# CloudForms Availability As noted in [Limitations - Product Choice](#product-choice), CloudForms 4.6 is not yet released. Until such time, this role is limited to installing ManageIQ, the open source project that CFME is based on. # Table of Contents * [Introduction](#introduction) * [Requirements](#requirements) * [Role Variables](#role-variables) * [Getting Started](#getting-started) * [All Defaults](#all-defaults) * [External NFS Storage](#external-nfs-storage) * [Override PV sizes](#override-pv-sizes) * [Override Memory Requirements](#override-memory-requirements) * [External PostgreSQL Database](#external-postgresql-database) * [Limitations](#limitations) * [Product Choice](#product-choice) * [Storage](#storage) * [Database](#database) * [Configuration](#configuration) * [Configuration - Storage Classes](#configuration---storage-classes) * [NFS (Default)](#nfs-default) * [NFS External](#nfs-external) * [Cloud Provider](#cloud-provider) * [Preconfigured (Expert Configuration Only)](#preconfigured-expert-configuration-only) * [Configuration - Database](#configuration---database) * [Podified Database](#podified-database) * [External Database](#external-database) * [Customization](#customization) * [Additional Information](#additional-information) # Introduction This role will allow a user to install CFME 4.6 or ManageIQ on an OCP 3.7 cluster. The role provides customization options for overriding default deployment parameters. The role includes several choices for storage classes. This role includes the following storage class options * NFS - **Default** - local, on cluster * NFS External - NFS somewhere else, like a storage appliance * Cloud Provider - Use automatic storage provisioning from your cloud provider (`gce` or `aws`) * Preconfigured - **expert only**, assumes you created everything ahead of time This role allows you to host the required PostgreSQL database podified (on a pod in the cluster) or externally (on an existing PostgreSQL host). You may skip ahead to the [Getting Started](#getting-started) section now for examples of how to set up your Ansible inventory for various deployment configurations. However, you are **strongly urged** to read through the [Configuration](#configuration) and [Customization](#customization) sections first. # Requirements * OCP 3.7 must be installed **before** running this role. The **default** requirements are listed in the table below. These can be overridden through customization parameters (See [Customization](#customization), below). **Note** that the application performance will suffer, or possibly even fail to deploy, if these requirements are not satisfied. | Item | Requirement | Description | Customization Parameter | |---------------------|---------------|----------------------------------------------|-------------------------------| | Application Memory | `≥ 4.0 Gi` | Minimum required memory for the application | `APPLICATION_MEM_REQ` | | Application Storage | `≥ 5.0 Gi` | Minimum PV size required for the application | `APPLICATION_VOLUME_CAPACITY` | | PostgreSQL Memory | `≥ 6.0 Gi` | Minimum required memory for the database | `POSTGRESQL_MEM_REQ` | | PostgreSQL Storage | `≥ 15.0 Gi` | Minimum PV size required for the database | `DATABASE_VOLUME_CAPACITY` | | Cluster Hosts | `≥ 3` | Number of hosts in your cluster | `∅` | The implications of this table are summarized below: * You need several cluster nodes * Your cluster nodes must have lots of memory available * You will need several GiB's of storage available # Role Variables | Variable | Required | Default | Description | |------------------------------------------------|:--------:|:------------------------------:|-------------------------------------| | `openshift_cfme_project` | **No** | `openshift-cfme` | Namespace for the installation. | | `openshift_cfme_project_description` | **No** | *CloudForms Management Engine* | Namespace/project description. | | **PRODUCT CHOICE** | | | | | | `openshift_cfme_app_template` | **No** | `miq-template` | The project flavor to install. Choices: | | **STORAGE OPTIONS** | | | | | | `openshift_cfme_storage_class` | **No** | `nfs` | Storage type to use, choices: