# OpenStack Provisioning This repository contains playbooks and Heat templates to provision OpenStack resources (servers, networking, volumes, security groups, etc.). The result is an environment ready for openshift-ansible. ## Dependencies for localhost (ansible control/admin node) * [Ansible 2.3](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/ansible) * [Ansible-galaxy](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/ansible-galaxy-local-deps) * [jinja2](http://jinja.pocoo.org/docs/2.9/) * [shade](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/shade) * python-jmespath / [jmespath](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/jmespath) * python-dns / [dnspython](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/dnspython) * Become (sudo) is not required. ### Optional Dependencies for localhost **Note**: When using rhel images, `rhel-7-server-openstack-10-rpms` repository is required in order to install these packages. * `python-openstackclient` * `python-heatclient` ## Dependencies for OpenStack hosted cluster nodes (servers) There are no additional dependencies for the cluster nodes. Required configuration steps are done by Heat given a specific user data config that normally should not be changed. ## Required galaxy modules In order to pull in external dependencies for DNS configuration steps, the following commads need to be executed: ansible-galaxy install \ -r openshift-ansible-contrib/playbooks/provisioning/openstack/galaxy-requirements.yaml \ -p openshift-ansible-contrib/roles Alternatively you can install directly from github: ansible-galaxy install git+https://github.com/redhat-cop/infra-ansible,master \ -p openshift-ansible-contrib/roles Notes: * This assumes we're in the directory that contains the clonned openshift-ansible-contrib repo in its root path. * When trying to install a different version, the previous one must be removed first (`infra-ansible` directory from [roles](https://github.com/openshift/openshift-ansible-contrib/tree/master/roles)). Otherwise, even if there are differences between the two versions, installation of the newer version is skipped. ## What does it do * Create Nova servers with floating IP addresses attached * Assigns Cinder volumes to the servers * Set up an `openshift` user with sudo privileges * Optionally attach Red Hat subscriptions * Set up a bind-based DNS server * When deploying more than one master, set up a HAproxy server ## Set up ### Copy the sample inventory cp -r openshift-ansible-contrib/playbooks/provisioning/openstack/sample-inventory inventory ### Copy ansible config cp openshift-ansible-contrib/playbooks/provisioning/openstack/sample-inventory/ansible.cfg ansible.cfg ### Update `inventory/group_vars/all.yml` Pay special attention to the values in the first paragraph -- these will depend on your OpenStack environment. The `env_id` and `public_dns_domain` will form the cluster's DNS domain all your servers will be under. With the default values, this will be `openshift.example.com`. For workloads, the default subdomain is 'apps'. That sudomain can be set as well by the `openshift_app_domain` variable in the inventory. The `public_dns_nameservers` is a list of DNS servers accessible from all the created Nova servers. These will be serving as your DNS forwarders for external FQDNs that do not belong to the cluster's DNS domain and its subdomains. The `openshift_use_dnsmasq` controls either dnsmasq is deployed or not. By default, dnsmasq is deployed and comes as the hosts' /etc/resolv.conf file first nameserver entry that points to the local host instance of the dnsmasq daemon that in turn proxies DNS requests to the authoritative DNS server. When Network Manager is enabled for provisioned cluster nodes, which is normally the case, you should not change the defaults and always deploy dnsmasq. Note that the authoritative DNS server is configured on post provsision steps, and the Neutron subnet for the Heat stack is updated to point to that server in the end. So the provisioned servers will start using it natively as a default nameserver that comes from the NetworkManager and cloud-init. `openstack_ssh_key` is a Nova keypair - you can see your keypairs with `openstack keypair list`. This guide assumes that its corresponding private key is `~/.ssh/openshift`, stored on the ansible admin (control) node. `openstack_default_image_name` is the default name of the Glance image the servers will use. You can see your images with `openstack image list`. In order to set a different image for a role, uncomment the line with the corresponding variable (e.g. `openstack_lb_image_name` for load balancer) and set its value to another available image name. `openstack_default_image_name` must stay defined as it is used as a default value for the rest of the roles. `openstack_default_flavor` is the Nova flavor the servers will use. You can see your flavors with `openstack flavor list`. `openstack_external_network_name` is the name of the Neutron network providing external connectivity. It is often called `public`, `external` or `ext-net`. You can see your networks with `openstack network list`. `openstack_private_network_name` is the name of the private Neutron network providing admin/control access for ansible. It can be merged with other cluster networks, there are no special requirements for networking. The `openstack_num_masters`, `openstack_num_infra` and `openstack_num_nodes` values specify the number of Master, Infra and App nodes to create. The `openshift_cluster_node_labels` defines custom labels for your openshift cluster node groups, like app or infra nodes. For example: `{'region': 'infra'}`. The `openstack_nodes_to_remove` allows you to specify the numerical indexes of App nodes that should be removed; for example, ['0', '2'], The `openstack_flat_secgrp`, controls Neutron security groups creation for Heat stacks. Set it to true, if you experience issues with sec group rules quotas. It trades security for number of rules, by sharing the same set of firewall rules for master, node, etcd and infra nodes. The `required_packages` variable also provides a list of the additional prerequisite packages to be installed before to deploy an OpenShift cluster. Those are ignored though, if the `manage_packages: False`. The `openstack_inventory` controls either a static inventory will be created after the cluster nodes provisioned on OpenStack cloud. Note, the fully dynamic inventory is yet to be supported, so the static inventory will be created anyway. The `openstack_inventory_path` points the directory to host the generated static inventory. It should point to the copied example inventory directory, otherwise ti creates a new one for you. #### Security notes Configure required `*_ingress_cidr` variables to restrict public access to provisioned servers from your laptop (a /32 notation should be used) or your trusted network. The most important is the `node_ingress_cidr` that restricts public access to the deployed DNS server and cluster nodes' ephemeral ports range. Note, the command ``curl https://api.ipify.org`` helps fiding an external IP address of your box (the ansible admin node). There is also the `manage_packages` variable (defaults to True) you may want to turn off in order to speed up the provisioning tasks. This may be the case for development environments. When turned off, the servers will be provisioned omitting the ``yum update`` command. This brings security implications though, and is not recommended for production deployments. ### Configure the OpenShift parameters Finally, you need to update the DNS entry in `inventory/group_vars/OSEv3.yml` (look at `openshift_master_default_subdomain`). In addition, this is the place where you can customise your OpenShift installation for example by specifying the authentication. The full list of options is available in this sample inventory: https://github.com/openshift/openshift-ansible/blob/master/inventory/byo/hosts.ose.example Note, that in order to deploy OpenShift origin, you should update the following variables for the `inventory/group_vars/OSEv3.yml`, `all.yml`: deployment_type: origin origin_release: 1.5.1 openshift_deployment_type: "{{ deployment_type }}" ### Configure static inventory and access via a bastion node Example inventory variables: openstack_use_bastion: true bastion_ingress_cidr: "{{openstack_subnet_prefix}}.0/24" openstack_private_ssh_key: ~/.ssh/openshift openstack_inventory: static openstack_inventory_path: ../../../../inventory openstack_ssh_config_path: /tmp/ssh.config.openshift.ansible.openshift.example.com The `openstack_subnet_prefix` is the openstack private network for your cluster. And the `bastion_ingress_cidr` defines accepted range for SSH connections to nodes additionally to the `ssh_ingress_cidr`` (see the security notes above). The SSH config will be stored on the ansible control node by the gitven path. Ansible uses it automatically. To access the cluster nodes with that ssh config, use the `-F` prefix, f.e.: ssh -F /tmp/ssh.config.openshift.ansible.openshift.example.com master-0.openshift.example.com echo OK Note, relative paths will not work for the `openstack_ssh_config_path`, but it works for the `openstack_private_ssh_key` and `openstack_inventory_path`. In this guide, the latter points to the current directory, where you run ansible commands from. To verify nodes connectivity, use the command: ansible -v -i inventory/hosts -m ping all If something is broken, double-check the inventory variables, paths and the generated `/hosts` and `openstack_ssh_config_path` files. The `inventory: dynamic` can be used instead to access cluster nodes directly via floating IPs. In this mode you can not use a bastion node and should specify the dynamic inventory file in your ansible commands , like `-i openstack.py`. ## Deployment ### Run the playbook Assuming your OpenStack (Keystone) credentials are in the `keystonerc` this is how you stat the provisioning process from your ansible control node: . keystonerc ansible-playbook openshift-ansible-contrib/playbooks/provisioning/openstack/provision.yaml Note, here you start with an empty inventory. The static inventory will be populated with data so you can omit providing additional arguments for future ansible commands. If bastion enabled, the generates SSH config must be applied for ansible. Otherwise, it is auto included by the previous step. In order to execute it as a separate playbook, use the following command: ansible-playbook openshift-ansible-contrib/playbooks/provisioning/openstack/post-provision-openstack.yml The first infra node then becomes a bastion node as well and proxies access for future ansible commands. The post-provision step also configures Satellite, if requested, and DNS server, and ensures other OpenShift requirements to be met. ### Install OpenShift Once it succeeds, you can install openshift by running: ansible-playbook openshift-ansible/playbooks/byo/config.yml ## License As the rest of the openshift-ansible-contrib repository, the code here is licensed under Apache 2.