLocation = pfDevRealFFTSource + iProjectionIndex * _iFFTRealDetectorCount;

		SAFE_CALL(cudaMemcpy(pfTargetLocation, pfSourceLocation, sizeof(float) * _iProjDets, cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice));

	bool bResult = invokeCudaFFT(_iProjectionCount, _iFFTRealDetectorCount,
	                             pfDevRealFFTSource, _pDevTargetComplex);
		return false;


	return true;

bool runCudaIFFT(int _iProjectionCount, const cufftComplex* _pDevSourceComplex,
                 float * _pfRealTarget,
                 int _iTargetPitch, int _iProjDets,
                 int _iFFTRealDetectorCount, int _iFFTFourierDetectorCount)
	float * pfDevRealFFTTarget = NULL;
	size_t bufferMemSize = sizeof(float) * _iProjectionCount * _iFFTRealDetectorCount;

	SAFE_CALL(cudaMalloc((void **)&pfDevRealFFTTarget, bufferMemSize));

	bool bResult = invokeCudaIFFT(_iProjectionCount, _iFFTRealDetectorCount,
	                              _pDevSourceComplex, pfDevRealFFTTarget);
		return false;

	rescaleInverseFourier(_iProjectionCount, _iFFTRealDetectorCount,

	SAFE_CALL(cudaMemset(_pfRealTarget, 0, sizeof(float) * _iProjectionCount * _iTargetPitch));

	for(int iProjectionIndex = 0; iProjectionIndex < _iProjectionCount; iProjectionIndex++)
		const float * pfSourceLocation = pfDevRealFFTTarget + iProjectionIndex * _iFFTRealDetectorCount;
		float* pfTargetLocation = _pfRealTarget + iProjectionIndex * _iTargetPitch;

		SAFE_CALL(cudaMemcpy(pfTargetLocation, pfSourceLocation, sizeof(float) * _iProjDets, cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice));


	return true;

void genIdenFilter(int _iProjectionCount, cufftComplex * _pFilter,
                   int _iFFTRealDetectorCount, int _iFFTFourierDetectorCount)
	for(int iProjectionIndex = 0; iProjectionIndex < _iProjectionCount; iProjectionIndex++)
		for(int iDetectorIndex = 0; iDetectorIndex < _iFFTFourierDetectorCount; iDetectorIndex++)
			int iIndex = iDetectorIndex + iProjectionIndex * _iFFTFourierDetectorCount;
			_pFilter[iIndex].x = 1.0f;
			_pFilter[iIndex].y = 0.0f;

void genCuFFTFilter(const SFilterConfig &_cfg, int _iProjectionCount,
               cufftComplex * _pFilter, int _iFFTRealDetectorCount,
               int _iFFTFourierDetectorCount)
	float * pfFilt = astra::genFilter(_cfg,

	for(int iDetectorIndex = 0; iDetectorIndex < _iFFTFourierDetectorCount; iDetectorIndex++)
		float fFilterValue = pfFilt[iDetectorIndex];

		for(int iProjectionIndex = 0; iProjectionIndex < _iProjectionCount; iProjectionIndex++)
			int iIndex = iDetectorIndex + iProjectionIndex * _iFFTFourierDetectorCount;
			_pFilter[iIndex].x = fFilterValue;
			_pFilter[iIndex].y = 0.0f;

	delete[] pfFilt;



__global__ static void doubleFourierOutput_kernel(int _iProjectionCount,
                                                  int _iDetectorCount,
                                                  cufftComplex* _pFourierOutput)
	int iIndex = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
	int iProjectionIndex = iIndex / _iDetectorCount;
	int iDetectorIndex = iIndex % _iDetectorCount;

	if(iProjectionIndex >= _iProjectionCount)

	if(iDetectorIndex <= (_iDetectorCount / 2))

	int iOtherDetectorIndex = _iDetectorCount - iDetectorIndex;

	_pFourierOutput[iProjectionIndex * _iDetectorCount + iDetectorIndex].x = _pFourierOutput[iProjectionIndex * _iDetectorCount + iOtherDetectorIndex].x;
	_pFourierOutput[iProjectionIndex * _iDetectorCount + iDetectorIndex].y = -_pFourierOutput[iProjectionIndex * _iDetectorCount + iOtherDetectorIndex].y;

static void doubleFourierOutput(int _iProjectionCount, int _iDetectorCount,
                                cufftComplex * _pFourierOutput)
	const int iBlockSize = 256;
	int iElementCount = _iProjectionCount * _iDetectorCount;
	int iBlockCount = (iElementCount + iBlockSize - 1) / iBlockSize;

	doubleFourierOutput_kernel<<< iBlockCount, iBlockSize >>>(_iProjectionCount,
	CHECK_ERROR("doubleFourierOutput_kernel failed");

static void writeToMatlabFile(const char * _fileName, const float * _pfData,
                              int _iRowCount, int _iColumnCount)
	std::ofstream out(_fileName);

	for(int iRowIndex = 0; iRowIndex < _iRowCount; iRowIndex++)
		for(int iColumnIndex = 0; iColumnIndex < _iColumnCount; iColumnIndex++)
			out << _pfData[iColumnIndex + iRowIndex * _iColumnCount] << " ";

		out << std::endl;

static void convertComplexToRealImg(const cufftComplex * _pComplex,
                                    int _iElementCount,
                                    float * _pfReal, float * _pfImaginary)
	for(int iIndex = 0; iIndex < _iElementCount; iIndex++)
		_pfReal[iIndex] = _pComplex[iIndex].x;
		_pfImaginary[iIndex] = _pComplex[iIndex].y;

void testCudaFFT()
	const int iProjectionCount = 2;
	const int iDetectorCount = 1024;
	const int iTotalElementCount = iProjectionCount * iDetectorCount;

	float * pfHostProj = new float[iTotalElementCount];
	memset(pfHostProj, 0, sizeof(float) * iTotalElementCount);

	for(int iProjectionIndex = 0; iProjectionIndex < iProjectionCount; iProjectionIndex++)
		for(int iDetectorIndex = 0; iDetectorIndex < iDetectorCount; iDetectorIndex++)
//			int

//			pfHostProj[iIndex] = (float)rand() / (float)RAND_MAX;

	writeToMatlabFile("proj.mat", pfHostProj, iProjectionCount, iDetectorCount);

	float * pfDevProj = NULL;
	SAFE_CALL(cudaMalloc((void **)&pfDevProj, sizeof(float) * iTotalElementCount));
	SAFE_CALL(cudaMemcpy(pfDevProj, pfHostProj, sizeof(float) * iTotalElementCount, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice));

	cufftComplex * pDevFourProj = NULL;
	SAFE_CALL(cudaMalloc((void **)&pDevFourProj, sizeof(cufftComplex) * iTotalElementCount));

	cufftHandle plan;
	cufftResult result;

	result = cufftPlan1d(&plan, iDetectorCount, CUFFT_R2C, iProjectionCount);
	if(result != CUFFT_SUCCESS)
		ASTRA_ERROR("Failed to plan 1d r2c fft");

	result = cufftExecR2C(plan, pfDevProj, pDevFourProj);
	if(result != CUFFT_SUCCESS)
		ASTRA_ERROR("Failed to exec 1d r2c fft");


	doubleFourierOutput(iProjectionCount, iDetectorCount, pDevFourProj);

	cufftComplex * pHostFourProj = new cufftComplex[iTotalElementCount];
	SAFE_CALL(cudaMemcpy(pHostFourProj, pDevFourProj, sizeof(cufftComplex) * iTotalElementCount, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost));

	float * pfHostFourProjReal = new float[iTotalElementCount];
	float * pfHostFourProjImaginary = new float[iTotalElementCount];

	convertComplexToRealImg(pHostFourProj, iTotalElementCount, pfHostFourProjReal, pfHostFourProjImaginary);

	writeToMatlabFile("proj_four_real.mat", pfHostFourProjReal, iProjectionCount, iDetectorCount);
	writeToMatlabFile("proj_four_imaginary.mat", pfHostFourProjImaginary, iProjectionCount, iDetectorCount);

	float * pfDevInFourProj = NULL;
	SAFE_CALL(cudaMalloc((void **)&pfDevInFourProj, sizeof(float) * iTotalElementCount));

	result = cufftPlan1d(&plan, iDetectorCount, CUFFT_C2R, iProjectionCount);
	if(result != CUFFT_SUCCESS)
		ASTRA_ERROR("Failed to plan 1d c2r fft");

	result = cufftExecC2R(plan, pDevFourProj, pfDevInFourProj);
	if(result != CUFFT_SUCCESS)
		ASTRA_ERROR("Failed to exec 1d c2r fft");


	rescaleInverseFourier(iProjectionCount, iDetectorCount, pfDevInFourProj);

	float * pfHostInFourProj = new float[iTotalElementCount];
	SAFE_CALL(cudaMemcpy(pfHostInFourProj, pfDevInFourProj, sizeof(float) * iTotalElementCount, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost));

	writeToMatlabFile("in_four.mat", pfHostInFourProj, iProjectionCount, iDetectorCount);


	delete [] pfHostInFourProj;
	delete [] pfHostFourProjReal;
	delete [] pfHostFourProjImaginary;
	delete [] pfHostProj;
	delete [] pHostFourProj;

void downloadDebugFilterComplex(float * _pfHostSinogram, int _iProjectionCount,
                                int _iDetectorCount,
                                cufftComplex * _pDevFilter,
                                int _iFilterDetCount)
	cufftComplex * pHostFilter = NULL;
	size_t complMemSize = sizeof(cufftComplex) * _iFilterDetCount * _iProjectionCount;
	pHostFilter = (cufftComplex *)malloc(complMemSize);
	SAFE_CALL(cudaMemcpy(pHostFilter, _pDevFilter, complMemSize, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost));

	for(int iTargetProjIndex = 0; iTargetProjIndex < _iProjectionCount; iTargetProjIndex++)
		for(int iTargetDetIndex = 0; iTargetDetIndex < min(_iDetectorCount, _iFilterDetCount); iTargetDetIndex++)
			cufftComplex source = pHostFilter[iTargetDetIndex + iTargetProjIndex * _iFilterDetCount];
			float fReadValue = sqrtf(source.x * source.x + source.y * source.y);
			_pfHostSinogram[iTargetDetIndex + iTargetProjIndex * _iDetectorCount] = fReadValue;


void downloadDebugFilterReal(float * _pfHostSinogram, int _iProjectionCount,
                             int _iDetectorCount, float * _pfDevFilter,
                             int _iFilterDetCount)
	float * pfHostFilter = NULL;
	size_t memSize = sizeof(float) * _iFilterDetCount * _iProjectionCount;
	pfHostFilter = (float *)malloc(memSize);
	SAFE_CALL(cudaMemcpy(pfHostFilter, _pfDevFilter, memSize, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost));

	for(int iTargetProjIndex = 0; iTargetProjIndex < _iProjectionCount; iTargetProjIndex++)
		for(int iTargetDetIndex = 0; iTargetDetIndex < min(_iDetectorCount, _iFilterDetCount); iTargetDetIndex++)
			float fSource = pfHostFilter[iTargetDetIndex + iTargetProjIndex * _iFilterDetCount];
			_pfHostSinogram[iTargetDetIndex + iTargetProjIndex * _iDetectorCount] = fSource;

