\subtitle{Selected presentations}{\faSuitcase} \begin{events} % Parallel sessions is standard, everything else should be noted (don't specify "plenary" if there is no parallel sessions) % Skip: local workshops like visions and collaboration meetings % ESRF: visit in 2019 (no seminar), EXTREMA Cost workshop (no talk) % Visions 2009 - 2020 (except 2017) % Collaboration meetings, ROOF/2018, ASTOR/2014 (Desy), PANDAS/2014 % Local: RoCE/2020, KaaS/2020, Alps/2012 (local meeting on Flute) % Presentation for guests: Nicolas(Soleil) visits (multiple) % Unclear: 2011/UFO (internal), 2012/Graphics (internal?) \eventsection{Conferences}{} \conference{\at{Oct}{2019}} {invited} {Accelerating Remote Visualization of Large Tomographic Data Volumes} {Global Innovation Forum, Armenia}{} \conference{\at{Oct}{2018}} {} {Balancing load of GPU subsystems to accelerate image reconstruction in parallel beam tomography} {SBAC-PAD 2018 conference, Lyon, France}{} \conference{\at{Okt}{2014}} {} {Computing Infrastructure for Online Monitoring and Control of High-throughput DAQ Electronics} {10th PCAPAC conference, Karlsruhe, Germany}{} \conference{\at{Sep}{2014}} {invited} {UFO – Status and Perspectives of Ultrafast X-Ray Imaging at ANKA'' and ``Fast Reconstruction Algorithms for Computed Tomography} {SNI2014, Bonn, Germany} {Delivered by M. Balzer} % \conference{\at{Sep}{2014}} {invited} {Fast Reconstruction Algorithms for Computed Tomography} {SNI2014, Bonn, Germany} {Delivered by M. Balzer} \conference{\at{Jun}{2012}} {} {A High Throughput Platform for Real-Time X-ray Imaging'' and ``Advanced Linux PCI Services} {18th IEEE Real-Time Conference, Berkeley, CA, USA}{} % \conference{\at{Jun}{2012}} {poster} {Advanced Linux PCI Services} {18th IEEE Real-Time Conference, Berkeley, CA, USA}{} \conference{\at{May}{2012}} {} {A High Performance Platform for Real-Time X-ray Imaging} {GPU Technology Conference, San Jose, CA, USA}{} % \conference{\at{Nov}{2011}} {poster} {A GPU-based Architecture for Real-Time Data Assessment at Synchrotron Experiments} {SC11 Supercomputing Conference, Seattle, WA, USA}{} % \conference{\at{Oct}{2010}} {poster} {ADEI – Web 2.0 Data Manager for the KATRIN Neutrino Experiment} {CHEP 2010 Conference, Taipei, Taiwan}{} % \conference{\at{Sep}{2010}} {poster} {A GPU-based Architecture for Real-Time Data Assessment at Synchrotron Experiments} {GPU Technology Conference, San Jose, CA, USA} {canceled because of visa} % \conference{\at{Sep}{2010}} {poster} {GPU Computing for Real-Time Optical Measurement Techniques} {GPU Technology Conference, San Jose, CA, USA} {canceled because of visa} \conference{\at{May}{2010}} {} {A GPU-based Architecture for Real-Time Data Assessment at Synchrotron Experiments} {17th IEEE Real-Time Conference, Lisbon, Portugal}{} % \conference{\at{May}{2009}} {poster} {A Novel Approach for Online Monitoring for High Data-Rate Image-Based Instrumentation} {16th IEEE Real-Time Conference, Beijing, China} {presented by ???} \conference{\at{Apr}{2009}} {} {Comparison of fast multi-platform XML Libraries: Results for January 2009} {BenchmarX'09 workshop at DASFAA 2009, Brisbane, Australia}{} % \conference{\at{Mar}{2009}} {poster} {Advanced Data Extraction Infrastructure: Web Based System for Treatment of Time Series} {CHEP 2009, Prague, Czech}{} % \conference{\at{Mar}{2007}} {poster} {The Aragats Data Acquisition System for Highly Distributed Particle Detecting Networks} {CHEP 2007, Victoria, BC, Canada}{} \conference{\at{Sep}{2007}} {} {Advanced Data Acquisition System for SEVAN} {SEE2007 Symposium, Athens, Greece}{} \eventsection{Workshops}{events} % \workshop{\at{Mar}{2019}} {} {UFO Cloud: Data-Acquisition-as-a-Service} {Matter and Technology program meeting, Germany}{} \workshop{\at{Nov}{2018}} {} {High-Speed Tomography: Fine-tuning back projection for GPU architectures} {CAMERA workshop, Berkeley, CA, USA}{} \workshop{\at{Nov}{2017}} {invited} {UFO - A platform for high data rate instrumentation with GPUs} {EUCALL GPU/FPGA Workshop at XFEL, Desy, Hamburg}{} \workshop{\at{May}{2017}} {invited} {SHAPe: Scalable and Highly Available Platform for Scientific Data Portals} {ARBRA Workshop, Nor-Amberd, Armenia}{} \workshop{\at{Apr}{2017}} {invited} {Tuning tomographic reconstruction for different parallel architectures} {workshop on Real-Time 3D Tomography, CWI, Amsterdam}{} % \workshop{\at{Mar}{2016}} {} {Efficient GPU-enabled computing infrastructure for rapid prototyping high-speed scientific detectors} {Matter and Technology program meeting, Germany}{} \workshop{\at{Jan}{2016}} {invited} {Performance-oriented instrumentation for high-speed synchrotron imaging} {workshop on Large Scale Tomography, Szeged, Hungary}{} % \workshop{\at{Mar}{2013}} {} {High-performance computing hardware for high data rates} {HDRI program meeting, Germany}{} % \workshop{\at{Oct}{2013}} {notalk} {} {EXTREMA workshop on Advanced X-Ray Tomography, ESRF, Grenoble, France}{} \workshop{\at{Apr}{2012}} {invited} {ADEI for Tango} {Tango workshop, MAX-IV, Lund, Sweden}{} \workshop{\at{Mar}{2012}} {} {Practical Experience with GPUs for high throughput computing} {HDRI/PanData workshop}{}%, Desy, Hamburg, Germany}{} \workshop{\at{Mar}{2011}} {invited} {High Speed Tomography at KIT} {meeting on Tomographic reconstruction software, \reffac{ESRF}}{}%, Grenoble, France}{} \workshop{\at{Sep}{2008}} {} {Advanced Data Extraction Infrastructure} {FORGES 2008 workshop, Nor-Amberd, Armenia}{} \eventsection{Seminars}{events} % \seminar{\at{Nov}{2020}} {} {Cloud Technologies for Control Applications} {Insitute for Beam Physics and Technology, KIT, Germany}{} \seminar{\at{May}{2020}} {} {Real-time reconstruction for synchrotron tomography} {CT lunch-and-learn session at University of Manchester, UK}{} % \seminar{\at{Feb}{2019}} {} {WAVe: Accelerating Remote Visualization of Large Volumes} {YerPhI seminar, Armenia}{} \seminar{\at{Feb}{2019}} {} {Cloud platform for high data rate detector instrumentation} {\refexp{ASEC} seminar, Armenia}{} \seminar{\at{Oct}{2018}} {} {Balancing load of GPU subsystems to accelerate back projection for synchrotron tomography} {\reffac{ESRF} seminar, Grenoble, France}{} \seminar{\at{Apr}{2016}} {} {ADEI: Intelligent visualization and management of time-series data in scientific experiments} {Instituto de Física, UNAM, Mexico}{} \seminar{\at{May}{2015}} {} {Advanced Algorithms for Tomography} {\refjob{YerPhI} seminar, Yerevan, Armenia}{} % \seminar{\at{Dez}{2013}} {} {ADEI: Advanced Data Extraction Infrastructure} {Steinbuch Centre for Computing, KIT, Germany}{} \seminar{\at{Sep}{2013}} {} {Ultrafast X-Ray Imaging of Scientific Processes} {\refcol{SCI} and \refcol{TPU}, Russia}{} % \seminar{\at{May}{2013}} {} {Ultrafast X-Ray Imaging of Scientific Processes} {Tomsk Polytechnic University, Russia}{} % \seminar{\at{May}{2011}} {} {High Speed Tomography} {Institute for Synchrotron Radiation, KIT, Germany}{} \end{events}