--- - name: Retrieve list of openshift nodes matching router selector oc_obj: state: list kind: node namespace: "{{ openshift.hosted.router.namespace | default('default') }}" selector: "{{ openshift.hosted.router.selector | default(omit) }}" register: router_nodes when: openshift.hosted.router.replicas | default(none) is none - name: set_fact replicas set_fact: replicas: "{{ openshift.hosted.router.replicas | default(router_nodes.results.results[0]['items'] | length) }}" - block: - name: Assert that 'certfile', 'keyfile' and 'cafile' keys provided in openshift_hosted_router_certificate assert: that: - "'certfile' in openshift_hosted_router_certificate" - "'keyfile' in openshift_hosted_router_certificate" - "'cafile' in openshift_hosted_router_certificate" msg: "'certfile', 'keyfile' and 'cafile' keys must be specified when supplying the openshift_hosted_router_certificate variable." - name: Read router certificate and key become: no local_action: module: slurp src: "{{ item }}" register: openshift_router_certificate_output # Defaulting dictionary keys to none to avoid deprecation warnings # (future fatal errors) during template evaluation. Dictionary keys # won't be accessed unless openshift_hosted_router_certificate is # defined and has all keys (certfile, keyfile, cafile) which we # check above. with_items: - "{{ (openshift_hosted_router_certificate | default({'certfile':none})).certfile }}" - "{{ (openshift_hosted_router_certificate | default({'keyfile':none})).keyfile }}" - "{{ (openshift_hosted_router_certificate | default({'cafile':none})).cafile }}" - name: Persist certificate contents openshift_facts: role: hosted openshift_env: openshift_hosted_router_certificate_contents: "{% for certificate in openshift_router_certificate_output.results -%}{{ certificate.content | b64decode }}{% endfor -%}" - name: Create PEM certificate copy: content: "{{ openshift.hosted.router.certificate.contents }}" dest: "{{ openshift_master_config_dir }}/openshift-router.pem" mode: 0600 when: openshift_hosted_router_certificate is defined - name: Create OpenShift router oc_adm_router: name: "{{ openshift.hosted.router.name | default('router') }}" replicas: "{{ replicas }}" namespace: "{{ openshift.hosted.router.namespace | default('default') }}" # This option is not yet implemented # force_subdomain: "{{ openshift.hosted.router.force_subdomain | default(none) }}" service_account: router selector: "{{ openshift.hosted.router.selector | default(none) }}" images: "{{ openshift.hosted.router.registryurl | default(none) }}" default_cert: "{{ openshift_hosted_router_certificate is defined | default(false) | ternary(openshift_master_config_dir + '/openshift-router.pem', omit) }}" # These edits are being specified only to prevent 'changed' on rerun edits: - key: spec.strategy.rollingParams.intervalSeconds value: 1 action: put - key: spec.strategy.rollingParams.updatePeriodSeconds value: 1 action: put - key: spec.strategy.activeDeadlineSeconds value: 21600 action: put register: routerout # This should probably move to module - name: wait for deploy pause: seconds: 30 when: routerout.changed - name: Ensure router replica count matches desired oc_scale: kind: dc name: "{{ openshift.hosted.router.name | default('router') }}" namespace: "{{ openshift.hosted.router.namespace | default('default') }}" replicas: "{{ replicas }}" when: replicas | int > 0