#!/usr/bin/python # pylint: disable=too-many-lines # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # vim: expandtab:tabstop=4:shiftwidth=4 # Reason: Disable pylint too-many-lines because we don't want to split up this file. # Status: Permanently disabled to keep this module as self-contained as possible. """Ansible module for retrieving and setting openshift related facts""" import ConfigParser import copy import io import os import yaml from distutils.util import strtobool from distutils.version import LooseVersion import struct import socket from dbus import SystemBus, Interface from dbus.exceptions import DBusException DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: openshift_facts short_description: Cluster Facts author: Jason DeTiberus requirements: [ ] ''' EXAMPLES = ''' ''' def migrate_docker_facts(facts): """ Apply migrations for docker facts """ params = { 'common': ( 'additional_registries', 'insecure_registries', 'blocked_registries', 'options' ), 'node': ( 'log_driver', 'log_options' ) } if 'docker' not in facts: facts['docker'] = {} for role in params.keys(): if role in facts: for param in params[role]: old_param = 'docker_' + param if old_param in facts[role]: facts['docker'][param] = facts[role].pop(old_param) if 'node' in facts and 'portal_net' in facts['node']: facts['docker']['hosted_registry_insecure'] = True facts['docker']['hosted_registry_network'] = facts['node'].pop('portal_net') # log_options was originally meant to be a comma separated string, but # we now prefer an actual list, with backward compatibility: if 'log_options' in facts['docker'] and \ isinstance(facts['docker']['log_options'], basestring): facts['docker']['log_options'] = facts['docker']['log_options'].split(",") return facts # TODO: We should add a generic migration function that takes source and destination # paths and does the right thing rather than one function for common, one for node, etc. def migrate_common_facts(facts): """ Migrate facts from various roles into common """ params = { 'node': ('portal_net'), 'master': ('portal_net') } if 'common' not in facts: facts['common'] = {} for role in params.keys(): if role in facts: for param in params[role]: if param in facts[role]: facts['common'][param] = facts[role].pop(param) return facts def migrate_node_facts(facts): """ Migrate facts from various roles into node """ params = { 'common': ('dns_ip'), } if 'node' not in facts: facts['node'] = {} for role in params.keys(): if role in facts: for param in params[role]: if param in facts[role]: facts['node'][param] = facts[role].pop(param) return facts def migrate_local_facts(facts): """ Apply migrations of local facts """ migrated_facts = copy.deepcopy(facts) migrated_facts = migrate_docker_facts(migrated_facts) migrated_facts = migrate_common_facts(migrated_facts) migrated_facts = migrate_node_facts(migrated_facts) migrated_facts = migrate_hosted_facts(migrated_facts) return migrated_facts def migrate_hosted_facts(facts): """ Apply migrations for master facts """ if 'master' in facts: if 'router_selector' in facts['master']: if 'hosted' not in facts: facts['hosted'] = {} if 'router' not in facts['hosted']: facts['hosted']['router'] = {} facts['hosted']['router']['selector'] = facts['master'].pop('router_selector') if 'registry_selector' in facts['master']: if 'hosted' not in facts: facts['hosted'] = {} if 'registry' not in facts['hosted']: facts['hosted']['registry'] = {} facts['hosted']['registry']['selector'] = facts['master'].pop('registry_selector') return facts def first_ip(network): """ Return the first IPv4 address in network Args: network (str): network in CIDR format Returns: str: first IPv4 address """ atoi = lambda addr: struct.unpack("!I", socket.inet_aton(addr))[0] itoa = lambda addr: socket.inet_ntoa(struct.pack("!I", addr)) (address, netmask) = network.split('/') netmask_i = (0xffffffff << (32 - atoi(netmask))) & 0xffffffff return itoa((atoi(address) & netmask_i) + 1) def hostname_valid(hostname): """ Test if specified hostname should be considered valid Args: hostname (str): hostname to test Returns: bool: True if valid, otherwise False """ if (not hostname or hostname.startswith('localhost') or hostname.endswith('localdomain') or hostname.endswith('novalocal') or len(hostname.split('.')) < 2): return False return True def choose_hostname(hostnames=None, fallback=''): """ Choose a hostname from the provided hostnames Given a list of hostnames and a fallback value, choose a hostname to use. This function will prefer fqdns if they exist (excluding any that begin with localhost or end with localdomain) over ip addresses. Args: hostnames (list): list of hostnames fallback (str): default value to set if hostnames does not contain a valid hostname Returns: str: chosen hostname """ hostname = fallback if hostnames is None: return hostname ip_regex = r'\A\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\Z' ips = [i for i in hostnames if (i is not None and isinstance(i, basestring) and re.match(ip_regex, i))] hosts = [i for i in hostnames if i is not None and i != '' and i not in ips] for host_list in (hosts, ips): for host in host_list: if hostname_valid(host): return host return hostname def query_metadata(metadata_url, headers=None, expect_json=False): """ Return metadata from the provided metadata_url Args: metadata_url (str): metadata url headers (dict): headers to set for metadata request expect_json (bool): does the metadata_url return json Returns: dict or list: metadata request result """ result, info = fetch_url(module, metadata_url, headers=headers) if info['status'] != 200: raise OpenShiftFactsMetadataUnavailableError("Metadata unavailable") if expect_json: return module.from_json(result.read()) else: return [line.strip() for line in result.readlines()] def walk_metadata(metadata_url, headers=None, expect_json=False): """ Walk the metadata tree and return a dictionary of the entire tree Args: metadata_url (str): metadata url headers (dict): headers to set for metadata request expect_json (bool): does the metadata_url return json Returns: dict: the result of walking the metadata tree """ metadata = dict() for line in query_metadata(metadata_url, headers, expect_json): if line.endswith('/') and not line == 'public-keys/': key = line[:-1] metadata[key] = walk_metadata(metadata_url + line, headers, expect_json) else: results = query_metadata(metadata_url + line, headers, expect_json) if len(results) == 1: # disable pylint maybe-no-member because overloaded use of # the module name causes pylint to not detect that results # is an array or hash # pylint: disable=maybe-no-member metadata[line] = results.pop() else: metadata[line] = results return metadata def get_provider_metadata(metadata_url, supports_recursive=False, headers=None, expect_json=False): """ Retrieve the provider metadata Args: metadata_url (str): metadata url supports_recursive (bool): does the provider metadata api support recursion headers (dict): headers to set for metadata request expect_json (bool): does the metadata_url return json Returns: dict: the provider metadata """ try: if supports_recursive: metadata = query_metadata(metadata_url, headers, expect_json) else: metadata = walk_metadata(metadata_url, headers, expect_json) except OpenShiftFactsMetadataUnavailableError: metadata = None return metadata def normalize_gce_facts(metadata, facts): """ Normalize gce facts Args: metadata (dict): provider metadata facts (dict): facts to update Returns: dict: the result of adding the normalized metadata to the provided facts dict """ for interface in metadata['instance']['networkInterfaces']: int_info = dict(ips=[interface['ip']], network_type='gce') int_info['public_ips'] = [ac['externalIp'] for ac in interface['accessConfigs']] int_info['public_ips'].extend(interface['forwardedIps']) _, _, network_id = interface['network'].rpartition('/') int_info['network_id'] = network_id facts['network']['interfaces'].append(int_info) _, _, zone = metadata['instance']['zone'].rpartition('/') facts['zone'] = zone # GCE currently only supports a single interface facts['network']['ip'] = facts['network']['interfaces'][0]['ips'][0] pub_ip = facts['network']['interfaces'][0]['public_ips'][0] facts['network']['public_ip'] = pub_ip facts['network']['hostname'] = metadata['instance']['hostname'] # TODO: attempt to resolve public_hostname facts['network']['public_hostname'] = facts['network']['public_ip'] return facts def normalize_aws_facts(metadata, facts): """ Normalize aws facts Args: metadata (dict): provider metadata facts (dict): facts to update Returns: dict: the result of adding the normalized metadata to the provided facts dict """ for interface in sorted( metadata['network']['interfaces']['macs'].values(), key=lambda x: x['device-number'] ): int_info = dict() var_map = {'ips': 'local-ipv4s', 'public_ips': 'public-ipv4s'} for ips_var, int_var in var_map.iteritems(): ips = interface.get(int_var) if isinstance(ips, basestring): int_info[ips_var] = [ips] else: int_info[ips_var] = ips if 'vpc-id' in interface: int_info['network_type'] = 'vpc' else: int_info['network_type'] = 'classic' if int_info['network_type'] == 'vpc': int_info['network_id'] = interface['subnet-id'] else: int_info['network_id'] = None facts['network']['interfaces'].append(int_info) facts['zone'] = metadata['placement']['availability-zone'] # TODO: actually attempt to determine default local and public ips # by using the ansible default ip fact and the ipv4-associations # from the ec2 metadata facts['network']['ip'] = metadata.get('local-ipv4') facts['network']['public_ip'] = metadata.get('public-ipv4') # TODO: verify that local hostname makes sense and is resolvable facts['network']['hostname'] = metadata.get('local-hostname') # TODO: verify that public hostname makes sense and is resolvable facts['network']['public_hostname'] = metadata.get('public-hostname') return facts def normalize_openstack_facts(metadata, facts): """ Normalize openstack facts Args: metadata (dict): provider metadata facts (dict): facts to update Returns: dict: the result of adding the normalized metadata to the provided facts dict """ # openstack ec2 compat api does not support network interfaces and # the version tested on did not include the info in the openstack # metadata api, should be updated if neutron exposes this. facts['zone'] = metadata['availability_zone'] local_ipv4 = metadata['ec2_compat']['local-ipv4'].split(',')[0] facts['network']['ip'] = local_ipv4 facts['network']['public_ip'] = metadata['ec2_compat']['public-ipv4'] for f_var, h_var, ip_var in [('hostname', 'hostname', 'local-ipv4'), ('public_hostname', 'public-hostname', 'public-ipv4')]: try: if socket.gethostbyname(metadata['ec2_compat'][h_var]) == metadata['ec2_compat'][ip_var]: facts['network'][f_var] = metadata['ec2_compat'][h_var] else: facts['network'][f_var] = metadata['ec2_compat'][ip_var] except socket.gaierror: facts['network'][f_var] = metadata['ec2_compat'][ip_var] return facts def normalize_provider_facts(provider, metadata): """ Normalize provider facts Args: provider (str): host provider metadata (dict): provider metadata Returns: dict: the normalized provider facts """ if provider is None or metadata is None: return {} # TODO: test for ipv6_enabled where possible (gce, aws do not support) # and configure ipv6 facts if available # TODO: add support for setting user_data if available facts = dict(name=provider, metadata=metadata, network=dict(interfaces=[], ipv6_enabled=False)) if provider == 'gce': facts = normalize_gce_facts(metadata, facts) elif provider == 'aws': facts = normalize_aws_facts(metadata, facts) elif provider == 'openstack': facts = normalize_openstack_facts(metadata, facts) return facts def set_flannel_facts_if_unset(facts): """ Set flannel facts if not already present in facts dict dict: the facts dict updated with the flannel facts if missing Args: facts (dict): existing facts Returns: dict: the facts dict updated with the flannel facts if they were not already present """ if 'common' in facts: if 'use_flannel' not in facts['common']: use_flannel = False facts['common']['use_flannel'] = use_flannel return facts def set_nuage_facts_if_unset(facts): """ Set nuage facts if not already present in facts dict dict: the facts dict updated with the nuage facts if missing Args: facts (dict): existing facts Returns: dict: the facts dict updated with the nuage facts if they were not already present """ if 'common' in facts: if 'use_nuage' not in facts['common']: use_nuage = False facts['common']['use_nuage'] = use_nuage return facts def set_node_schedulability(facts): """ Set schedulable facts if not already present in facts dict Args: facts (dict): existing facts Returns: dict: the facts dict updated with the generated schedulable facts if they were not already present """ if 'node' in facts: if 'schedulable' not in facts['node']: if 'master' in facts: facts['node']['schedulable'] = False else: facts['node']['schedulable'] = True return facts def set_selectors(facts): """ Set selectors facts if not already present in facts dict Args: facts (dict): existing facts Returns: dict: the facts dict updated with the generated selectors facts if they were not already present """ deployment_type = facts['common']['deployment_type'] if deployment_type == 'online': selector = "type=infra" else: selector = "region=infra" if 'hosted' not in facts: facts['hosted'] = {} if 'router' not in facts['hosted']: facts['hosted']['router'] = {} if 'selector' not in facts['hosted']['router'] or facts['hosted']['router']['selector'] in [None, 'None']: facts['hosted']['router']['selector'] = selector if 'registry' not in facts['hosted']: facts['hosted']['registry'] = {} if 'selector' not in facts['hosted']['registry'] or facts['hosted']['registry']['selector'] in [None, 'None']: facts['hosted']['registry']['selector'] = selector if 'metrics' not in facts['hosted']: facts['hosted']['metrics'] = {} if 'selector' not in facts['hosted']['metrics'] or facts['hosted']['metrics']['selector'] in [None, 'None']: facts['hosted']['metrics']['selector'] = None if 'logging' not in facts['hosted']: facts['hosted']['logging'] = {} if 'selector' not in facts['hosted']['logging'] or facts['hosted']['logging']['selector'] in [None, 'None']: facts['hosted']['logging']['selector'] = None return facts def set_dnsmasq_facts_if_unset(facts): """ Set dnsmasq facts if not already present in facts Args: facts (dict) existing facts Returns: facts (dict) updated facts with values set if not previously set """ if 'common' in facts: if 'use_dnsmasq' not in facts['common']: facts['common']['use_dnsmasq'] = bool(safe_get_bool(facts['common']['version_gte_3_2_or_1_2'])) if 'master' in facts and 'dns_port' not in facts['master']: if safe_get_bool(facts['common']['use_dnsmasq']): facts['master']['dns_port'] = 8053 else: facts['master']['dns_port'] = 53 return facts def set_project_cfg_facts_if_unset(facts): """ Set Project Configuration facts if not already present in facts dict dict: Args: facts (dict): existing facts Returns: dict: the facts dict updated with the generated Project Configuration facts if they were not already present """ config = { 'default_node_selector': '', 'project_request_message': '', 'project_request_template': '', 'mcs_allocator_range': 's0:/2', 'mcs_labels_per_project': 5, 'uid_allocator_range': '1000000000-1999999999/10000' } if 'master' in facts: for key, value in config.items(): if key not in facts['master']: facts['master'][key] = value return facts def set_identity_providers_if_unset(facts): """ Set identity_providers fact if not already present in facts dict Args: facts (dict): existing facts Returns: dict: the facts dict updated with the generated identity providers facts if they were not already present """ if 'master' in facts: deployment_type = facts['common']['deployment_type'] if 'identity_providers' not in facts['master']: identity_provider = dict( name='allow_all', challenge=True, login=True, kind='AllowAllPasswordIdentityProvider' ) if deployment_type in ['enterprise', 'atomic-enterprise', 'openshift-enterprise']: identity_provider = dict( name='deny_all', challenge=True, login=True, kind='DenyAllPasswordIdentityProvider' ) facts['master']['identity_providers'] = [identity_provider] return facts def set_url_facts_if_unset(facts): """ Set url facts if not already present in facts dict Args: facts (dict): existing facts Returns: dict: the facts dict updated with the generated url facts if they were not already present """ if 'master' in facts: hostname = facts['common']['hostname'] cluster_hostname = facts['master'].get('cluster_hostname') cluster_public_hostname = facts['master'].get('cluster_public_hostname') public_hostname = facts['common']['public_hostname'] api_hostname = cluster_hostname if cluster_hostname else hostname api_public_hostname = cluster_public_hostname if cluster_public_hostname else public_hostname console_path = facts['master']['console_path'] etcd_hosts = facts['master']['etcd_hosts'] use_ssl = dict( api=facts['master']['api_use_ssl'], public_api=facts['master']['api_use_ssl'], loopback_api=facts['master']['api_use_ssl'], console=facts['master']['console_use_ssl'], public_console=facts['master']['console_use_ssl'], etcd=facts['master']['etcd_use_ssl'] ) ports = dict( api=facts['master']['api_port'], public_api=facts['master']['api_port'], loopback_api=facts['master']['api_port'], console=facts['master']['console_port'], public_console=facts['master']['console_port'], etcd=facts['master']['etcd_port'], ) etcd_urls = [] if etcd_hosts != '': facts['master']['etcd_port'] = ports['etcd'] facts['master']['embedded_etcd'] = False for host in etcd_hosts: etcd_urls.append(format_url(use_ssl['etcd'], host, ports['etcd'])) else: etcd_urls = [format_url(use_ssl['etcd'], hostname, ports['etcd'])] facts['master'].setdefault('etcd_urls', etcd_urls) prefix_hosts = [('api', api_hostname), ('public_api', api_public_hostname), ('loopback_api', hostname)] for prefix, host in prefix_hosts: facts['master'].setdefault(prefix + '_url', format_url(use_ssl[prefix], host, ports[prefix])) r_lhn = "{0}:{1}".format(hostname, ports['api']).replace('.', '-') r_lhu = "system:openshift-master/{0}:{1}".format(api_hostname, ports['api']).replace('.', '-') facts['master'].setdefault('loopback_cluster_name', r_lhn) facts['master'].setdefault('loopback_context_name', "default/{0}/system:openshift-master".format(r_lhn)) facts['master'].setdefault('loopback_user', r_lhu) prefix_hosts = [('console', api_hostname), ('public_console', api_public_hostname)] for prefix, host in prefix_hosts: facts['master'].setdefault(prefix + '_url', format_url(use_ssl[prefix], host, ports[prefix], console_path)) return facts def set_aggregate_facts(facts): """ Set aggregate facts Args: facts (dict): existing facts Returns: dict: the facts dict updated with aggregated facts """ all_hostnames = set() internal_hostnames = set() kube_svc_ip = first_ip(facts['common']['portal_net']) if 'common' in facts: all_hostnames.add(facts['common']['hostname']) all_hostnames.add(facts['common']['public_hostname']) all_hostnames.add(facts['common']['ip']) all_hostnames.add(facts['common']['public_ip']) facts['common']['kube_svc_ip'] = kube_svc_ip internal_hostnames.add(facts['common']['hostname']) internal_hostnames.add(facts['common']['ip']) cluster_domain = facts['common']['dns_domain'] if 'master' in facts: if 'cluster_hostname' in facts['master']: all_hostnames.add(facts['master']['cluster_hostname']) if 'cluster_public_hostname' in facts['master']: all_hostnames.add(facts['master']['cluster_public_hostname']) svc_names = ['openshift', 'openshift.default', 'openshift.default.svc', 'openshift.default.svc.' + cluster_domain, 'kubernetes', 'kubernetes.default', 'kubernetes.default.svc', 'kubernetes.default.svc.' + cluster_domain] all_hostnames.update(svc_names) internal_hostnames.update(svc_names) all_hostnames.add(kube_svc_ip) internal_hostnames.add(kube_svc_ip) facts['common']['all_hostnames'] = list(all_hostnames) facts['common']['internal_hostnames'] = list(internal_hostnames) return facts def set_etcd_facts_if_unset(facts): """ If using embedded etcd, loads the data directory from master-config.yaml. If using standalone etcd, loads ETCD_DATA_DIR from etcd.conf. If anything goes wrong parsing these, the fact will not be set. """ if 'master' in facts and safe_get_bool(facts['master']['embedded_etcd']): etcd_facts = facts['etcd'] if 'etcd' in facts else dict() if 'etcd_data_dir' not in etcd_facts: try: # Parse master config to find actual etcd data dir: master_cfg_path = os.path.join(facts['common']['config_base'], 'master/master-config.yaml') master_cfg_f = open(master_cfg_path, 'r') config = yaml.safe_load(master_cfg_f.read()) master_cfg_f.close() etcd_facts['etcd_data_dir'] = \ config['etcdConfig']['storageDirectory'] facts['etcd'] = etcd_facts # We don't want exceptions bubbling up here: # pylint: disable=broad-except except Exception: pass else: etcd_facts = facts['etcd'] if 'etcd' in facts else dict() # Read ETCD_DATA_DIR from /etc/etcd/etcd.conf: try: # Add a fake section for parsing: ini_str = unicode('[root]\n' + open('/etc/etcd/etcd.conf', 'r').read(), 'utf-8') ini_fp = io.StringIO(ini_str) config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser() config.readfp(ini_fp) etcd_data_dir = config.get('root', 'ETCD_DATA_DIR') if etcd_data_dir.startswith('"') and etcd_data_dir.endswith('"'): etcd_data_dir = etcd_data_dir[1:-1] etcd_facts['etcd_data_dir'] = etcd_data_dir facts['etcd'] = etcd_facts # We don't want exceptions bubbling up here: # pylint: disable=broad-except except Exception: pass return facts def set_deployment_facts_if_unset(facts): """ Set Facts that vary based on deployment_type. This currently includes common.service_type, common.config_base, master.registry_url, node.registry_url, node.storage_plugin_deps Args: facts (dict): existing facts Returns: dict: the facts dict updated with the generated deployment_type facts """ # disabled to avoid breaking up facts related to deployment type into # multiple methods for now. # pylint: disable=too-many-statements, too-many-branches if 'common' in facts: deployment_type = facts['common']['deployment_type'] if 'service_type' not in facts['common']: service_type = 'atomic-openshift' if deployment_type == 'origin': service_type = 'origin' elif deployment_type in ['enterprise']: service_type = 'openshift' facts['common']['service_type'] = service_type if 'config_base' not in facts['common']: config_base = '/etc/origin' if deployment_type in ['enterprise']: config_base = '/etc/openshift' # Handle upgrade scenarios when symlinks don't yet exist: if not os.path.exists(config_base) and os.path.exists('/etc/openshift'): config_base = '/etc/openshift' facts['common']['config_base'] = config_base if 'data_dir' not in facts['common']: data_dir = '/var/lib/origin' if deployment_type in ['enterprise']: data_dir = '/var/lib/openshift' # Handle upgrade scenarios when symlinks don't yet exist: if not os.path.exists(data_dir) and os.path.exists('/var/lib/openshift'): data_dir = '/var/lib/openshift' facts['common']['data_dir'] = data_dir if 'docker' in facts: deployment_type = facts['common']['deployment_type'] if deployment_type in ['enterprise', 'atomic-enterprise', 'openshift-enterprise']: addtl_regs = facts['docker'].get('additional_registries', []) ent_reg = 'registry.access.redhat.com' if ent_reg not in addtl_regs: facts['docker']['additional_registries'] = addtl_regs + [ent_reg] for role in ('master', 'node'): if role in facts: deployment_type = facts['common']['deployment_type'] if 'registry_url' not in facts[role]: registry_url = 'openshift/origin-${component}:${version}' if deployment_type in ['enterprise', 'online', 'openshift-enterprise']: registry_url = 'openshift3/ose-${component}:${version}' elif deployment_type == 'atomic-enterprise': registry_url = 'aep3_beta/aep-${component}:${version}' facts[role]['registry_url'] = registry_url if 'master' in facts: deployment_type = facts['common']['deployment_type'] openshift_features = ['Builder', 'S2IBuilder', 'WebConsole'] if 'disabled_features' in facts['master']: if deployment_type == 'atomic-enterprise': curr_disabled_features = set(facts['master']['disabled_features']) facts['master']['disabled_features'] = list(curr_disabled_features.union(openshift_features)) else: if facts['common']['deployment_subtype'] == 'registry': facts['master']['disabled_features'] = openshift_features if 'node' in facts: deployment_type = facts['common']['deployment_type'] if 'storage_plugin_deps' not in facts['node']: if deployment_type in ['openshift-enterprise', 'atomic-enterprise', 'origin']: facts['node']['storage_plugin_deps'] = ['ceph', 'glusterfs', 'iscsi'] else: facts['node']['storage_plugin_deps'] = [] return facts def set_version_facts_if_unset(facts): """ Set version facts. This currently includes common.version and common.version_gte_3_1_or_1_1. Args: facts (dict): existing facts Returns: dict: the facts dict updated with version facts. """ if 'common' in facts: deployment_type = facts['common']['deployment_type'] version = get_openshift_version(facts) if version: facts['common']['version'] = version if deployment_type == 'origin': version_gte_3_1_or_1_1 = LooseVersion(version) >= LooseVersion('1.1.0') version_gte_3_1_1_or_1_1_1 = LooseVersion(version) >= LooseVersion('1.1.1') version_gte_3_2_or_1_2 = LooseVersion(version) >= LooseVersion('1.2.0') version_gte_3_3_or_1_3 = LooseVersion(version) >= LooseVersion('1.3.0') else: version_gte_3_1_or_1_1 = LooseVersion(version) >= LooseVersion('') version_gte_3_1_1_or_1_1_1 = LooseVersion(version) >= LooseVersion('3.1.1') version_gte_3_2_or_1_2 = LooseVersion(version) >= LooseVersion('') version_gte_3_3_or_1_3 = LooseVersion(version) >= LooseVersion('3.3.0') else: version_gte_3_1_or_1_1 = True version_gte_3_1_1_or_1_1_1 = True version_gte_3_2_or_1_2 = True version_gte_3_3_or_1_3 = False facts['common']['version_gte_3_1_or_1_1'] = version_gte_3_1_or_1_1 facts['common']['version_gte_3_1_1_or_1_1_1'] = version_gte_3_1_1_or_1_1_1 facts['common']['version_gte_3_2_or_1_2'] = version_gte_3_2_or_1_2 facts['common']['version_gte_3_3_or_1_3'] = version_gte_3_3_or_1_3 if version_gte_3_3_or_1_3: examples_content_version = 'v1.3' elif version_gte_3_2_or_1_2: examples_content_version = 'v1.2' elif version_gte_3_1_or_1_1: examples_content_version = 'v1.1' else: examples_content_version = 'v1.0' facts['common']['examples_content_version'] = examples_content_version return facts def set_manageiq_facts_if_unset(facts): """ Set manageiq facts. This currently includes common.use_manageiq. Args: facts (dict): existing facts Returns: dict: the facts dict updated with version facts. Raises: OpenShiftFactsInternalError: """ if 'common' not in facts: if 'version_gte_3_1_or_1_1' not in facts['common']: raise OpenShiftFactsInternalError( "Invalid invocation: The required facts are not set" ) if 'use_manageiq' not in facts['common']: facts['common']['use_manageiq'] = facts['common']['version_gte_3_1_or_1_1'] return facts def set_sdn_facts_if_unset(facts, system_facts): """ Set sdn facts if not already present in facts dict Args: facts (dict): existing facts system_facts (dict): ansible_facts Returns: dict: the facts dict updated with the generated sdn facts if they were not already present """ if 'common' in facts: use_sdn = facts['common']['use_openshift_sdn'] if not (use_sdn == '' or isinstance(use_sdn, bool)): use_sdn = safe_get_bool(use_sdn) facts['common']['use_openshift_sdn'] = use_sdn if 'sdn_network_plugin_name' not in facts['common']: plugin = 'redhat/openshift-ovs-subnet' if use_sdn else '' facts['common']['sdn_network_plugin_name'] = plugin if 'master' in facts: if 'sdn_cluster_network_cidr' not in facts['master']: facts['master']['sdn_cluster_network_cidr'] = '' if 'sdn_host_subnet_length' not in facts['master']: facts['master']['sdn_host_subnet_length'] = '8' if 'node' in facts and 'sdn_mtu' not in facts['node']: node_ip = facts['common']['ip'] # default MTU if interface MTU cannot be detected facts['node']['sdn_mtu'] = '1450' for val in system_facts.itervalues(): if isinstance(val, dict) and 'mtu' in val: mtu = val['mtu'] if 'ipv4' in val and val['ipv4'].get('address') == node_ip: facts['node']['sdn_mtu'] = str(mtu - 50) return facts def set_nodename(facts): if 'node' in facts and 'common' in facts: if 'cloudprovider' in facts and facts['cloudprovider']['kind'] == 'openstack': facts['node']['nodename'] = facts['provider']['metadata']['hostname'].replace('.novalocal', '') else: facts['node']['nodename'] = facts['common']['hostname'].lower() return facts def migrate_oauth_template_facts(facts): """ Migrate an old oauth template fact to a newer format if it's present. The legacy 'oauth_template' fact was just a filename, and assumed you were setting the 'login' template. The new pluralized 'oauth_templates' fact is a dict mapping the template name to a filename. Simplify the code after this by merging the old fact into the new. """ if 'master' in facts and 'oauth_template' in facts['master']: if 'oauth_templates' not in facts['master']: facts['master']['oauth_templates'] = {"login": facts['master']['oauth_template']} elif 'login' not in facts['master']['oauth_templates']: facts['master']['oauth_templates']['login'] = facts['master']['oauth_template'] return facts def format_url(use_ssl, hostname, port, path=''): """ Format url based on ssl flag, hostname, port and path Args: use_ssl (bool): is ssl enabled hostname (str): hostname port (str): port path (str): url path Returns: str: The generated url string """ scheme = 'https' if use_ssl else 'http' netloc = hostname if (use_ssl and port != '443') or (not use_ssl and port != '80'): netloc += ":%s" % port try: url = urlparse.urlunparse((scheme, netloc, path, '', '', '')) except AttributeError: # pylint: disable=undefined-variable url = urlunparse((scheme, netloc, path, '', '', '')) return url def get_current_config(facts): """ Get current openshift config Args: facts (dict): existing facts Returns: dict: the facts dict updated with the current openshift config """ current_config = dict() roles = [role for role in facts if role not in ['common', 'provider']] for role in roles: if 'roles' in current_config: current_config['roles'].append(role) else: current_config['roles'] = [role] # TODO: parse the /etc/sysconfig/openshift-{master,node} config to # determine the location of files. # TODO: I suspect this isn't working right now, but it doesn't prevent # anything from working properly as far as I can tell, perhaps because # we override the kubeconfig path everywhere we use it? # Query kubeconfig settings kubeconfig_dir = '/var/lib/origin/openshift.local.certificates' if role == 'node': kubeconfig_dir = os.path.join( kubeconfig_dir, "node-%s" % facts['common']['hostname'] ) kubeconfig_path = os.path.join(kubeconfig_dir, '.kubeconfig') if (os.path.isfile('/usr/bin/openshift') and os.path.isfile(kubeconfig_path)): try: _, output, _ = module.run_command( ["/usr/bin/openshift", "ex", "config", "view", "-o", "json", "--kubeconfig=%s" % kubeconfig_path], check_rc=False ) config = json.loads(output) cad = 'certificate-authority-data' try: for cluster in config['clusters']: config['clusters'][cluster][cad] = 'masked' except KeyError: pass try: for user in config['users']: config['users'][user][cad] = 'masked' config['users'][user]['client-key-data'] = 'masked' except KeyError: pass current_config['kubeconfig'] = config # override pylint broad-except warning, since we do not want # to bubble up any exceptions if oc config view # fails # pylint: disable=broad-except except Exception: pass return current_config def build_kubelet_args(facts): """Build node kubelet_args In the node-config.yaml file, kubeletArgument sub-keys have their values provided as a list. Hence the gratuitous use of ['foo'] below. """ cloud_cfg_path = os.path.join( facts['common']['config_base'], 'cloudprovider') # We only have to do this stuff on hosts that are nodes if 'node' in facts: # Any changes to the kubeletArguments parameter are stored # here first. kubelet_args = {} if 'cloudprovider' in facts: # EVERY cloud is special <3 if 'kind' in facts['cloudprovider']: if facts['cloudprovider']['kind'] == 'aws': kubelet_args['cloud-provider'] = ['aws'] kubelet_args['cloud-config'] = [cloud_cfg_path + '/aws.conf'] if facts['cloudprovider']['kind'] == 'openstack': kubelet_args['cloud-provider'] = ['openstack'] kubelet_args['cloud-config'] = [cloud_cfg_path + '/openstack.conf'] if facts['cloudprovider']['kind'] == 'gce': kubelet_args['cloud-provider'] = ['gce'] # Automatically add node-labels to the kubeletArguments # parameter. See BZ1359848 for additional details. # # Ref: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1359848 if 'labels' in facts['node'] and isinstance(facts['node']['labels'], dict): # tl;dr: os_node_labels="{'foo': 'bar', 'a': 'b'}" turns # into ['foo=bar', 'a=b'] # # On the openshift_node_labels inventory variable we loop # over each key-value tuple (from .items()) and join the # key to the value with an '=' character, this produces a # list. # # map() seems to be returning an itertools.imap object # instead of a list. We cast it to a list ourselves. labels_str = list(map(lambda x: '='.join(x), facts['node']['labels'].items())) if labels_str != '': kubelet_args['node-labels'] = labels_str # If we've added items to the kubelet_args dict then we need # to merge the new items back into the main facts object. if kubelet_args != {}: facts = merge_facts({'node': {'kubelet_args': kubelet_args}}, facts, [], []) return facts def build_controller_args(facts): """ Build master controller_args """ cloud_cfg_path = os.path.join(facts['common']['config_base'], 'cloudprovider') if 'master' in facts: controller_args = {} if 'cloudprovider' in facts: if 'kind' in facts['cloudprovider']: if facts['cloudprovider']['kind'] == 'aws': controller_args['cloud-provider'] = ['aws'] controller_args['cloud-config'] = [cloud_cfg_path + '/aws.conf'] if facts['cloudprovider']['kind'] == 'openstack': controller_args['cloud-provider'] = ['openstack'] controller_args['cloud-config'] = [cloud_cfg_path + '/openstack.conf'] if facts['cloudprovider']['kind'] == 'gce': controller_args['cloud-provider'] = ['gce'] if controller_args != {}: facts = merge_facts({'master': {'controller_args': controller_args}}, facts, [], []) return facts def build_api_server_args(facts): """ Build master api_server_args """ cloud_cfg_path = os.path.join(facts['common']['config_base'], 'cloudprovider') if 'master' in facts: api_server_args = {} if 'cloudprovider' in facts: if 'kind' in facts['cloudprovider']: if facts['cloudprovider']['kind'] == 'aws': api_server_args['cloud-provider'] = ['aws'] api_server_args['cloud-config'] = [cloud_cfg_path + '/aws.conf'] if facts['cloudprovider']['kind'] == 'openstack': api_server_args['cloud-provider'] = ['openstack'] api_server_args['cloud-config'] = [cloud_cfg_path + '/openstack.conf'] if facts['cloudprovider']['kind'] == 'gce': api_server_args['cloud-provider'] = ['gce'] if api_server_args != {}: facts = merge_facts({'master': {'api_server_args': api_server_args}}, facts, [], []) return facts def is_service_running(service): """ Queries systemd through dbus to see if the service is running """ service_running = False bus = SystemBus() systemd = bus.get_object('org.freedesktop.systemd1', '/org/freedesktop/systemd1') manager = Interface(systemd, dbus_interface='org.freedesktop.systemd1.Manager') try: service_unit = service if service.endswith('.service') else manager.GetUnit('{0}.service'.format(service)) service_proxy = bus.get_object('org.freedesktop.systemd1', str(service_unit)) service_properties = Interface(service_proxy, dbus_interface='org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties') service_load_state = service_properties.Get('org.freedesktop.systemd1.Unit', 'LoadState') service_active_state = service_properties.Get('org.freedesktop.systemd1.Unit', 'ActiveState') if service_load_state == 'loaded' and service_active_state == 'active': service_running = True except DBusException: pass return service_running def get_version_output(binary, version_cmd): """ runs and returns the version output for a command """ cmd = [] for item in (binary, version_cmd): if isinstance(item, list): cmd.extend(item) else: cmd.append(item) if os.path.isfile(cmd[0]): _, output, _ = module.run_command(cmd) return output def get_docker_version_info(): """ Parses and returns the docker version info """ result = None if is_service_running('docker'): version_info = yaml.safe_load(get_version_output('/usr/bin/docker', 'version')) if 'Server' in version_info: result = { 'api_version': version_info['Server']['API version'], 'version': version_info['Server']['Version'] } return result def get_openshift_version(facts): """ Get current version of openshift on the host. Checks a variety of ways ranging from fastest to slowest. Args: facts (dict): existing facts optional cli_image for pulling the version number Returns: version: the current openshift version """ version = None # No need to run this method repeatedly on a system if we already know the # version if 'common' in facts: if 'version' in facts['common'] and facts['common']['version'] is not None: return facts['common']['version'] if os.path.isfile('/usr/bin/openshift'): _, output, _ = module.run_command(['/usr/bin/openshift', 'version']) version = parse_openshift_version(output) elif 'common' in facts and 'is_containerized' in facts['common']: version = get_container_openshift_version(facts) # Handle containerized masters that have not yet been configured as a node. # This can be very slow and may get re-run multiple times, so we only use this # if other methods failed to find a version. if not version and os.path.isfile('/usr/local/bin/openshift'): _, output, _ = module.run_command(['/usr/local/bin/openshift', 'version']) version = parse_openshift_version(output) return version def get_container_openshift_version(facts): """ If containerized, see if we can determine the installed version via the systemd environment files. """ for filename in ['/etc/sysconfig/%s-master', '/etc/sysconfig/%s-node']: env_path = filename % facts['common']['service_type'] if not os.path.exists(env_path): continue with open(env_path) as env_file: for line in env_file: if line.startswith("IMAGE_VERSION="): tag = line[len("IMAGE_VERSION="):].strip() # Remove leading "v" and any trailing release info, we just want # a version number here: version = tag[1:].split("-")[0] return version return None def parse_openshift_version(output): """ Apply provider facts to supplied facts dict Args: string: output of 'openshift version' Returns: string: the version number """ versions = dict(e.split(' v') for e in output.splitlines() if ' v' in e) ver = versions.get('openshift', '') # Remove trailing build number and commit hash from older versions, we need to return a straight # w.x.y.z version here for use as openshift_version throughout the playbooks/roles. (i.e. ver = ver.split('-')[0] return ver def apply_provider_facts(facts, provider_facts): """ Apply provider facts to supplied facts dict Args: facts (dict): facts dict to update provider_facts (dict): provider facts to apply roles: host roles Returns: dict: the merged facts """ if not provider_facts: return facts common_vars = [('hostname', 'ip'), ('public_hostname', 'public_ip')] for h_var, ip_var in common_vars: ip_value = provider_facts['network'].get(ip_var) if ip_value: facts['common'][ip_var] = ip_value facts['common'][h_var] = choose_hostname( [provider_facts['network'].get(h_var)], facts['common'][h_var] ) facts['provider'] = provider_facts return facts # Disabling pylint too many branches. This function needs refactored # but is a very core part of openshift_facts. # pylint: disable=too-many-branches def merge_facts(orig, new, additive_facts_to_overwrite, protected_facts_to_overwrite): """ Recursively merge facts dicts Args: orig (dict): existing facts new (dict): facts to update additive_facts_to_overwrite (list): additive facts to overwrite in jinja '.' notation ex: ['master.named_certificates'] protected_facts_to_overwrite (list): protected facts to overwrite in jinja '.' notation ex: ['master.master_count'] Returns: dict: the merged facts """ additive_facts = ['named_certificates'] protected_facts = ['ha', 'master_count'] # Facts we do not ever want to merge. These originate in inventory variables # and contain JSON dicts. We don't ever want to trigger a merge # here, just completely overwrite with the new if they are present there. inventory_json_facts = ['admission_plugin_config', 'kube_admission_plugin_config', 'image_policy_config'] facts = dict() for key, value in orig.iteritems(): # Key exists in both old and new facts. if key in new: if key in inventory_json_facts: # Watchout for JSON facts that sometimes load as strings. # (can happen if the JSON contains a boolean) if isinstance(new[key], basestring): facts[key] = yaml.safe_load(new[key]) else: facts[key] = copy.deepcopy(new[key]) # Continue to recurse if old and new fact is a dictionary. elif isinstance(value, dict) and isinstance(new[key], dict): # Collect the subset of additive facts to overwrite if # key matches. These will be passed to the subsequent # merge_facts call. relevant_additive_facts = [] for item in additive_facts_to_overwrite: if '.' in item and item.startswith(key + '.'): relevant_additive_facts.append(item) # Collect the subset of protected facts to overwrite # if key matches. These will be passed to the # subsequent merge_facts call. relevant_protected_facts = [] for item in protected_facts_to_overwrite: if '.' in item and item.startswith(key + '.'): relevant_protected_facts.append(item) facts[key] = merge_facts(value, new[key], relevant_additive_facts, relevant_protected_facts) # Key matches an additive fact and we are not overwriting # it so we will append the new value to the existing value. elif key in additive_facts and key not in [x.split('.')[-1] for x in additive_facts_to_overwrite]: if isinstance(value, list) and isinstance(new[key], list): new_fact = [] for item in copy.deepcopy(value) + copy.deepcopy(new[key]): if item not in new_fact: new_fact.append(item) facts[key] = new_fact # Key matches a protected fact and we are not overwriting # it so we will determine if it is okay to change this # fact. elif key in protected_facts and key not in [x.split('.')[-1] for x in protected_facts_to_overwrite]: # The master count (int) can only increase unless it # has been passed as a protected fact to overwrite. if key == 'master_count': if int(value) <= int(new[key]): facts[key] = copy.deepcopy(new[key]) else: module.fail_json(msg='openshift_facts received a lower value for openshift.master.master_count') # ha (bool) can not change unless it has been passed # as a protected fact to overwrite. if key == 'ha': if safe_get_bool(value) != safe_get_bool(new[key]): module.fail_json(msg='openshift_facts received a different value for openshift.master.ha') else: facts[key] = value # No other condition has been met. Overwrite the old fact # with the new value. else: facts[key] = copy.deepcopy(new[key]) # Key isn't in new so add it to facts to keep it. else: facts[key] = copy.deepcopy(value) new_keys = set(new.keys()) - set(orig.keys()) for key in new_keys: # Watchout for JSON facts that sometimes load as strings. # (can happen if the JSON contains a boolean) if key in inventory_json_facts and isinstance(new[key], basestring): facts[key] = yaml.safe_load(new[key]) else: facts[key] = copy.deepcopy(new[key]) return facts def save_local_facts(filename, facts): """ Save local facts Args: filename (str): local facts file facts (dict): facts to set """ try: fact_dir = os.path.dirname(filename) if not os.path.exists(fact_dir): os.makedirs(fact_dir) with open(filename, 'w') as fact_file: fact_file.write(module.jsonify(facts)) os.chmod(filename, 0o600) except (IOError, OSError) as ex: raise OpenShiftFactsFileWriteError( "Could not create fact file: %s, error: %s" % (filename, ex) ) def get_local_facts_from_file(filename): """ Retrieve local facts from fact file Args: filename (str): local facts file Returns: dict: the retrieved facts """ local_facts = dict() try: # Handle conversion of INI style facts file to json style ini_facts = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser() ini_facts.read(filename) for section in ini_facts.sections(): local_facts[section] = dict() for key, value in ini_facts.items(section): local_facts[section][key] = value except (ConfigParser.MissingSectionHeaderError, ConfigParser.ParsingError): try: with open(filename, 'r') as facts_file: local_facts = json.load(facts_file) except (ValueError, IOError): pass return local_facts def sort_unique(alist): """ Sorts and de-dupes a list Args: list: a list Returns: list: a sorted de-duped list """ alist.sort() out = list() for i in alist: if i not in out: out.append(i) return out def safe_get_bool(fact): """ Get a boolean fact safely. Args: facts: fact to convert Returns: bool: given fact as a bool """ return bool(strtobool(str(fact))) def set_proxy_facts(facts): """ Set global proxy facts and promote defaults from http_proxy, https_proxy, no_proxy to the more specific builddefaults and builddefaults_git vars. 1. http_proxy, https_proxy, no_proxy 2. builddefaults_* 3. builddefaults_git_* Args: facts(dict): existing facts Returns: facts(dict): Updated facts with missing values """ if 'common' in facts: common = facts['common'] if 'http_proxy' in common or 'https_proxy' in common: if 'no_proxy' in common and \ isinstance(common['no_proxy'], basestring): common['no_proxy'] = common['no_proxy'].split(",") elif 'no_proxy' not in common: common['no_proxy'] = [] if 'generate_no_proxy_hosts' in common and \ safe_get_bool(common['generate_no_proxy_hosts']): if 'no_proxy_internal_hostnames' in common: common['no_proxy'].extend(common['no_proxy_internal_hostnames'].split(',')) common['no_proxy'].append('.' + common['dns_domain']) # We always add ourselves no matter what common['no_proxy'].append(common['hostname']) common['no_proxy'] = sort_unique(common['no_proxy']) facts['common'] = common if 'builddefaults' in facts: builddefaults = facts['builddefaults'] common = facts['common'] # Copy values from common to builddefaults if 'http_proxy' not in builddefaults and 'http_proxy' in common: builddefaults['http_proxy'] = common['http_proxy'] if 'https_proxy' not in builddefaults and 'https_proxy' in common: builddefaults['https_proxy'] = common['https_proxy'] # make no_proxy into a list if it's not if 'no_proxy' in builddefaults and isinstance(builddefaults['no_proxy'], basestring): builddefaults['no_proxy'] = builddefaults['no_proxy'].split(",") if 'no_proxy' not in builddefaults and 'no_proxy' in common: builddefaults['no_proxy'] = common['no_proxy'] if 'git_http_proxy' not in builddefaults and 'http_proxy' in builddefaults: builddefaults['git_http_proxy'] = builddefaults['http_proxy'] if 'git_https_proxy' not in builddefaults and 'https_proxy' in builddefaults: builddefaults['git_https_proxy'] = builddefaults['https_proxy'] # If we're actually defining a proxy config then create kube_admission_plugin_config # if it doesn't exist, then merge builddefaults[config] structure # into kube_admission_plugin_config if 'kube_admission_plugin_config' not in facts['master']: facts['master']['kube_admission_plugin_config'] = dict() if 'config' in builddefaults and ('http_proxy' in builddefaults or \ 'https_proxy' in builddefaults): facts['master']['kube_admission_plugin_config'].update(builddefaults['config']) facts['builddefaults'] = builddefaults return facts # pylint: disable=too-many-statements def set_container_facts_if_unset(facts): """ Set containerized facts. Args: facts (dict): existing facts Returns: dict: the facts dict updated with the generated containerization facts """ deployment_type = facts['common']['deployment_type'] if deployment_type in ['enterprise', 'openshift-enterprise']: master_image = 'openshift3/ose' cli_image = master_image node_image = 'openshift3/node' ovs_image = 'openshift3/openvswitch' etcd_image = 'registry.access.redhat.com/rhel7/etcd' pod_image = 'openshift3/ose-pod' router_image = 'openshift3/ose-haproxy-router' registry_image = 'openshift3/ose-docker-registry' deployer_image = 'openshift3/ose-deployer' elif deployment_type == 'atomic-enterprise': master_image = 'aep3_beta/aep' cli_image = master_image node_image = 'aep3_beta/node' ovs_image = 'aep3_beta/openvswitch' etcd_image = 'registry.access.redhat.com/rhel7/etcd' pod_image = 'aep3_beta/aep-pod' router_image = 'aep3_beta/aep-haproxy-router' registry_image = 'aep3_beta/aep-docker-registry' deployer_image = 'aep3_beta/aep-deployer' else: master_image = 'openshift/origin' cli_image = master_image node_image = 'openshift/node' ovs_image = 'openshift/openvswitch' etcd_image = 'registry.access.redhat.com/rhel7/etcd' pod_image = 'openshift/origin-pod' router_image = 'openshift/origin-haproxy-router' registry_image = 'openshift/origin-docker-registry' deployer_image = 'openshift/origin-deployer' facts['common']['is_atomic'] = os.path.isfile('/run/ostree-booted') if 'is_containerized' not in facts['common']: facts['common']['is_containerized'] = facts['common']['is_atomic'] if 'cli_image' not in facts['common']: facts['common']['cli_image'] = cli_image if 'pod_image' not in facts['common']: facts['common']['pod_image'] = pod_image if 'router_image' not in facts['common']: facts['common']['router_image'] = router_image if 'registry_image' not in facts['common']: facts['common']['registry_image'] = registry_image if 'deployer_image' not in facts['common']: facts['common']['deployer_image'] = deployer_image if 'etcd' in facts and 'etcd_image' not in facts['etcd']: facts['etcd']['etcd_image'] = etcd_image if 'master' in facts and 'master_image' not in facts['master']: facts['master']['master_image'] = master_image if 'node' in facts: if 'node_image' not in facts['node']: facts['node']['node_image'] = node_image if 'ovs_image' not in facts['node']: facts['node']['ovs_image'] = ovs_image if safe_get_bool(facts['common']['is_containerized']): facts['common']['admin_binary'] = '/usr/local/bin/oadm' facts['common']['client_binary'] = '/usr/local/bin/oc' return facts def set_installed_variant_rpm_facts(facts): """ Set RPM facts of installed variant Args: facts (dict): existing facts Returns: dict: the facts dict updated with installed_variant_rpms """ installed_rpms = [] for base_rpm in ['openshift', 'atomic-openshift', 'origin']: optional_rpms = ['master', 'node', 'clients', 'sdn-ovs'] variant_rpms = [base_rpm] + \ ['{0}-{1}'.format(base_rpm, r) for r in optional_rpms] + \ ['tuned-profiles-%s-node' % base_rpm] for rpm in variant_rpms: exit_code, _, _ = module.run_command(['rpm', '-q', rpm]) if exit_code == 0: installed_rpms.append(rpm) facts['common']['installed_variant_rpms'] = installed_rpms return facts class OpenShiftFactsInternalError(Exception): """Origin Facts Error""" pass class OpenShiftFactsUnsupportedRoleError(Exception): """Origin Facts Unsupported Role Error""" pass class OpenShiftFactsFileWriteError(Exception): """Origin Facts File Write Error""" pass class OpenShiftFactsMetadataUnavailableError(Exception): """Origin Facts Metadata Unavailable Error""" pass class OpenShiftFacts(object): """ Origin Facts Attributes: facts (dict): facts for the host Args: module (AnsibleModule): an AnsibleModule object role (str): role for setting local facts filename (str): local facts file to use local_facts (dict): local facts to set additive_facts_to_overwrite (list): additive facts to overwrite in jinja '.' notation ex: ['master.named_certificates'] protected_facts_to_overwrite (list): protected facts to overwrite in jinja '.' notation ex: ['master.master_count'] Raises: OpenShiftFactsUnsupportedRoleError: """ known_roles = ['builddefaults', 'clock', 'cloudprovider', 'common', 'docker', 'etcd', 'hosted', 'master', 'node'] # Disabling too-many-arguments, this should be cleaned up as a TODO item. # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments,no-value-for-parameter def __init__(self, role, filename, local_facts, additive_facts_to_overwrite=None, openshift_env=None, openshift_env_structures=None, protected_facts_to_overwrite=None): self.changed = False self.filename = filename if role not in self.known_roles: raise OpenShiftFactsUnsupportedRoleError( "Role %s is not supported by this module" % role ) self.role = role try: # ansible-2.1 # pylint: disable=too-many-function-args,invalid-name self.system_facts = ansible_facts(module, ['hardware', 'network', 'virtual', 'facter']) for (k, v) in self.system_facts.items(): self.system_facts["ansible_%s" % k.replace('-', '_')] = v except UnboundLocalError: # ansible-2.2 self.system_facts = get_all_facts(module)['ansible_facts'] self.facts = self.generate_facts(local_facts, additive_facts_to_overwrite, openshift_env, openshift_env_structures, protected_facts_to_overwrite) def generate_facts(self, local_facts, additive_facts_to_overwrite, openshift_env, openshift_env_structures, protected_facts_to_overwrite): """ Generate facts Args: local_facts (dict): local_facts for overriding generated defaults additive_facts_to_overwrite (list): additive facts to overwrite in jinja '.' notation ex: ['master.named_certificates'] openshift_env (dict): openshift_env facts for overriding generated defaults protected_facts_to_overwrite (list): protected facts to overwrite in jinja '.' notation ex: ['master.master_count'] Returns: dict: The generated facts """ local_facts = self.init_local_facts(local_facts, additive_facts_to_overwrite, openshift_env, openshift_env_structures, protected_facts_to_overwrite) roles = local_facts.keys() if 'common' in local_facts and 'deployment_type' in local_facts['common']: deployment_type = local_facts['common']['deployment_type'] else: deployment_type = 'origin' if 'common' in local_facts and 'deployment_subtype' in local_facts['common']: deployment_subtype = local_facts['common']['deployment_subtype'] else: deployment_subtype = 'basic' defaults = self.get_defaults(roles, deployment_type, deployment_subtype) provider_facts = self.init_provider_facts() facts = apply_provider_facts(defaults, provider_facts) facts = merge_facts(facts, local_facts, additive_facts_to_overwrite, protected_facts_to_overwrite) facts = migrate_oauth_template_facts(facts) facts['current_config'] = get_current_config(facts) facts = set_url_facts_if_unset(facts) facts = set_project_cfg_facts_if_unset(facts) facts = set_flannel_facts_if_unset(facts) facts = set_nuage_facts_if_unset(facts) facts = set_node_schedulability(facts) facts = set_selectors(facts) facts = set_identity_providers_if_unset(facts) facts = set_sdn_facts_if_unset(facts, self.system_facts) facts = set_deployment_facts_if_unset(facts) facts = set_container_facts_if_unset(facts) facts = build_kubelet_args(facts) facts = build_controller_args(facts) facts = build_api_server_args(facts) facts = set_version_facts_if_unset(facts) facts = set_dnsmasq_facts_if_unset(facts) facts = set_manageiq_facts_if_unset(facts) facts = set_aggregate_facts(facts) facts = set_etcd_facts_if_unset(facts) facts = set_proxy_facts(facts) if not safe_get_bool(facts['common']['is_containerized']): facts = set_installed_variant_rpm_facts(facts) facts = set_nodename(facts) return dict(openshift=facts) def get_defaults(self, roles, deployment_type, deployment_subtype): """ Get default fact values Args: roles (list): list of roles for this host Returns: dict: The generated default facts """ defaults = {} ip_addr = self.system_facts['ansible_default_ipv4']['address'] exit_code, output, _ = module.run_command(['hostname', '-f']) hostname_f = output.strip() if exit_code == 0 else '' hostname_values = [hostname_f, self.system_facts['ansible_nodename'], self.system_facts['ansible_fqdn']] hostname = choose_hostname(hostname_values, ip_addr) defaults['common'] = dict(use_openshift_sdn=True, ip=ip_addr, public_ip=ip_addr, deployment_type=deployment_type, deployment_subtype=deployment_subtype, hostname=hostname, public_hostname=hostname, portal_net='', client_binary='oc', admin_binary='oadm', dns_domain='cluster.local', install_examples=True, debug_level=2) if 'master' in roles: scheduler_predicates = [ {"name": "MatchNodeSelector"}, {"name": "PodFitsResources"}, {"name": "PodFitsPorts"}, {"name": "NoDiskConflict"}, {"name": "NoVolumeZoneConflict"}, {"name": "MaxEBSVolumeCount"}, {"name": "MaxGCEPDVolumeCount"}, {"name": "Region", "argument": {"serviceAffinity" : {"labels" : ["region"]}}} ] scheduler_priorities = [ {"name": "LeastRequestedPriority", "weight": 1}, {"name": "SelectorSpreadPriority", "weight": 1}, {"name": "Zone", "weight" : 2, "argument": {"serviceAntiAffinity" : {"label": "zone"}}} ] defaults['master'] = dict(api_use_ssl=True, api_port='8443', controllers_port='8444', console_use_ssl=True, console_path='/console', console_port='8443', etcd_use_ssl=True, etcd_hosts='', etcd_port='4001', portal_net='', embedded_etcd=True, embedded_kube=True, embedded_dns=True, bind_addr='', session_max_seconds=3600, session_name='ssn', session_secrets_file='', access_token_max_seconds=86400, auth_token_max_seconds=500, oauth_grant_method='auto', scheduler_predicates=scheduler_predicates, scheduler_priorities=scheduler_priorities, dynamic_provisioning_enabled=True, max_requests_inflight=500) if 'node' in roles: defaults['node'] = dict(labels={}, annotations={}, iptables_sync_period='30s', local_quota_per_fsgroup="", set_node_ip=False) if 'docker' in roles: docker = dict(disable_push_dockerhub=False, hosted_registry_insecure=True, options='--log-driver=json-file --log-opt max-size=50m') version_info = get_docker_version_info() if version_info is not None: docker['api_version'] = version_info['api_version'] docker['version'] = version_info['version'] docker['gte_1_10'] = LooseVersion(version_info['version']) >= LooseVersion('1.10') defaults['docker'] = docker if 'clock' in roles: exit_code, _, _ = module.run_command(['rpm', '-q', 'chrony']) chrony_installed = bool(exit_code == 0) defaults['clock'] = dict( enabled=True, chrony_installed=chrony_installed) if 'cloudprovider' in roles: defaults['cloudprovider'] = dict(kind=None) if 'hosted' in roles or self.role == 'hosted': defaults['hosted'] = dict( metrics=dict( deploy=False, duration=7, resolution='10s', storage=dict( kind=None, volume=dict( name='metrics', size='10Gi' ), nfs=dict( directory='/exports', options='*(rw,root_squash)' ), host=None, access_modes=['ReadWriteOnce'], create_pv=True, create_pvc=False ) ), logging=dict( storage=dict( kind=None, volume=dict( name='logging-es', size='10Gi' ), nfs=dict( directory='/exports', options='*(rw,root_squash)' ), host=None, access_modes=['ReadWriteOnce'], create_pv=True, create_pvc=False ) ), registry=dict( storage=dict( kind=None, volume=dict( name='registry', size='5Gi' ), nfs=dict( directory='/exports', options='*(rw,root_squash)'), host=None, access_modes=['ReadWriteMany'], create_pv=True, create_pvc=True ) ), router=dict() ) return defaults def guess_host_provider(self): """ Guess the host provider Returns: dict: The generated default facts for the detected provider """ # TODO: cloud provider facts should probably be submitted upstream product_name = self.system_facts['ansible_product_name'] product_version = self.system_facts['ansible_product_version'] virt_type = self.system_facts['ansible_virtualization_type'] virt_role = self.system_facts['ansible_virtualization_role'] provider = None metadata = None # TODO: this is not exposed through module_utils/facts.py in ansible, # need to create PR for ansible to expose it bios_vendor = get_file_content( '/sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/bios_vendor' ) if bios_vendor == 'Google': provider = 'gce' metadata_url = ('http://metadata.google.internal/' 'computeMetadata/v1/?recursive=true') headers = {'Metadata-Flavor': 'Google'} metadata = get_provider_metadata(metadata_url, True, headers, True) # Filter sshKeys and serviceAccounts from gce metadata if metadata: metadata['project']['attributes'].pop('sshKeys', None) metadata['instance'].pop('serviceAccounts', None) elif (virt_type == 'xen' and virt_role == 'guest' and re.match(r'.*\.amazon$', product_version)): provider = 'aws' metadata_url = '' metadata = get_provider_metadata(metadata_url) elif re.search(r'OpenStack', product_name): provider = 'openstack' metadata_url = ('' 'meta_data.json') metadata = get_provider_metadata(metadata_url, True, None, True) if metadata: ec2_compat_url = '' metadata['ec2_compat'] = get_provider_metadata( ec2_compat_url ) # disable pylint maybe-no-member because overloaded use of # the module name causes pylint to not detect that results # is an array or hash # pylint: disable=maybe-no-member # Filter public_keys and random_seed from openstack metadata metadata.pop('public_keys', None) metadata.pop('random_seed', None) if not metadata['ec2_compat']: metadata = None return dict(name=provider, metadata=metadata) def init_provider_facts(self): """ Initialize the provider facts Returns: dict: The normalized provider facts """ provider_info = self.guess_host_provider() provider_facts = normalize_provider_facts( provider_info.get('name'), provider_info.get('metadata') ) return provider_facts @staticmethod def split_openshift_env_fact_keys(openshift_env_fact, openshift_env_structures): """ Split openshift_env facts based on openshift_env structures. Args: openshift_env_fact (string): the openshift_env fact to split ex: 'openshift_cloudprovider_openstack_auth_url' openshift_env_structures (list): a list of structures to determine fact keys ex: ['openshift.cloudprovider.openstack.*'] Returns: list: a list of keys that represent the fact ex: ['openshift', 'cloudprovider', 'openstack', 'auth_url'] """ # By default, we'll split an openshift_env fact by underscores. fact_keys = openshift_env_fact.split('_') # Determine if any of the provided variable structures match the fact. matching_structure = None if openshift_env_structures != None: for structure in openshift_env_structures: if re.match(structure, openshift_env_fact): matching_structure = structure # Fact didn't match any variable structures so return the default fact keys. if matching_structure is None: return fact_keys final_keys = [] structure_keys = matching_structure.split('.') for structure_key in structure_keys: # Matched current key. Add to final keys. if structure_key == fact_keys[structure_keys.index(structure_key)]: final_keys.append(structure_key) # Wildcard means we will be taking everything from here to the end of the fact. elif structure_key == '*': final_keys.append('_'.join(fact_keys[structure_keys.index(structure_key):])) # Shouldn't have gotten here, return the fact keys. else: return fact_keys return final_keys # Disabling too-many-branches and too-many-locals. # This should be cleaned up as a TODO item. #pylint: disable=too-many-branches, too-many-locals def init_local_facts(self, facts=None, additive_facts_to_overwrite=None, openshift_env=None, openshift_env_structures=None, protected_facts_to_overwrite=None): """ Initialize the local facts Args: facts (dict): local facts to set additive_facts_to_overwrite (list): additive facts to overwrite in jinja '.' notation ex: ['master.named_certificates'] openshift_env (dict): openshift env facts to set protected_facts_to_overwrite (list): protected facts to overwrite in jinja '.' notation ex: ['master.master_count'] Returns: dict: The result of merging the provided facts with existing local facts """ changed = False facts_to_set = dict() if facts is not None: facts_to_set[self.role] = facts if openshift_env != {} and openshift_env != None: for fact, value in openshift_env.iteritems(): oo_env_facts = dict() current_level = oo_env_facts keys = self.split_openshift_env_fact_keys(fact, openshift_env_structures)[1:] if len(keys) > 0 and keys[0] != self.role: continue for key in keys: if key == keys[-1]: current_level[key] = value elif key not in current_level: current_level[key] = dict() current_level = current_level[key] facts_to_set = merge_facts(orig=facts_to_set, new=oo_env_facts, additive_facts_to_overwrite=[], protected_facts_to_overwrite=[]) local_facts = get_local_facts_from_file(self.filename) migrated_facts = migrate_local_facts(local_facts) new_local_facts = merge_facts(migrated_facts, facts_to_set, additive_facts_to_overwrite, protected_facts_to_overwrite) if 'docker' in new_local_facts: # remove duplicate and empty strings from registry lists for cat in ['additional', 'blocked', 'insecure']: key = '{0}_registries'.format(cat) if key in new_local_facts['docker']: val = new_local_facts['docker'][key] if isinstance(val, basestring): val = [x.strip() for x in val.split(',')] new_local_facts['docker'][key] = list(set(val) - set([''])) # Convert legacy log_options comma sep string to a list if present: if 'log_options' in new_local_facts['docker'] and \ isinstance(new_local_facts['docker']['log_options'], basestring): new_local_facts['docker']['log_options'] = new_local_facts['docker']['log_options'].split(',') new_local_facts = self.remove_empty_facts(new_local_facts) if new_local_facts != local_facts: self.validate_local_facts(new_local_facts) changed = True if not module.check_mode: save_local_facts(self.filename, new_local_facts) self.changed = changed return new_local_facts def remove_empty_facts(self, facts=None): """ Remove empty facts Args: facts (dict): facts to clean """ facts_to_remove = [] for fact, value in facts.iteritems(): if isinstance(facts[fact], dict): facts[fact] = self.remove_empty_facts(facts[fact]) else: if value == "" or value == [""] or value is None: facts_to_remove.append(fact) for fact in facts_to_remove: del facts[fact] return facts def validate_local_facts(self, facts=None): """ Validate local facts Args: facts (dict): local facts to validate """ invalid_facts = dict() invalid_facts = self.validate_master_facts(facts, invalid_facts) if invalid_facts: msg = 'Invalid facts detected:\n' for key in invalid_facts.keys(): msg += '{0}: {1}\n'.format(key, invalid_facts[key]) module.fail_json(msg=msg, changed=self.changed) # disabling pylint errors for line-too-long since we're dealing # with best effort reduction of error messages here. # disabling errors for too-many-branches since we require checking # many conditions. # pylint: disable=line-too-long, too-many-branches @staticmethod def validate_master_facts(facts, invalid_facts): """ Validate master facts Args: facts (dict): local facts to validate invalid_facts (dict): collected invalid_facts Returns: dict: Invalid facts """ if 'master' in facts: # openshift.master.session_auth_secrets if 'session_auth_secrets' in facts['master']: session_auth_secrets = facts['master']['session_auth_secrets'] if not issubclass(type(session_auth_secrets), list): invalid_facts['session_auth_secrets'] = 'Expects session_auth_secrets is a list.' elif 'session_encryption_secrets' not in facts['master']: invalid_facts['session_auth_secrets'] = ('openshift_master_session_encryption secrets must be set ' 'if openshift_master_session_auth_secrets is provided.') elif len(session_auth_secrets) != len(facts['master']['session_encryption_secrets']): invalid_facts['session_auth_secrets'] = ('openshift_master_session_auth_secrets and ' 'openshift_master_session_encryption_secrets must be ' 'equal length.') else: for secret in session_auth_secrets: if len(secret) < 32: invalid_facts['session_auth_secrets'] = ('Invalid secret in session_auth_secrets. ' 'Secrets must be at least 32 characters in length.') # openshift.master.session_encryption_secrets if 'session_encryption_secrets' in facts['master']: session_encryption_secrets = facts['master']['session_encryption_secrets'] if not issubclass(type(session_encryption_secrets), list): invalid_facts['session_encryption_secrets'] = 'Expects session_encryption_secrets is a list.' elif 'session_auth_secrets' not in facts['master']: invalid_facts['session_encryption_secrets'] = ('openshift_master_session_auth_secrets must be ' 'set if openshift_master_session_encryption_secrets ' 'is provided.') else: for secret in session_encryption_secrets: if len(secret) not in [16, 24, 32]: invalid_facts['session_encryption_secrets'] = ('Invalid secret in session_encryption_secrets. ' 'Secrets must be 16, 24, or 32 characters in length.') return invalid_facts def main(): """ main """ # disabling pylint errors for global-variable-undefined and invalid-name # for 'global module' usage, since it is required to use ansible_facts # pylint: disable=global-variable-undefined, invalid-name global module module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=dict( role=dict(default='common', required=False, choices=OpenShiftFacts.known_roles), local_facts=dict(default=None, type='dict', required=False), additive_facts_to_overwrite=dict(default=[], type='list', required=False), openshift_env=dict(default={}, type='dict', required=False), openshift_env_structures=dict(default=[], type='list', required=False), protected_facts_to_overwrite=dict(default=[], type='list', required=False) ), supports_check_mode=True, add_file_common_args=True, ) module.params['gather_subset'] = ['hardware', 'network', 'virtual', 'facter'] module.params['gather_timeout'] = 10 module.params['filter'] = '*' role = module.params['role'] local_facts = module.params['local_facts'] additive_facts_to_overwrite = module.params['additive_facts_to_overwrite'] openshift_env = module.params['openshift_env'] openshift_env_structures = module.params['openshift_env_structures'] protected_facts_to_overwrite = module.params['protected_facts_to_overwrite'] fact_file = '/etc/ansible/facts.d/openshift.fact' openshift_facts = OpenShiftFacts(role, fact_file, local_facts, additive_facts_to_overwrite, openshift_env, openshift_env_structures, protected_facts_to_overwrite) file_params = module.params.copy() file_params['path'] = fact_file file_args = module.load_file_common_arguments(file_params) changed = module.set_fs_attributes_if_different(file_args, openshift_facts.changed) return module.exit_json(changed=changed, ansible_facts=openshift_facts.facts) # ignore pylint errors related to the module_utils import # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin, unused-wildcard-import, wildcard-import # import module snippets from ansible.module_utils.basic import * from ansible.module_utils.facts import * from ansible.module_utils.urls import * if __name__ == '__main__': main()