/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright: 2010-2014, iMinds-Vision Lab, University of Antwerp 2014, CWI, Amsterdam Contact: astra@uantwerpen.be Website: http://sf.net/projects/astra-toolbox This file is part of the ASTRA Toolbox. The ASTRA Toolbox is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. The ASTRA Toolbox is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with the ASTRA Toolbox. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- $Id$ */ #include "astra/Fourier.h" namespace astra { void discreteFourierTransform1D(unsigned int iLength, const float32* pfRealIn, const float32* pfImaginaryIn, float32* pfRealOut, float32* pfImaginaryOut, unsigned int iStrideIn, unsigned int iStrideOut, bool inverse) { for (unsigned int w = 0; w < iLength; w++) { pfRealOut[iStrideOut*w] = pfImaginaryOut[iStrideOut*w] = 0; for (unsigned int y = 0; y < iLength; y++) { float32 a = 2 * PI * w * y / float32(iLength); if (!inverse) a = -a; float32 ca = cos(a); float32 sa = sin(a); pfRealOut[iStrideOut*w] += pfRealIn[iStrideIn*y] * ca - pfImaginaryIn[iStrideIn*y] * sa; pfImaginaryOut[iStrideOut*w] += pfRealIn[iStrideIn*y] * sa + pfImaginaryIn[iStrideIn*y] * ca; } } if (inverse) { for (unsigned int x = 0; x < iLength; ++x) { pfRealOut[iStrideOut*x] /= iLength; pfImaginaryOut[iStrideOut*x] /= iLength; } } } void discreteFourierTransform2D(unsigned int iHeight, unsigned int iWidth, const float32* pfRealIn, const float32* pfImaginaryIn, float32* pfRealOut, float32* pfImaginaryOut, bool inverse) { float32* reTemp = new float32[iWidth * iHeight]; float32* imTemp = new float32[iWidth * iHeight]; //calculate the fourier transform of the columns for (unsigned int x = 0; x < iWidth; x++) { discreteFourierTransform1D(iHeight, pfRealIn+x, pfImaginaryIn+x, reTemp+x, imTemp+x, iWidth, iWidth, inverse); } //calculate the fourier transform of the rows for(unsigned int y = 0; y < iHeight; y++) { discreteFourierTransform1D(iWidth, reTemp+y*iWidth, imTemp+y*iWidth, pfRealOut+y*iWidth, pfImaginaryOut+y*iWidth, 1, 1, inverse); } delete[] reTemp; delete[] imTemp; } /** permute the entries from pfDataIn into pfDataOut to prepare for an * in-place FFT. pfDataIn may be equal to pfDataOut. */ static void bitReverse(unsigned int iLength, const float32* pfDataIn, float32* pfDataOut, unsigned int iStrideShiftIn, unsigned int iStrideShiftOut) { if (pfDataIn == pfDataOut) { assert(iStrideShiftIn == iStrideShiftOut); float32 t; unsigned int j = 0; for(unsigned int i = 0; i < iLength - 1; i++) { if (i < j) { t = pfDataOut[i<<iStrideShiftOut]; pfDataOut[i<<iStrideShiftOut] = pfDataOut[j<<iStrideShiftOut]; pfDataOut[j<<iStrideShiftOut] = t; } unsigned int k = iLength / 2; while (k <= j) { j -= k; k /= 2; } j += k; } } else { unsigned int j = 0; for(unsigned int i = 0; i < iLength - 1; i++) { pfDataOut[i<<iStrideShiftOut] = pfDataIn[j<<iStrideShiftIn]; unsigned int k = iLength / 2; while (k <= j) { j -= k; k /= 2; } j += k; } pfDataOut[(iLength-1)<<iStrideShiftOut] = pfDataIn[(iLength-1)<<iStrideShiftOut]; } } static unsigned int log2(unsigned int n) { unsigned int l = 0; while (n > 1) { n /= 2; ++l; } return l; } /** perform 1D FFT. iLength, iStrideIn, iStrideOut must be powers of two. */ void fastTwoPowerFourierTransform1D(unsigned int iLength, const float32* pfRealIn, const float32* pfImaginaryIn, float32* pfRealOut, float32* pfImaginaryOut, unsigned int iStrideIn, unsigned int iStrideOut, bool inverse) { unsigned int iStrideShiftIn = log2(iStrideIn); unsigned int iStrideShiftOut = log2(iStrideOut); unsigned int iLogLength = log2(iLength); bitReverse(iLength, pfRealIn, pfRealOut, iStrideShiftIn, iStrideShiftOut); bitReverse(iLength, pfImaginaryIn, pfImaginaryOut, iStrideShiftIn, iStrideShiftOut); float32 ca = -1.0; float32 sa = 0.0; unsigned int l1 = 1, l2 = 1; for(unsigned int l=0; l < iLogLength; ++l) { l1 = l2; l2 *= 2; float32 u1 = 1.0; float32 u2 = 0.0; for(unsigned int j = 0; j < l1; j++) { for(unsigned int i = j; i < iLength; i += l2) { unsigned int i1 = i + l1; float32 t1 = u1 * pfRealOut[i1<<iStrideShiftOut] - u2 * pfImaginaryOut[i1<<iStrideShiftOut]; float32 t2 = u1 * pfImaginaryOut[i1<<iStrideShiftOut] + u2 * pfRealOut[i1<<iStrideShiftOut]; pfRealOut[i1<<iStrideShiftOut] = pfRealOut[i<<iStrideShiftOut] - t1; pfImaginaryOut[i1<<iStrideShiftOut] = pfImaginaryOut[i<<iStrideShiftOut] - t2; pfRealOut[i<<iStrideShiftOut] += t1; pfImaginaryOut[i<<iStrideShiftOut] += t2; } float32 z = u1 * ca - u2 * sa; u2 = u1 * sa + u2 * ca; u1 = z; } sa = sqrt((1.0 - ca) / 2.0); if (!inverse) sa = -sa; ca = sqrt((1.0 + ca) / 2.0); } if (inverse) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < iLength; ++i) { pfRealOut[i<<iStrideShiftOut] /= iLength; pfImaginaryOut[i<<iStrideShiftOut] /= iLength; } } } void fastTwoPowerFourierTransform2D(unsigned int iHeight, unsigned int iWidth, const float32* pfRealIn, const float32* pfImaginaryIn, float32* pfRealOut, float32* pfImaginaryOut, bool inverse) { //calculate the fourier transform of the columns for (unsigned int x = 0; x < iWidth; x++) { fastTwoPowerFourierTransform1D(iHeight, pfRealIn+x, pfImaginaryIn+x, pfRealOut+x, pfImaginaryOut+x, iWidth, iWidth, inverse); } //calculate the fourier transform of the rows for (unsigned int y = 0; y < iHeight; y++) { fastTwoPowerFourierTransform1D(iWidth, pfRealOut+y*iWidth, pfImaginaryOut+y*iWidth, pfRealOut+y*iWidth, pfImaginaryOut+y*iWidth, 1, 1, inverse); } } }