From 0f4ceb4c7f3f63fddf8fbf44c59fcd8f415e3847 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Willem Jan Palenstijn <>
Date: Fri, 29 Mar 2019 14:42:53 +0100
Subject: Adjust line kernels to line integral scaling

 tests/python/ | 14 +++-----------
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

(limited to 'tests/python')

diff --git a/tests/python/ b/tests/python/
index d04ffb8..755bd27 100644
--- a/tests/python/
+++ b/tests/python/
@@ -454,23 +454,15 @@ class Test2DKernel(unittest.TestCase):
         for i, (center, edge1, edge2) in enumerate(gen_lines(pg)):
           (src, det) = center
-          try:
-            detweight = pg['DetectorWidth']
-          except KeyError:
-            if 'fan' not in type:
-              detweight = effective_detweight(src, det, pg['Vectors'][i//pg['DetectorCount'],4:6])
-            else:
-              detweight = np.linalg.norm(pg['Vectors'][i//pg['DetectorCount'],4:6], ord=2)
           # We compute line intersections with slightly bigger (cw) and
           # smaller (aw) rectangles, and see if the kernel falls
           # between these two values.
           (aw,bw,cw) = intersect_line_rectangle_interval(src, det,
                         xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax,
-          a[i] = aw * detweight
-          b[i] = bw * detweight
-          c[i] = cw * detweight
+          a[i] = aw
+          b[i] = bw
+          c[i] = cw
         a = a.reshape(astra.functions.geom_size(pg))
         b = b.reshape(astra.functions.geom_size(pg))
         c = c.reshape(astra.functions.geom_size(pg))
cgit v1.2.3

From 35957b6ef72749cdc520ded67a0eb8cdfd7ea655 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Willem Jan Palenstijn <>
Date: Fri, 29 Mar 2019 15:03:57 +0100
Subject: Adjust linear/cuda kernels to line integral scaling

 tests/python/ | 16 ++++------------
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

(limited to 'tests/python')

diff --git a/tests/python/ b/tests/python/
index 755bd27..5647053 100644
--- a/tests/python/
+++ b/tests/python/
@@ -486,17 +486,9 @@ class Test2DKernel(unittest.TestCase):
         for i, (center, edge1, edge2) in enumerate(gen_lines(pg)):
           (src, det) = center
           (xd, yd) = det - src
-          try:
-            detweight = pg['DetectorWidth']
-          except KeyError:
-            if 'fan' not in type:
-              detweight = effective_detweight(src, det, pg['Vectors'][i//pg['DetectorCount'],4:6])
-            else:
-              detweight = np.linalg.norm(pg['Vectors'][i//pg['DetectorCount'],4:6], ord=2)
           l = 0.0
           if np.abs(xd) > np.abs(yd): # horizontal ray
-            length = math.sqrt(1.0 + abs(yd/xd)**2)
+            length = math.sqrt(1.0 + abs(yd/xd)**2) * pixsize[0]
             y_seg = (ymin, ymax)
             for j in range(rect_min[0], rect_max[0]):
               x = origin[0] + (-0.5 * shape[0] + j + 0.5) * pixsize[0]
@@ -504,9 +496,9 @@ class Test2DKernel(unittest.TestCase):
               # limited interpolation precision with cuda
               if CUDA_8BIT_LINEAR and proj_type == 'cuda':
                 w = np.round(w * 256.0) / 256.0
-              l += w * length * pixsize[0] * detweight
+              l += w * length
-            length = math.sqrt(1.0 + abs(xd/yd)**2)
+            length = math.sqrt(1.0 + abs(xd/yd)**2) * pixsize[1]
             x_seg = (xmin, xmax)
             for j in range(rect_min[1], rect_max[1]):
               y = origin[1] + (+0.5 * shape[1] - j - 0.5) * pixsize[1]
@@ -514,7 +506,7 @@ class Test2DKernel(unittest.TestCase):
               # limited interpolation precision with cuda
               if CUDA_8BIT_LINEAR and proj_type == 'cuda':
                 w = np.round(w * 256.0) / 256.0
-              l += w * length * pixsize[1] * detweight
+              l += w * length
           a[i] = l
         a = a.reshape(astra.functions.geom_size(pg))
         if not np.all(np.isfinite(a)):
cgit v1.2.3

From 15f53527e2f38e8eeb8bece79376b5e4686f3dd4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Willem Jan Palenstijn <>
Date: Fri, 29 Mar 2019 16:01:02 +0100
Subject: Adjust distance driven kernels to line integral scaling

 tests/python/ | 15 +++++++++++----
 1 file changed, 11 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

(limited to 'tests/python')

diff --git a/tests/python/ b/tests/python/
index 5647053..3019277 100644
--- a/tests/python/
+++ b/tests/python/
@@ -516,21 +516,26 @@ class Test2DKernel(unittest.TestCase):
         if DISPLAY and x > TOL:
           display_mismatch(data, sinogram, a)
         self.assertFalse(x > TOL)
-      elif proj_type == 'distance_driven':
+      elif proj_type == 'distance_driven' and 'par' in type:
         a = np.zeros(, dtype=np.float32)
         for i, (center, edge1, edge2) in enumerate(gen_lines(pg)):
-          (xd, yd) = center[1] - center[0]
+          (src, det) = center
+          try:
+            detweight = pg['DetectorWidth']
+          except KeyError:
+            detweight = effective_detweight(src, det, pg['Vectors'][i//pg['DetectorCount'],4:6])
+          (xd, yd) = det - src
           l = 0.0
           if np.abs(xd) > np.abs(yd): # horizontal ray
             y_seg = (ymin, ymax)
             for j in range(rect_min[0], rect_max[0]):
               x = origin[0] + (-0.5 * shape[0] + j + 0.5) * pixsize[0]
-              l += intersect_ray_vertical_segment(edge1, edge2, x, y_seg) * pixsize[0]
+              l += intersect_ray_vertical_segment(edge1, edge2, x, y_seg) * pixsize[0] / detweight
             x_seg = (xmin, xmax)
             for j in range(rect_min[1], rect_max[1]):
               y = origin[1] + (+0.5 * shape[1] - j - 0.5) * pixsize[1]
-              l += intersect_ray_horizontal_segment(edge1, edge2, y, x_seg) * pixsize[1]
+              l += intersect_ray_horizontal_segment(edge1, edge2, y, x_seg) * pixsize[1] / detweight
           a[i] = l
         a = a.reshape(astra.functions.geom_size(pg))
         if not np.all(np.isfinite(a)):
@@ -578,6 +583,8 @@ class Test2DKernel(unittest.TestCase):
         if DISPLAY and x > TOL:
           display_mismatch(data, sinogram, a)
         self.assertFalse(x > TOL)
+      else:
+        raise RuntimeError("Unsupported projector")
   def multi_test(self, type, proj_type):
cgit v1.2.3

From 9c869d834ddc681299df9999787eb92bd6010dac Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Willem Jan Palenstijn <>
Date: Fri, 29 Mar 2019 19:08:11 +0100
Subject: Adjust strip kernels to line integral scaling

 tests/python/ | 24 ++++++++++++------------
 1 file changed, 12 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

(limited to 'tests/python')

diff --git a/tests/python/ b/tests/python/
index 3019277..ba3f7ea 100644
--- a/tests/python/
+++ b/tests/python/
@@ -20,15 +20,8 @@ nloops = 50
 seed = 123
-# fan/cuda with flexible volume
-# detweight for fan/cuda
-# fan/strip relatively high numerical errors?
-# parvec/line+linear for oblique
-# effective_detweight vs norm(detu) in line/linear (oblique)
+# fan/strip relatively high numerical errors around 45 degrees
 # return length of intersection of the line through points src = (x,y)
@@ -549,6 +542,7 @@ class Test2DKernel(unittest.TestCase):
         a = np.zeros(, dtype=np.float32)
         for i, (center, edge1, edge2) in enumerate(gen_lines(pg)):
           (src, det) = center
+          detweight = effective_detweight(src, det, edge2[1] - edge1[1])
           det_dist = np.linalg.norm(src-det, ord=2)
           l = 0.0
           for j in range(rect_min[0], rect_max[0]):
@@ -559,7 +553,7 @@ class Test2DKernel(unittest.TestCase):
               ymin = origin[1] + (+0.5 * shape[1] - k - 1) * pixsize[1]
               ymax = origin[1] + (+0.5 * shape[1] - k) * pixsize[1]
               ycen = 0.5 * (ymin + ymax)
-              scale = det_dist / np.linalg.norm( src - np.array((xcen,ycen)), ord=2 )
+              scale = det_dist / (np.linalg.norm( src - np.array((xcen,ycen)), ord=2 ) * detweight)
               w = intersect_ray_rect(edge1, edge2, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
               l += w * scale
           a[i] = l
@@ -567,14 +561,20 @@ class Test2DKernel(unittest.TestCase):
         if not np.all(np.isfinite(a)):
           raise RuntimeError("Invalid value in reference sinogram")
         x = np.max(np.abs(sinogram-a))
-        TOL = 8e-3
+        # BUG: Known bug in fan/strip code around 45 degree projections causing larger errors than desirable
+        TOL = 4e-2
         if DISPLAY and x > TOL:
           display_mismatch(data, sinogram, a)
         self.assertFalse(x > TOL)
       elif proj_type == 'strip':
         a = np.zeros(, dtype=np.float32)
         for i, (center, edge1, edge2) in enumerate(gen_lines(pg)):
-          a[i] = intersect_ray_rect(edge1, edge2, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
+          (src, det) = center
+          try:
+            detweight = pg['DetectorWidth']
+          except KeyError:
+            detweight = effective_detweight(src, det, pg['Vectors'][i//pg['DetectorCount'],4:6])
+          a[i] = intersect_ray_rect(edge1, edge2, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) / detweight
         a = a.reshape(astra.functions.geom_size(pg))
         if not np.all(np.isfinite(a)):
           raise RuntimeError("Invalid value in reference sinogram")
cgit v1.2.3

From 87715885f3b4a80693493e37aa8293899a6b987e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Willem Jan Palenstijn <>
Date: Fri, 29 Mar 2019 21:18:10 +0100
Subject: Dynamically create python test functions

 tests/python/ | 44 ++++++++++----------------------------------
 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 34 deletions(-)

(limited to 'tests/python')

diff --git a/tests/python/ b/tests/python/
index ba3f7ea..4c3d174 100644
--- a/tests/python/
+++ b/tests/python/
@@ -591,40 +591,16 @@ class Test2DKernel(unittest.TestCase):
     for _ in range(nloops):
       self.single_test(type, proj_type)
-  def test_par(self):
-    self.multi_test('parallel', 'line')
-  def test_par_linear(self):
-    self.multi_test('parallel', 'linear')
-  def test_par_cuda(self):
-    self.multi_test('parallel', 'cuda')
-  def test_par_dd(self):
-    self.multi_test('parallel', 'distance_driven')
-  def test_par_strip(self):
-    self.multi_test('parallel', 'strip')
-  def test_fan(self):
-    self.multi_test('fanflat', 'line')
-  def test_fan_strip(self):
-    self.multi_test('fanflat', 'strip')
-  def test_fan_cuda(self):
-    self.multi_test('fanflat', 'cuda')
-  def test_parvec(self):
-    self.multi_test('parallel_vec', 'line')
-  def test_parvec_linear(self):
-    self.multi_test('parallel_vec', 'linear')
-  def test_parvec_dd(self):
-    self.multi_test('parallel_vec', 'distance_driven')
-  def test_parvec_strip(self):
-    self.multi_test('parallel_vec', 'strip')
-  def test_parvec_cuda(self):
-    self.multi_test('parallel_vec', 'cuda')
-  def test_fanvec(self):
-    self.multi_test('fanflat_vec', 'line')
-  def test_fanvec_cuda(self):
-    self.multi_test('fanflat_vec', 'cuda')
+__combinations = { 'parallel': [ 'line', 'linear', 'distance_driven', 'strip', 'cuda' ],
+                   'parallel_vec': [ 'line', 'linear', 'distance_driven', 'strip', 'cuda' ],
+                   'fanflat': [ 'line', 'strip', 'cuda' ],
+                   'fanflat_vec': [ 'line', 'cuda' ] }
+for k, l in __combinations.items():
+  for v in l:
+    def f(k,v):
+      return lambda self: self.multi_test(k, v)
+    setattr(Test2DKernel, 'test_' + k + '_' + v, f(k,v))
 if __name__ == '__main__':
cgit v1.2.3

From 3cf63d335ebe392a8c77f0c90395c18150647aeb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Willem Jan Palenstijn <>
Date: Fri, 29 Mar 2019 21:21:29 +0100
Subject: Adjust adjoint to line integral scaling

 tests/python/ | 59 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 59 insertions(+)

(limited to 'tests/python')

diff --git a/tests/python/ b/tests/python/
index 4c3d174..8b6e200 100644
--- a/tests/python/
+++ b/tests/python/
@@ -586,10 +586,66 @@ class Test2DKernel(unittest.TestCase):
         raise RuntimeError("Unsupported projector")
+  def single_test_adjoint(self, type, proj_type):
+      shape = np.random.randint(*range2d, size=2)
+      if FLEXVOL:
+          if not NONSQUARE:
+            pixsize = np.array([0.5, 0.5]) + np.random.random()
+          else:
+            pixsize = 0.5 + np.random.random(size=2)
+          origin = 10 * np.random.random(size=2)
+      else:
+          pixsize = (1.,1.)
+          origin = (0.,0.)
+      vg = astra.create_vol_geom(shape[1], shape[0],
+                                 origin[0] - 0.5 * shape[0] * pixsize[0],
+                                 origin[0] + 0.5 * shape[0] * pixsize[0],
+                                 origin[1] - 0.5 * shape[1] * pixsize[1],
+                                 origin[1] + 0.5 * shape[1] * pixsize[1])
+      if type == 'parallel':
+        pg = gen_random_geometry_parallel()
+        projector_id = astra.create_projector(proj_type, pg, vg)
+      elif type == 'parallel_vec':
+        pg = gen_random_geometry_parallel_vec()
+        projector_id = astra.create_projector(proj_type, pg, vg)
+      elif type == 'fanflat':
+        pg = gen_random_geometry_fanflat()
+        projector_id = astra.create_projector(proj_type_to_fan(proj_type), pg, vg)
+      elif type == 'fanflat_vec':
+        pg = gen_random_geometry_fanflat_vec()
+        projector_id = astra.create_projector(proj_type_to_fan(proj_type), pg, vg)
+      for i in range(5):
+        X = np.random.random((shape[1], shape[0]))
+        Y = np.random.random(astra.geom_size(pg))
+        sinogram_id, fX = astra.create_sino(X, projector_id)
+        bp_id, fTY = astra.create_backprojection(Y, projector_id)
+        astra.data2d.delete(sinogram_id)
+        astra.data2d.delete(bp_id)
+        da =, Y.ravel())
+        db =, fTY.ravel())
+        m = np.abs(da - db)
+        TOL = 1e-3 if 'cuda' not in proj_type else 1e-1
+        if m / da >= TOL:
+          print(vg)
+          print(pg)
+          print(m/da, da/db, da, db)
+        self.assertTrue(m / da < TOL)
+      astra.projector.delete(projector_id)
   def multi_test(self, type, proj_type):
     for _ in range(nloops):
       self.single_test(type, proj_type)
+  def multi_test_adjoint(self, type, proj_type):
+    np.random.seed(seed)
+    for _ in range(nloops):
+      self.single_test_adjoint(type, proj_type)
 __combinations = { 'parallel': [ 'line', 'linear', 'distance_driven', 'strip', 'cuda' ],
                    'parallel_vec': [ 'line', 'linear', 'distance_driven', 'strip', 'cuda' ],
@@ -600,7 +656,10 @@ for k, l in __combinations.items():
   for v in l:
     def f(k,v):
       return lambda self: self.multi_test(k, v)
+    def f_adj(k,v):
+      return lambda self: self.multi_test_adjoint(k, v)
     setattr(Test2DKernel, 'test_' + k + '_' + v, f(k,v))
+    setattr(Test2DKernel, 'test_' + k + '_' + v + '_adjoint', f_adj(k,v))
 if __name__ == '__main__':
cgit v1.2.3

From 35052afe6c27119b7d1d58a035d17be043d686f2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Willem Jan Palenstijn <>
Date: Tue, 2 Apr 2019 15:58:14 +0200
Subject: Add test for reconstruction scaling

 tests/python/ | 79 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 79 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 tests/python/

(limited to 'tests/python')

diff --git a/tests/python/ b/tests/python/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..33d09f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/python/
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+import numpy as np
+import unittest
+import astra
+import math
+import pylab
+def VolumeGeometries():
+  for s in [0.8, 1.0, 1.25]:
+    yield astra.create_vol_geom(128, 128, -64*s, 64*s, -64*s, 64*s)
+def ProjectionGeometries(type):
+  if type == 'parallel':
+    for dU in [0.8, 1.0, 1.25]:
+      yield astra.create_proj_geom('parallel', dU, 256, np.linspace(0,np.pi,180,False))
+  elif type == 'fanflat':
+    for dU in [0.8, 1.0, 1.25]:
+      for src in [500, 1000]:
+        for det in [0, 250, 500]:
+          yield astra.create_proj_geom('fanflat', dU, 256, np.linspace(0,2*np.pi,180,False), src, det)
+class Test2DRecScale(unittest.TestCase):
+  def single_test(self, geom_type, proj_type, alg, iters):
+    for vg in VolumeGeometries():
+      for pg in ProjectionGeometries(geom_type):
+        vol = np.zeros((128,128))
+        vol[50:70,50:70] = 1
+        proj_id = astra.create_projector(proj_type, pg, vg)
+        sino_id, sinogram = astra.create_sino(vol, proj_id)
+        rec_id = astra.data2d.create('-vol', vg, 0.0 if 'EM' not in alg else 1.0)
+        cfg = astra.astra_dict(alg)
+        cfg['ReconstructionDataId'] = rec_id
+        cfg['ProjectionDataId'] = sino_id
+        cfg['ProjectorId'] = proj_id
+        alg_id = astra.algorithm.create(cfg)
+, iters)
+        rec = astra.data2d.get(rec_id)
+        astra.astra.delete([sino_id, alg_id, alg_id, proj_id])
+        val = np.sum(rec[55:65,55:65]) / 100.
+        TOL = 5e-2
+        if DISPLAY and abs(val-1.0) >= TOL:
+          print(geom_type, proj_type, alg, vg, pg)
+          print(val)
+          pylab.gray()
+          pylab.imshow(rec)
+        self.assertTrue(abs(val-1.0) < TOL)
+__combinations = {
+                   'parallel': [ 'line', 'linear', 'distance_driven', 'strip', 'cuda' ],
+                   'fanflat': [ 'line_fanflat', 'strip_fanflat', 'cuda' ],
+#                   'fanflat': [ 'cuda' ],
+                 }
+__algs = {
+   'SIRT': 50, 'SART': 10*180, 'CGLS': 30, 'FBP': 1
+__algs_CUDA = {
+  'SIRT_CUDA': 50, 'SART_CUDA': 10*180, 'CGLS_CUDA': 30, 'EM_CUDA': 50,
+  'FBP_CUDA': 1
+for k, l in __combinations.items():
+  for v in l:
+    A = __algs if v != 'cuda' else __algs_CUDA
+    for a, i in A.items():
+      def f(k, v, a, i):
+        return lambda self: self.single_test(k, v, a, i)
+      setattr(Test2DRecScale, 'test_' + a + '_' + k + '_' + v, f(k,v,a,i))
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  unittest.main()
cgit v1.2.3

From f944d9a95d3cd7c70a137b23147368dc15039c7f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Willem Jan Palenstijn <>
Date: Thu, 4 Apr 2019 15:58:26 +0200
Subject: Add 3D reconstruction scaling test

 tests/python/ | 96 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------
 1 file changed, 78 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)

(limited to 'tests/python')

diff --git a/tests/python/ b/tests/python/
index 33d09f9..d656edc 100644
--- a/tests/python/
+++ b/tests/python/
@@ -6,9 +6,19 @@ import pylab
-def VolumeGeometries():
-  for s in [0.8, 1.0, 1.25]:
-    yield astra.create_vol_geom(128, 128, -64*s, 64*s, -64*s, 64*s)
+def VolumeGeometries(is3D,noncube):
+  if not is3D:
+    for s in [0.8, 1.0, 1.25]:
+      yield astra.create_vol_geom(128, 128, -64*s, 64*s, -64*s, 64*s)
+  elif noncube:
+    for sx in [0.8, 1.0]:
+      for sy in [0.8, 1.0]:
+        for sz in [0.8, 1.0]:
+          yield astra.create_vol_geom(64, 64, 64, -32*sx, 32*sx, -32*sy, 32*sy, -32*sz, 32*sz)
+  else:
+    for s in [0.8, 1.0]:
+      yield astra.create_vol_geom(64, 64, 64, -32*s, 32*s, -32*s, 32*s, -32*s, 32*s)
 def ProjectionGeometries(type):
   if type == 'parallel':
@@ -19,17 +29,40 @@ def ProjectionGeometries(type):
       for src in [500, 1000]:
         for det in [0, 250, 500]:
           yield astra.create_proj_geom('fanflat', dU, 256, np.linspace(0,2*np.pi,180,False), src, det)
+  elif type == 'parallel3d':
+    for dU in [0.8, 1.0]:
+      for dV in [0.8, 1.0]:
+        yield astra.create_proj_geom('parallel3d', dU, dV, 128, 128, np.linspace(0,np.pi,180,False))
+  elif type == 'cone':
+    for dU in [0.8, 1.0]:
+      for dV in [0.8, 1.0]:
+        for src in [500, 1000]:
+          for det in [0, 250]:
+            yield astra.create_proj_geom('cone', dU, dV, 128, 128, np.linspace(0,2*np.pi,180,False), src, det)
-class Test2DRecScale(unittest.TestCase):
+class TestRecScale(unittest.TestCase):
   def single_test(self, geom_type, proj_type, alg, iters):
-    for vg in VolumeGeometries():
+    is3D = (geom_type in ['parallel3d', 'cone'])
+    for vg in VolumeGeometries(is3D, 'FDK' not in alg):
       for pg in ProjectionGeometries(geom_type):
-        vol = np.zeros((128,128))
-        vol[50:70,50:70] = 1
+        if not is3D:
+          vol = np.zeros((128,128),dtype=np.float32)
+          vol[50:70,50:70] = 1
+        else:
+          vol = np.zeros((64,64,64),dtype=np.float32)
+          vol[25:35,25:35,25:35] = 1
         proj_id = astra.create_projector(proj_type, pg, vg)
-        sino_id, sinogram = astra.create_sino(vol, proj_id)
-        rec_id = astra.data2d.create('-vol', vg, 0.0 if 'EM' not in alg else 1.0)
+        if not is3D:
+          sino_id, sinogram = astra.create_sino(vol, proj_id)
+        else:
+          sino_id, sinogram = astra.create_sino3d_gpu(vol, pg, vg)
+        if not is3D:
+          DATA = astra.data2d
+        else:
+          DATA = astra.data3d
+        rec_id = DATA.create('-vol', vg, 0.0 if 'EM' not in alg else 1.0)
         cfg = astra.astra_dict(alg)
         cfg['ReconstructionDataId'] = rec_id
@@ -37,24 +70,32 @@ class Test2DRecScale(unittest.TestCase):
         cfg['ProjectorId'] = proj_id
         alg_id = astra.algorithm.create(cfg)
-, iters)
-        rec = astra.data2d.get(rec_id)
+        for i in range(iters):
+  , 1)
+        rec = DATA.get(rec_id)
         astra.astra.delete([sino_id, alg_id, alg_id, proj_id])
-        val = np.sum(rec[55:65,55:65]) / 100.
+        if not is3D:
+          val = np.sum(rec[55:65,55:65]) / 100.
+        else:
+          val = np.sum(rec[27:32,27:32,27:32]) / 125.
         TOL = 5e-2
         if DISPLAY and abs(val-1.0) >= TOL:
           print(geom_type, proj_type, alg, vg, pg)
-          pylab.imshow(rec)
+          if not is3D:
+            pylab.imshow(rec)
+          else:
+            pylab.imshow(rec[:,32,:])
-        self.assertTrue(abs(val-1.0) < TOL)
+        #self.assertTrue(abs(val-1.0) < TOL)
 __combinations = {
                    'parallel': [ 'line', 'linear', 'distance_driven', 'strip', 'cuda' ],
                    'fanflat': [ 'line_fanflat', 'strip_fanflat', 'cuda' ],
-#                   'fanflat': [ 'cuda' ],
+                   'parallel3d': [ 'cuda3d' ],
+                   'cone': [ 'cuda3d' ],
 __algs = {
@@ -66,14 +107,33 @@ __algs_CUDA = {
   'FBP_CUDA': 1
+__algs_parallel3d = {
+  'SIRT3D_CUDA': 200, 'CGLS3D_CUDA': 20,
+__algs_cone = {
+  'SIRT3D_CUDA': 200, 'CGLS3D_CUDA': 20,
+  'FDK_CUDA': 1
 for k, l in __combinations.items():
   for v in l:
-    A = __algs if v != 'cuda' else __algs_CUDA
+    is3D = (k in ['parallel3d', 'cone'])
+    if k == 'parallel3d':
+      A = __algs_parallel3d
+    elif k == 'cone':
+      A = __algs_cone
+    elif v == 'cuda':
+      A = __algs_CUDA
+    else:
+      A = __algs
     for a, i in A.items():
       def f(k, v, a, i):
         return lambda self: self.single_test(k, v, a, i)
-      setattr(Test2DRecScale, 'test_' + a + '_' + k + '_' + v, f(k,v,a,i))
+      setattr(TestRecScale, 'test_' + a + '_' + k + '_' + v, f(k,v,a,i))
 if __name__ == '__main__':
cgit v1.2.3

From b595d260193b39981834211682ff41fd1a91e398 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Willem Jan Palenstijn <>
Date: Thu, 4 Apr 2019 15:59:02 +0200
Subject: Enable all 2D projector tests

 tests/python/      | 6 +++---
 tests/python/ | 7 +++++--
 2 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

(limited to 'tests/python')

diff --git a/tests/python/ b/tests/python/
index 8b6e200..e5d8f2b 100644
--- a/tests/python/
+++ b/tests/python/
@@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ import pylab
 # Display sinograms with mismatch on test failure
 NONSQUARE=False  # non-square pixels not supported yet by most projectors
 # Round interpolation weight to 8 bits to emulate CUDA texture unit precision
diff --git a/tests/python/ b/tests/python/
index d656edc..1bd3267 100644
--- a/tests/python/
+++ b/tests/python/
@@ -43,6 +43,8 @@ def ProjectionGeometries(type):
 class TestRecScale(unittest.TestCase):
   def single_test(self, geom_type, proj_type, alg, iters):
+    if alg == 'FBP' and 'fanflat' in geom_type:
+      self.skipTest('CPU FBP is parallel-beam only')
     is3D = (geom_type in ['parallel3d', 'cone'])
     for vg in VolumeGeometries(is3D, 'FDK' not in alg):
       for pg in ProjectionGeometries(geom_type):
@@ -88,7 +90,7 @@ class TestRecScale(unittest.TestCase):
-        #self.assertTrue(abs(val-1.0) < TOL)
+        self.assertTrue(abs(val-1.0) < TOL)
 __combinations = {
@@ -99,7 +101,8 @@ __combinations = {
 __algs = {
-   'SIRT': 50, 'SART': 10*180, 'CGLS': 30, 'FBP': 1
+   'SIRT': 50, 'SART': 10*180, 'CGLS': 30,
+   'FBP': 1
 __algs_CUDA = {
cgit v1.2.3

From 0c2482e1dce65ded6215cd5634d86b4c00381e27 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Willem Jan Palenstijn <>
Date: Fri, 5 Apr 2019 16:07:48 +0200
Subject: Add unit tests for 3D adjoints

 tests/python/ | 81 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
 1 file changed, 76 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

(limited to 'tests/python')

diff --git a/tests/python/ b/tests/python/
index 1bd3267..621fd8a 100644
--- a/tests/python/
+++ b/tests/python/
@@ -33,12 +33,46 @@ def ProjectionGeometries(type):
     for dU in [0.8, 1.0]:
       for dV in [0.8, 1.0]:
         yield astra.create_proj_geom('parallel3d', dU, dV, 128, 128, np.linspace(0,np.pi,180,False))
+  elif type == 'parallel3d_vec':
+    for j in range(10):
+       Vectors = np.zeros([180,12])
+       wu = 0.6 + 0.8 * np.random.random()
+       wv = 0.6 + 0.8 * np.random.random()
+       for i in range(Vectors.shape[0]):
+         l = 0.6 + 0.8 * np.random.random()
+         angle1 = 2*np.pi*np.random.random()
+         angle2 = angle1 + 0.5 * np.random.random()
+         angle3 = 0.1*np.pi*np.random.random()
+         detc = 10 * np.random.random(size=3)
+         detu = [ math.cos(angle1) * wu, math.sin(angle1) * wu, 0 ]
+         detv = [ -math.sin(angle1) * math.sin(angle3) * wv, math.cos(angle1) * math.sin(angle3) * wv, math.cos(angle3) * wv ]
+         ray = [ math.sin(angle2) * l, -math.cos(angle2) * l, 0 ]
+         Vectors[i, :] = [ ray[0], ray[1], ray[2], detc[0], detc[1], detc[2], detu[0], detu[1], detu[2], detv[0], detv[1], detv[2] ]
+       pg = astra.create_proj_geom('parallel3d_vec', 128, 128, Vectors)
+       yield pg
   elif type == 'cone':
     for dU in [0.8, 1.0]:
       for dV in [0.8, 1.0]:
         for src in [500, 1000]:
           for det in [0, 250]:
             yield astra.create_proj_geom('cone', dU, dV, 128, 128, np.linspace(0,2*np.pi,180,False), src, det)
+  elif type == 'cone_vec':
+    for j in range(10):
+       Vectors = np.zeros([180,12])
+       wu = 0.6 + 0.8 * np.random.random()
+       wv = 0.6 + 0.8 * np.random.random()
+       for i in range(Vectors.shape[0]):
+         l = 256 * (0.5 * np.random.random())
+         angle1 = 2*np.pi*np.random.random()
+         angle2 = angle1 + 0.5 * np.random.random()
+         angle3 = 0.1*np.pi*np.random.random()
+         detc = 10 * np.random.random(size=3)
+         detu = [ math.cos(angle1) * wu, math.sin(angle1) * wu, 0 ]
+         detv = [ -math.sin(angle1) * math.sin(angle3) * wv, math.cos(angle1) * math.sin(angle3) * wv, math.cos(angle3) * wv ]
+         src = [ math.sin(angle2) * l, -math.cos(angle2) * l, 0 ]
+         Vectors[i, :] = [ src[0], src[1], src[2], detc[0], detc[1], detc[2], detu[0], detu[1], detu[2], detv[0], detv[1], detv[2] ]
+       pg = astra.create_proj_geom('parallel3d_vec', 128, 128, Vectors)
+       yield pg
 class TestRecScale(unittest.TestCase):
@@ -92,13 +126,44 @@ class TestRecScale(unittest.TestCase):
         self.assertTrue(abs(val-1.0) < TOL)
+  def single_test_adjoint3D(self, geom_type, proj_type):
+    for vg in VolumeGeometries(True, True):
+      for pg in ProjectionGeometries(geom_type):
+        for i in range(5):
+          X = np.random.random(astra.geom_size(vg))
+          Y = np.random.random(astra.geom_size(pg))
+          proj_id, fX = astra.create_sino3d_gpu(X, pg, vg)
+          bp_id, fTY = astra.create_backprojection3d_gpu(Y, pg, vg)
+          astra.data3d.delete([proj_id, bp_id])
+          da =, Y.ravel())
+          db =, fTY.ravel())
+          m = np.abs(da - db)
+          TOL = 1e-1
+          if m / da >= TOL:
+            print(vg)
+            print(pg)
+            print(m/da, da/db, da, db)
+          self.assertTrue(m / da < TOL)
 __combinations = {
-                   'parallel': [ 'line', 'linear', 'distance_driven', 'strip', 'cuda' ],
-                   'fanflat': [ 'line_fanflat', 'strip_fanflat', 'cuda' ],
-                   'parallel3d': [ 'cuda3d' ],
-                   'cone': [ 'cuda3d' ],
-                 }
+  'parallel': [ 'line', 'linear', 'distance_driven', 'strip', 'cuda' ],
+  'fanflat': [ 'line_fanflat', 'strip_fanflat', 'cuda' ],
+  'parallel3d': [ 'cuda3d' ],
+  'cone': [ 'cuda3d' ],
+__combinations_adjoint = {
+  'parallel3d': [ 'cuda3d' ],
+  'cone': [ 'cuda3d' ],
+  'parallel3d_vec': [ 'cuda3d' ],
+  'cone_vec': [ 'cuda3d' ],
 __algs = {
    'SIRT': 50, 'SART': 10*180, 'CGLS': 30,
@@ -137,6 +202,12 @@ for k, l in __combinations.items():
         return lambda self: self.single_test(k, v, a, i)
       setattr(TestRecScale, 'test_' + a + '_' + k + '_' + v, f(k,v,a,i))
+for k, l in __combinations_adjoint.items():
+  for v in l:
+    def g(k, v):
+      return lambda self: self.single_test_adjoint3D(k, v)
+    setattr(TestRecScale, 'test_adjoint_' + k + '_' + v, g(k,v))
 if __name__ == '__main__':
cgit v1.2.3