Copyright: 2010-2021, imec Vision Lab, University of Antwerp
           2014-2021, CWI, Amsterdam

Contact: astra@astra-toolbox.com
Website: http://www.astra-toolbox.com/

This file is part of the ASTRA Toolbox.

The ASTRA Toolbox is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

The ASTRA Toolbox is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with the ASTRA Toolbox. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.


#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
#include <boost/test/auto_unit_test.hpp>
#include <boost/test/test_case_template.hpp>
#include <boost/test/floating_point_comparison.hpp>

#include "astra/Float32Data2D.h"

// Utility class to test Float32Data2D
class CTestFloat32Data2D : public astra::CFloat32Data2D {
	CTestFloat32Data2D(int _iWidth, int _iHeight)
		m_bInitialized = _initialize(_iWidth, _iHeight);
	CTestFloat32Data2D(int _iWidth, int _iHeight, const astra::float32* _pfData)
		m_bInitialized = _initialize(_iWidth, _iHeight, _pfData);

	CTestFloat32Data2D(int _iWidth, int _iHeight, astra::float32 _fScalar)
		m_bInitialized = _initialize(_iWidth, _iHeight, _fScalar);

	CTestFloat32Data2D() { }


struct TestFloat32Data2D {
	static astra::float32 d[];
	TestFloat32Data2D() : data(2,2,d)


	CTestFloat32Data2D data;

astra::float32 TestFloat32Data2D::d[] = { 1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f, 4.0f };

BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( testFloat32Data2D_Constructor1 )
	CTestFloat32Data2D data(2,2);

	BOOST_REQUIRE( data.isInitialized() );

	BOOST_CHECK( data.getWidth() == 2 );
	BOOST_CHECK( data.getHeight() == 2 );
	BOOST_CHECK( data.getSize() == 4 );
	BOOST_CHECK( data.getDimensionCount() == 2 );

	BOOST_REQUIRE( data.getDataConst() != 0 );
	BOOST_REQUIRE( data.getData() != 0 );
	BOOST_REQUIRE( data.getData2D() != 0 );
	BOOST_REQUIRE( data.getData2DConst() != 0 );
	BOOST_REQUIRE( data.getData2D()[0] != 0 );
	BOOST_REQUIRE( data.getData2DConst()[0] != 0 );


	// CHECKME: should this be necessary?

	BOOST_CHECK( data.getGlobalMin() == 1.0f );
	BOOST_CHECK( data.getGlobalMax() == 1.0f );
	BOOST_CHECK( data.getGlobalMean() == 1.0f );

	BOOST_CHECK( data.getData()[0] == 1.0f );
	BOOST_CHECK( data.getDataConst()[0] == 1.0f );
	BOOST_CHECK( data.getData2D()[0][0] == 1.0f );
	BOOST_CHECK( data.getData2DConst()[0][0] == 1.0f );

BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( testFloat32Data2D_Constructor2 )
	CTestFloat32Data2D data(2,2,1.5f);

	// CHECKME: should this be necessary?

	BOOST_REQUIRE( data.isInitialized() );

	BOOST_CHECK( data.getWidth() == 2 );
	BOOST_CHECK( data.getHeight() == 2 );
	BOOST_CHECK( data.getSize() == 4 );
	BOOST_CHECK( data.getDimensionCount() == 2 );

	BOOST_REQUIRE( data.getDataConst() != 0 );
	BOOST_REQUIRE( data.getData() != 0 );
	BOOST_REQUIRE( data.getData2D() != 0 );
	BOOST_REQUIRE( data.getData2DConst() != 0 );
	BOOST_REQUIRE( data.getData2D()[0] != 0 );
	BOOST_REQUIRE( data.getData2DConst()[0] != 0 );

	BOOST_CHECK( data.getGlobalMin() == 1.5f );
	BOOST_CHECK( data.getGlobalMax() == 1.5f );
	BOOST_CHECK( data.getGlobalMean() == 1.5f );

	BOOST_CHECK( data.getData()[0] == 1.5f );
	BOOST_CHECK( data.getDataConst()[0] == 1.5f );
	BOOST_CHECK( data.getData2D()[0][0] == 1.5f );
	BOOST_CHECK( data.getData2DConst()[0][0] == 1.5f );

BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( testFloat32Data2D_Constructor3 )
	astra::float32 d[] = { 1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f, 4.0f };
	CTestFloat32Data2D data(2,2,d);

	// CHECKME: should this be necessary?

	BOOST_REQUIRE( data.isInitialized() );

	BOOST_CHECK( data.getWidth() == 2 );
	BOOST_CHECK( data.getHeight() == 2 );
	BOOST_CHECK( data.getSize() == 4 );
	BOOST_CHECK( data.getDimensionCount() == 2 );

	BOOST_REQUIRE( data.getDataConst() != 0 );
	BOOST_REQUIRE( data.getData() != 0 );
	BOOST_REQUIRE( data.getData2D() != 0 );
	BOOST_REQUIRE( data.getData2DConst() != 0 );
	BOOST_REQUIRE( data.getData2D()[0] != 0 );
	BOOST_REQUIRE( data.getData2DConst()[0] != 0 );

	BOOST_CHECK( data.getGlobalMin() == 1.0f );
	BOOST_CHECK( data.getGlobalMax() == 4.0f );

	BOOST_CHECK( data.getData()[0] == 1.0f );
	BOOST_CHECK( data.getDataConst()[0] == 1.0f );
	BOOST_CHECK( data.getData2D()[0][0] == 1.0f );
	BOOST_CHECK( data.getData2DConst()[0][0] == 1.0f );


BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE( testFloat32Data2D_Operators, TestFloat32Data2D )
	// Note: all operations below involve exactly representable floats,
	// so there is no need to use epsilons in the checks


	// FIXME: should those be correct here?
	BOOST_CHECK( data.getGlobalMin() == 1.0f );
	BOOST_CHECK( data.getGlobalMax() == 4.0f );
	BOOST_CHECK( data.getGlobalMean() == 2.5f );

	data *= 2.0f;

	BOOST_CHECK( data.getDataConst()[0] == 2.0f );
	BOOST_CHECK( data.getDataConst()[3] == 8.0f );

	data /= 0.5f;

	BOOST_CHECK( data.getDataConst()[0] == 4.0f );
	BOOST_CHECK( data.getDataConst()[3] == 16.0f );

	astra::float32 d[] = { 1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f, 4.0f };
	CTestFloat32Data2D data2(2,2,d);

	data += data2;

	BOOST_CHECK( data.getDataConst()[0] == 5.0f );
	BOOST_CHECK( data.getDataConst()[3] == 20.0f );
	data *= data2;
	BOOST_CHECK( data.getDataConst()[0] == 5.0f );
	BOOST_CHECK( data.getDataConst()[3] == 80.0f );

	data -= data2;
	BOOST_CHECK( data.getDataConst()[0] == 4.0f );
	BOOST_CHECK( data.getDataConst()[3] == 76.0f );

	data += 0.5f;
	BOOST_CHECK( data.getDataConst()[0] == 4.5f );
	BOOST_CHECK( data.getDataConst()[3] == 76.5f );

	data -= 0.5f;
	BOOST_CHECK( data.getDataConst()[0] == 4.0f );
	BOOST_CHECK( data.getDataConst()[3] == 76.0f );

BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE( testFloat32Data2D_Update, TestFloat32Data2D )
	data.getData()[2] = 42.0f;
	data.getData()[1] = -37.0f;

	BOOST_CHECK( data.getGlobalMin() == -37.0f );
	BOOST_CHECK( data.getGlobalMax() == 42.0f );
	BOOST_CHECK( data.getGlobalMean() == 2.5f );