From 80d5397e251d8e12c8cd77efcacc54b9f7de3f0b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Willem Jan Palenstijn <>
Date: Fri, 18 Nov 2016 16:53:17 +0100
Subject: Add automated Windows build scripts

---                     |  31 +++++----
 README.txt                    |  30 +++++----
 build/msvc/build_clean.bat    |  12 ++++
 build/msvc/build_env.bat      |  16 +++++
 build/msvc/build_matlab.bat   |  14 ++++
 build/msvc/build_python27.bat |  28 ++++++++
 build/msvc/build_python35.bat |  27 ++++++++
 build/msvc/build_release.bat  | 145 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 build/msvc/build_setup.bat    |  37 +++++++++++
 9 files changed, 318 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 build/msvc/build_clean.bat
 create mode 100644 build/msvc/build_env.bat
 create mode 100644 build/msvc/build_matlab.bat
 create mode 100644 build/msvc/build_python27.bat
 create mode 100644 build/msvc/build_python35.bat
 create mode 100644 build/msvc/build_release.bat
 create mode 100644 build/msvc/build_setup.bat

diff --git a/ b/
index 6691d5f..43d92b4 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -70,21 +70,30 @@ make install
 This will install Astra into your current Python environment.
-### Windows, from source using Visual Studio 2008
+### Windows, from source using Visual Studio 2015
-Requirements: Visual Studio 2008, boost, CUDA (driver+toolkit), matlab.
-Note that a .zip with all required (and precompiled) boost files is
-  available from our website.
+Requirements: Visual Studio 2015 (full or community), boost (recent), CUDA 8.0,
+              Matlab (R2012a or higher) and/or WinPython 2.7/3.x.
+Using the Visual Studio IDE:
 Set the environment variable MATLAB_ROOT to your matlab install location.
-Open astra_vc08.sln in Visual Studio.
-Select the appropriate solution configuration.
-  (typically Release_CUDA|win32 or Release_CUDA|x64)
+Copy boost headers to lib\include\boost, and boost libraries to bin\x64.
+Open astra_vc14.sln in Visual Studio.
+Select the appropriate solution configuration (typically Release_CUDA|x64).
 Build the solution.
-Install by copying AstraCuda32.dll or AstraCuda64.dll from bin/ and
-  all .mexw32 or .mexw64 files from bin/Release_CUDA or bin/Debug_CUDA
-  and the entire matlab/tools directory to a directory to be added to
-  your matlab path.
+Install by copying AstraCuda64.dll and all .mexw64 files from
+  bin\x64\Release_CUDA and the entire matlab/tools directory to a directory
+  to be added to your matlab path.
+Using .bat scripts in build\msvc:
+Edit build_env.bat and set up the correct directories.
+Run build_setup.bat to automatically copy the boost headers and libraries.
+For matlab: Run build_matlab.bat. The .dll and .mexw64 files will be in bin\x64\Release_Cuda.
+For python 2.7/3.5: Run build_python27.bat or build_python35.bat. Astra will be directly installed into site-packages.
 ## References
diff --git a/README.txt b/README.txt
index aec5282..1aa69e3 100644
--- a/README.txt
+++ b/README.txt
@@ -97,22 +97,30 @@ This will install Astra into your current Python environment.
-Windows, from source using Visual Studio 2008:
+Windows, from source using Visual Studio 2015:
-Requirements: Visual Studio 2008, boost, CUDA (driver+toolkit), matlab.
-Note that a .zip with all required (and precompiled) boost files is
-  available from our website.
+Requirements: Visual Studio 2015 (full or community), boost (recent), CUDA 8.0,
+              Matlab (R2012a or higher) and/or WinPython 2.7/3.x.
+Using the Visual Studio IDE:
 Set the environment variable MATLAB_ROOT to your matlab install location.
-Open astra_vc08.sln in Visual Studio.
-Select the appropriate solution configuration.
-  (typically Release_CUDA|win32 or Release_CUDA|x64)
+Copy boost headers to lib\include\boost, and boost libraries to bin\x64.
+Open astra_vc14.sln in Visual Studio.
+Select the appropriate solution configuration (typically Release_CUDA|x64).
 Build the solution.
-Install by copying AstraCuda32.dll or AstraCuda64.dll from bin/ and
-  all .mexw32 or .mexw64 files from bin/Release_CUDA or bin/Debug_CUDA
-  and the entire matlab/tools directory to a directory to be added to
-  your matlab path.
+Install by copying AstraCuda64.dll and all .mexw64 files from
+  bin\x64\Release_CUDA and the entire matlab/tools directory to a directory
+  to be added to your matlab path.
+Using .bat scripts in build\msvc:
+Edit build_env.bat and set up the correct directories.
+Run build_setup.bat to automatically copy the boost headers and libraries.
+For matlab: Run build_matlab.bat. The .dll and .mexw64 files will be in bin\x64\Release_Cuda.
+For python 2.7/3.5: Run build_python27.bat or build_python35.bat. Astra will be directly installed into site-packages.
diff --git a/build/msvc/build_clean.bat b/build/msvc/build_clean.bat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4525529
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/msvc/build_clean.bat
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+@echo off
+set MATLAB_ROOT=C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2015a
+call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\bin\amd64\vcvars64.bat"
+cd %~dp0
+cd ..\..
+msbuild astra_vc14.sln /p:Configuration=Release_CUDA /p:Platform=x64 /t:clean
diff --git a/build/msvc/build_env.bat b/build/msvc/build_env.bat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..458209a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/msvc/build_env.bat
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+set B_WP27=
+set B_WP35=
+set B_WINPYTHON27=D:\wjp\WinPython-64bit-%B_WP27%
+set B_WINPYTHON35=D:\wjp\WinPython-64bit-%B_WP35%
+set B_MATLAB_ROOT=C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2015a
+set B_VC=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\bin\amd64
+set B_BV=1_62
+set B_BOOST=D:\wjp\boost_%B_BV%_0
+set B_VCREDIST=D:\wjp\vs2015u3_redist\vc_redist.x64.exe
+set B_README_WP27=C:\WinPython-64bit-%B_WP27%\python-%B_WP27:~0,-2%.amd64\Lib\site-packages
+set B_README_WP35=C:\WinPython-64bit-%B_WP35%\python-%B_WP35:~0,-2%.amd64\Lib\site-packages
+set B_RELEASE_TAG=v1.7.1
+set B_RELEASE=1.7.1beta
diff --git a/build/msvc/build_matlab.bat b/build/msvc/build_matlab.bat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a2ef79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/msvc/build_matlab.bat
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+@echo off
+call "%~dp0build_env.bat"
+call "%B_VC%\vcvars64.bat"
+cd /D %~dp0
+cd ..\..
+msbuild astra_vc14.sln /p:Configuration=Release_CUDA /p:Platform=x64
diff --git a/build/msvc/build_python27.bat b/build/msvc/build_python27.bat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a9495f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/msvc/build_python27.bat
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+@echo off
+cd /D %~dp0
+cd ..\..
+set R=%CD%
+call "%~dp0build_env.bat"
+call "%B_WINPYTHON27%\scripts\env.bat"
+call "%B_VC%\vcvars64.bat"
+cd /D %R%
+msbuild astra_vc14.sln /p:Configuration=Release_CUDA /p:Platform=x64 /t:astra_vc14
+cd python
+rd /s /q build
+rd /s /q "%WINPYDIR%\lib\site-packages\astra"
+set INCLUDE=%R%\include;%R%\lib\include;%CUDA_PATH%\include
+copy ..\bin\x64\Release_CUDA\AstraCuda64.lib astra.lib
+python build_ext --compiler=msvc install
+copy ..\bin\x64\Release_CUDA\AstraCuda64.dll "%WINPYDIR%\lib\site-packages\astra"
diff --git a/build/msvc/build_python35.bat b/build/msvc/build_python35.bat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..72c6ec4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/msvc/build_python35.bat
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+@echo off
+cd /D %~dp0
+cd ..\..
+set R=%CD%
+call "%~dp0build_env.bat"
+call "%B_WINPYTHON35%\scripts\env.bat"
+call "%B_VC%\vcvars64.bat"
+cd /D %R%
+msbuild astra_vc14.sln /p:Configuration=Release_CUDA /p:Platform=x64 /t:astra_vc14
+cd python
+rd /s /q build
+rd /s /q "%WINPYDIR%\lib\site-packages\astra"
+set INCLUDE=%R%\include;%R%\lib\include;%CUDA_PATH%\include
+copy ..\bin\x64\Release_CUDA\AstraCuda64.lib astra.lib
+python build_ext --compiler=msvc install
+copy ..\bin\x64\Release_CUDA\AstraCuda64.dll "%WINPYDIR%\lib\site-packages\astra"
diff --git a/build/msvc/build_release.bat b/build/msvc/build_release.bat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..87bfb28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/msvc/build_release.bat
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+@echo off
+cd /D %~dp0
+cd ..\..
+set R=%CD%
+call "%~dp0build_env.bat"
+rd /s /q release
+mkdir release
+cd release
+mkdir src
+mkdir matlab
+mkdir python27
+mkdir python35
+cd src
+git clone astra-%B_RELEASE%
+cd astra-%B_RELEASE%
+git checkout %B_RELEASE_TAG%
+rd /s /q .git
+cd %R%\release\matlab
+mkdir astra-%B_RELEASE%
+cd astra-%B_RELEASE%
+xcopy /e /i %R%\samples\matlab samples
+xcopy /e /i %R%\matlab\algorithms algorithms
+xcopy /e /i %R%\matlab\tools tools
+copy %R%\NEWS.txt .
+copy %R%\README.txt .
+copy %B_VCREDIST% .
+mkdir mex
+copy %R%\bin\x64\Release_CUDA\*.mexw64 mex
+copy %R%\bin\x64\Release_CUDA\AstraCuda64.dll mex
+copy %R%\bin\x64\Release_CUDA\AstraCuda64.lib mex
+copy "%CUDA_PATH%\bin\cudart64_80.dll" mex
+copy "%CUDA_PATH%\bin\cufft64_80.dll" mex
+rem -------------------------------------------------------------------
+cd %R%\release\python27
+mkdir astra-%B_RELEASE%
+cd astra-%B_RELEASE%
+xcopy /e /i %R%\samples\python samples
+copy %R%\NEWS.txt .
+copy %B_VCREDIST% .
+mkdir astra
+call "%B_WINPYTHON27%\scripts\env.bat"
+copy %WINPYDIR%\lib\site-packages\astra\*.* astra
+copy %R%\bin\x64\Release_CUDA\AstraCuda64.lib astra
+copy "%CUDA_PATH%\bin\cudart64_80.dll" astra
+copy "%CUDA_PATH%\bin\cufft64_80.dll" astra
+echo -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+echo This file is part of the ASTRA Toolbox
+echo Copyright: 2010-2016, iMinds-Vision Lab, University of Antwerp
+echo            2014-2016, CWI, Amsterdam
+echo   and
+echo License: Open Source under GPLv3
+echo Contact:
+echo Website:
+echo -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+echo This directory contains pre-built Python modules for the ASTRA Toolbox.
+echo It has been built with WinPython-64bit-%B_WP27%.
+echo To use it, move the astra\ directory to your existing site-packages directory.
+echo Its exact location depends on your Python installation, but should look
+echo similar to %B_README_WP27% .
+echo Sample code can be found in the samples\ directory.
+) > README.txt
+rem -------------------------------------------------------------------
+cd %R%\release\python35
+mkdir astra-%B_RELEASE%
+cd astra-%B_RELEASE%
+xcopy /e /i %R%\samples\python samples
+copy %R%\NEWS.txt .
+copy %B_VCREDIST% .
+mkdir astra
+call "%B_WINPYTHON35%\scripts\env.bat"
+copy %WINPYDIR%\lib\site-packages\astra\*.* astra
+copy %R%\bin\x64\Release_CUDA\AstraCuda64.lib astra
+copy "%CUDA_PATH%\bin\cudart64_80.dll" astra
+copy "%CUDA_PATH%\bin\cufft64_80.dll" astra
+echo -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+echo This file is part of the ASTRA Toolbox
+echo Copyright: 2010-2016, iMinds-Vision Lab, University of Antwerp
+echo            2014-2016, CWI, Amsterdam
+echo   and
+echo License: Open Source under GPLv3
+echo Contact:
+echo Website:
+echo -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+echo This directory contains pre-built Python modules for the ASTRA Toolbox.
+echo It has been built with WinPython-64bit-%B_WP35%.
+echo To use it, move the astra\ directory to your existing site-packages directory.
+echo Its exact location depends on your Python installation, but should look
+echo similar to %B_README_WP35% .
+echo Sample code can be found in the samples\ directory.
+) > README.txt
+cd %R%\release\matlab
+python -c "import shutil; shutil.make_archive('astra-%B_RELEASE%-matlab-win-x64', 'zip', 'astra-%B_RELEASE%')"
+cd %R%\release\python27
+python -c "import shutil; shutil.make_archive('astra-%B_RELEASE%-python27-win-x64', 'zip', 'astra-%B_RELEASE%')"
+cd %R%\release\python35
+python -c "import shutil; shutil.make_archive('astra-%B_RELEASE%-python35-win-x64', 'zip', 'astra-%B_RELEASE%')"
+cd %R%\release\src
+python -c "import shutil; shutil.make_archive('astra-%B_RELEASE%', 'zip', 'astra-%B_RELEASE%')"
diff --git a/build/msvc/build_setup.bat b/build/msvc/build_setup.bat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4314386
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/msvc/build_setup.bat
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+@echo off
+call "%~dp0build_env.bat"
+cd /D %~dp0
+cd ..\..
+set R=%CD%
+rd /s /q "%R%\lib\x64"
+rd /s /q "%R%\lib\include\boost"
+rd /s /q "%R%\bin\x64\Release_CUDA"
+cd /D "%B_BOOST%\lib64-msvc-14.0"
+mkdir "%R%\lib\x64"
+mkdir "%R%\bin\x64\Release_CUDA"
+copy boost_unit_test_framework-vc140-mt-%B_BV%.lib %R%\lib\x64
+copy boost_unit_test_framework-vc140-mt-gd-%B_BV%.lib %R%\lib\x64
+copy libboost_chrono-vc140-mt-%B_BV%.lib %R%\lib\x64
+copy libboost_chrono-vc140-mt-gd-%B_BV%.lib %R%\lib\x64
+copy libboost_date_time-vc140-mt-%B_BV%.lib %R%\lib\x64
+copy libboost_date_time-vc140-mt-gd-%B_BV%.lib %R%\lib\x64
+copy libboost_system-vc140-mt-%B_BV%.lib %R%\lib\x64
+copy libboost_system-vc140-mt-gd-%B_BV%.lib %R%\lib\x64
+copy libboost_thread-vc140-mt-%B_BV%.lib %R%\lib\x64
+copy libboost_thread-vc140-mt-gd-%B_BV%.lib %R%\lib\x64
+cd %B_BOOST%
+xcopy /i /e /q boost "%R%\lib\include\boost"
cgit v1.2.3