# pylint: skip-file # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes class Process(OpenShiftCLI): ''' Class to wrap the oc command line tools ''' # pylint allows 5. we need 6 # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments def __init__(self, namespace, tname=None, params=None, create=False, kubeconfig='/etc/origin/master/admin.kubeconfig', tdata=None, verbose=False): ''' Constructor for OpenshiftOC ''' super(Process, self).__init__(namespace, kubeconfig) self.namespace = namespace self.name = tname self.data = tdata self.params = params self.create = create self.kubeconfig = kubeconfig self.verbose = verbose self._template = None @property def template(self): '''template property''' if self._template == None: results = self._process(self.name, False, self.params, self.data) if results['returncode'] != 0: raise OpenShiftCLIError('Error processing template [%s].' % self.name) self._template = results['results']['items'] return self._template def get(self): '''get the template''' results = self._get('template', self.name) if results['returncode'] != 0: # Does the template exist?? if 'not found' in results['stderr']: results['returncode'] = 0 results['exists'] = False results['results'] = [] return results def delete(self, obj): '''delete a resource''' return self._delete(obj['kind'], obj['metadata']['name']) def create_obj(self, obj): '''create a resource''' return self._create_from_content(obj['metadata']['name'], obj) def process(self, create=None): '''process a template''' do_create = False if create != None: do_create = create else: do_create = self.create return self._process(self.name, do_create, self.params, self.data) def exists(self): '''return whether the template exists''' # Always return true if we're being passed template data if self.data: return True t_results = self._get('template', self.name) if t_results['returncode'] != 0: # Does the template exist?? if 'not found' in t_results['stderr']: return False else: raise OpenShiftCLIError('Something went wrong. %s' % t_results) return True def needs_update(self): '''attempt to process the template and return it for comparison with oc objects''' obj_results = [] for obj in self.template: # build a list of types to skip skip = [] if obj['kind'] == 'ServiceAccount': skip.extend(['secrets', 'imagePullSecrets']) if obj['kind'] == 'BuildConfig': skip.extend(['lastTriggeredImageID']) if obj['kind'] == 'ImageStream': skip.extend(['generation']) if obj['kind'] == 'DeploymentConfig': skip.extend(['lastTriggeredImage']) # fetch the current object curr_obj_results = self._get(obj['kind'], obj['metadata']['name']) if curr_obj_results['returncode'] != 0: # Does the template exist?? if 'not found' in curr_obj_results['stderr']: obj_results.append((obj, True)) continue # check the generated object against the existing object if not Utils.check_def_equal(obj, curr_obj_results['results'][0], skip_keys=skip): obj_results.append((obj, True)) continue obj_results.append((obj, False)) return obj_results @staticmethod def run_ansible(params, check_mode): '''run the ansible idempotent code''' ocprocess = Process(params['namespace'], params['template_name'], params['params'], params['create'], kubeconfig=params['kubeconfig'], tdata=params['content'], verbose=params['debug']) state = params['state'] api_rval = ocprocess.get() if state == 'list': if api_rval['returncode'] != 0: return {"failed": True, "msg" : api_rval} return {"changed" : False, "results": api_rval, "state": "list") elif state == 'present': if not ocprocess.exists() or not params['reconcile']: #FIXME: this code will never get run in a way that succeeds when # module.params['reconcile'] is true. Because oc_process doesn't # create the actual template, the check of ocprocess.exists() # is meaningless. Either it's already here and this code # won't be run, or this code will fail because there is no # template available for oc process to use. Have we conflated # the template's existence with the existence of the objects # it describes? # Create it here api_rval = ocprocess.process() if api_rval['returncode'] != 0: return {"failed": True, "msg": api_rval} return {"changed": True, "results": api_rval, "state": "present") # verify results update = False rval = [] all_results = ocprocess.needs_update() for obj, status in all_results: if status: ocprocess.delete(obj) results = ocprocess.create_obj(obj) results['kind'] = obj['kind'] rval.append(results) update = True if not update: return {"changed": update, "results": api_rval, "state": "present") for cmd in rval: if cmd['returncode'] != 0: return {"failed": True, "changed": update, "results": rval, "state": "present") return {"changed": update, "results": rval, "state": "present"} return {"failed": True, "changed": False, "results": 'Unknown state passed ({0}). '.format(state), "state": "unknown")