- name: "Initialize rhsm_password variable if vars_prompt was used"
    rhsm_password: "{{ hostvars.localhost.rhsm_password }}"
    - rhsm_password is not defined or rhsm_password is none or rhsm_password|trim == ''

- name: "Initializing Subscription Manager authentication method"
    rhsm_authentication: false

# 'rhsm_activationkey' will take precedence even if 'rhsm_username' and 'rhsm_password' are also set
- name: "Setting Subscription Manager Activation Key Fact"
    rhsm_authentication: "key"
    - rhsm_activationkey is defined
    - rhsm_activationkey is not none
    - rhsm_activationkey|trim != ''
    - not rhsm_authentication

# If 'rhsm_username' and 'rhsm_password' are set but not 'rhsm_activationkey', set 'rhsm_authentication' to password
- name: "Setting Subscription Manager Username and Password Fact"
    rhsm_authentication: "password"
    - rhsm_username is defined
    - rhsm_username is not none
    - rhsm_username|trim != ''
    - rhsm_password is defined
    - rhsm_password is not none
    - rhsm_password|trim != ''
    - not rhsm_authentication

- name: "Initializing registration status"
    registered: false

- name: "Checking subscription status (a failure means it is not registered and will be)"
  command: "/usr/bin/subscription-manager status"
  ignore_errors: yes
  changed_when: no
  register: check_if_registered

- name: "Set registration fact if system is already registered"
    registered: true
  when: check_if_registered.rc == 0

- name: "Cleaning any old subscriptions"
  command: "/usr/bin/subscription-manager clean"
    - not registered
    - rhsm_authentication is defined
  register: cleaningsubs_result
  until: cleaningsubs_result.rc == 0
  retries: 10
  delay: 1

- name: "Install Satellite certificate"
  command: "rpm -Uvh --force http://{{ rhsm_satellite }}/pub/katello-ca-consumer-latest.noarch.rpm"
    - not registered
    - rhsm_satellite is defined
    - rhsm_satellite is not none
    - rhsm_satellite|trim != ''

- name: "Register to Satellite using activation key"
  command: "/usr/bin/subscription-manager register --activationkey={{ rhsm_activationkey }} --org='{{ rhsm_org }}'"
    - not registered
    - rhsm_authentication == 'key'
    - rhsm_satellite is defined
    - rhsm_satellite is not none
    - rhsm_satellite|trim != ''
  register: register_key_result
  until: register_key_result.rc == 0
  retries: 10
  delay: 1

# This can apply to either Hosted or Satellite
- name: "Register using username and password"
  command: "/usr/bin/subscription-manager register --username={{ rhsm_username }} --password={{ rhsm_password }}"
  no_log: true
    - not registered
    - rhsm_authentication == "password"
    - rhsm_org is not defined or rhsm_org is none or rhsm_org|trim == ''
  register: register_userpw_result
  until: register_userpw_result.rc == 0
  retries: 10
  delay: 1

# This can apply to either Hosted or Satellite
- name: "Register using username, password and organization"
  command: "/usr/bin/subscription-manager register --username={{ rhsm_username }} --password={{ rhsm_password }} --org={{ rhsm_org }}"
  no_log: true
    - not registered
    - rhsm_authentication == "password"
    - rhsm_org is defined
    - rhsm_org is not none
    - rhsm_org|trim != ''
  register: register_userpworg_result
  until: register_userpworg_result.rc == 0
  retries: 10
  delay: 1

- name: "Auto-attach to Subscription Manager Pool"
  command: "/usr/bin/subscription-manager attach --auto"
    - not registered
    - rhsm_pool is undefined or rhsm_pool is none or rhsm_pool|trim == ''
  register: autoattach_result
  until: autoattach_result.rc == 0
  retries: 10
  delay: 1

- name: "Attach to a specific pool"
  command: "/usr/bin/subscription-manager attach --pool={{ rhsm_pool }}"
    - rhsm_pool is defined
    - rhsm_pool is not none
    - rhsm_pool|trim != ''
    - not registered
  register: attachpool_result
  until: attachpool_result.rc == 0
  retries: 10
  delay: 1

- name: "Disable all repositories"
  command: "/usr/bin/subscription-manager repos --disable=*"
    - not registered
    - rhsm_repos is defined
    - rhsm_repos is not none
    - rhsm_repos|trim != ''

- name: "Enable specified repositories"
  command: "/usr/bin/subscription-manager repos --enable={{ item }}"
  with_items: "{{ rhsm_repos }}"
    - not registered
    - rhsm_repos is defined
    - rhsm_repos is not none
    - rhsm_repos|trim != ''
  register: enablerepos_result
  until: enablerepos_result.rc == 0
  retries: 10
  delay: 1