#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # vim: expandtab:tabstop=4:shiftwidth=4 # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module, import-error, wrong-import-order, ungrouped-imports """ Custom filters for use in openshift-ansible """ import os import pdb import pkg_resources import re import json import yaml import random from ansible import errors from collections import Mapping from distutils.util import strtobool from distutils.version import LooseVersion from operator import itemgetter from ansible.parsing.yaml.dumper import AnsibleDumper from urlparse import urlparse from six import string_types HAS_OPENSSL = False try: import OpenSSL.crypto HAS_OPENSSL = True except ImportError: pass try: # ansible-2.2 # ansible.utils.unicode.to_unicode is deprecated in ansible-2.2, # ansible.module_utils._text.to_text should be used instead. from ansible.module_utils._text import to_text except ImportError: # ansible-2.1 from ansible.utils.unicode import to_unicode as to_text def oo_pdb(arg): """ This pops you into a pdb instance where arg is the data passed in from the filter. Ex: "{{ hostvars | oo_pdb }}" """ pdb.set_trace() return arg def get_attr(data, attribute=None): """ This looks up dictionary attributes of the form a.b.c and returns the value. If the key isn't present, None is returned. Ex: data = {'a': {'b': {'c': 5}}} attribute = "a.b.c" returns 5 """ if not attribute: raise errors.AnsibleFilterError("|failed expects attribute to be set") ptr = data for attr in attribute.split('.'): if attr in ptr: ptr = ptr[attr] else: ptr = None break return ptr def oo_flatten(data): """ This filter plugin will flatten a list of lists """ if not isinstance(data, list): raise errors.AnsibleFilterError("|failed expects to flatten a List") return [item for sublist in data for item in sublist] def oo_merge_dicts(first_dict, second_dict): """ Merge two dictionaries where second_dict values take precedence. Ex: first_dict={'a': 1, 'b': 2} second_dict={'b': 3, 'c': 4} returns {'a': 1, 'b': 3, 'c': 4} """ if not isinstance(first_dict, dict) or not isinstance(second_dict, dict): raise errors.AnsibleFilterError("|failed expects to merge two dicts") merged = first_dict.copy() merged.update(second_dict) return merged def oo_merge_hostvars(hostvars, variables, inventory_hostname): """ Merge host and play variables. When ansible version is greater than or equal to 2.0.0, merge hostvars[inventory_hostname] with variables (ansible vars) otherwise merge hostvars with hostvars['inventory_hostname']. Ex: hostvars={'master1.example.com': {'openshift_variable': '3'}, 'openshift_other_variable': '7'} variables={'openshift_other_variable': '6'} inventory_hostname='master1.example.com' returns {'openshift_variable': '3', 'openshift_other_variable': '7'} hostvars= (Mapping) variables={'openshift_other_variable': '6'} inventory_hostname='master1.example.com' returns {'openshift_variable': '3', 'openshift_other_variable': '6'} """ if not isinstance(hostvars, Mapping): raise errors.AnsibleFilterError("|failed expects hostvars is dictionary or object") if not isinstance(variables, dict): raise errors.AnsibleFilterError("|failed expects variables is a dictionary") if not isinstance(inventory_hostname, string_types): raise errors.AnsibleFilterError("|failed expects inventory_hostname is a string") # pylint: disable=no-member ansible_version = pkg_resources.get_distribution("ansible").version merged_hostvars = {} if LooseVersion(ansible_version) >= LooseVersion('2.0.0'): merged_hostvars = oo_merge_dicts( hostvars[inventory_hostname], variables) else: merged_hostvars = oo_merge_dicts( hostvars[inventory_hostname], hostvars) return merged_hostvars def oo_collect(data, attribute=None, filters=None): """ This takes a list of dict and collects all attributes specified into a list. If filter is specified then we will include all items that match _ALL_ of filters. If a dict entry is missing the key in a filter it will be excluded from the match. Ex: data = [ {'a':1, 'b':5, 'z': 'z'}, # True, return {'a':2, 'z': 'z'}, # True, return {'a':3, 'z': 'z'}, # True, return {'a':4, 'z': 'b'}, # FAILED, obj['z'] != obj['z'] ] attribute = 'a' filters = {'z': 'z'} returns [1, 2, 3] """ if not isinstance(data, list): raise errors.AnsibleFilterError("|failed expects to filter on a List") if not attribute: raise errors.AnsibleFilterError("|failed expects attribute to be set") if filters is not None: if not isinstance(filters, dict): raise errors.AnsibleFilterError("|failed expects filter to be a" " dict") retval = [get_attr(d, attribute) for d in data if ( all([d.get(key, None) == filters[key] for key in filters]))] else: retval = [get_attr(d, attribute) for d in data] retval = [val for val in retval if val is not None] return retval def oo_select_keys_from_list(data, keys): """ This returns a list, which contains the value portions for the keys Ex: data = { 'a':1, 'b':2, 'c':3 } keys = ['a', 'c'] returns [1, 3] """ if not isinstance(data, list): raise errors.AnsibleFilterError("|failed expects to filter on a list") if not isinstance(keys, list): raise errors.AnsibleFilterError("|failed expects first param is a list") # Gather up the values for the list of keys passed in retval = [oo_select_keys(item, keys) for item in data] return oo_flatten(retval) def oo_select_keys(data, keys): """ This returns a list, which contains the value portions for the keys Ex: data = { 'a':1, 'b':2, 'c':3 } keys = ['a', 'c'] returns [1, 3] """ if not isinstance(data, Mapping): raise errors.AnsibleFilterError("|failed expects to filter on a dict or object") if not isinstance(keys, list): raise errors.AnsibleFilterError("|failed expects first param is a list") # Gather up the values for the list of keys passed in retval = [data[key] for key in keys if key in data] return retval def oo_prepend_strings_in_list(data, prepend): """ This takes a list of strings and prepends a string to each item in the list Ex: data = ['cart', 'tree'] prepend = 'apple-' returns ['apple-cart', 'apple-tree'] """ if not isinstance(data, list): raise errors.AnsibleFilterError("|failed expects first param is a list") if not all(isinstance(x, string_types) for x in data): raise errors.AnsibleFilterError("|failed expects first param is a list" " of strings") retval = [prepend + s for s in data] return retval def oo_combine_key_value(data, joiner='='): """Take a list of dict in the form of { 'key': 'value'} and arrange them as a list of strings ['key=value'] """ if not isinstance(data, list): raise errors.AnsibleFilterError("|failed expects first param is a list") rval = [] for item in data: rval.append("%s%s%s" % (item['key'], joiner, item['value'])) return rval def oo_combine_dict(data, in_joiner='=', out_joiner=' '): """Take a dict in the form of { 'key': 'value', 'key': 'value' } and arrange them as a string 'key=value key=value' """ if not isinstance(data, dict): # pylint: disable=line-too-long raise errors.AnsibleFilterError("|failed expects first param is a dict [oo_combine_dict]. Got %s. Type: %s" % (str(data), str(type(data)))) return out_joiner.join([in_joiner.join([k, str(v)]) for k, v in data.items()]) def oo_ami_selector(data, image_name): """ This takes a list of amis and an image name and attempts to return the latest ami. """ if not isinstance(data, list): raise errors.AnsibleFilterError("|failed expects first param is a list") if not data: return None else: if image_name is None or not image_name.endswith('_*'): ami = sorted(data, key=itemgetter('name'), reverse=True)[0] return ami['ami_id'] else: ami_info = [(ami, ami['name'].split('_')[-1]) for ami in data] ami = sorted(ami_info, key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True)[0][0] return ami['ami_id'] def oo_ec2_volume_definition(data, host_type, docker_ephemeral=False): """ This takes a dictionary of volume definitions and returns a valid ec2 volume definition based on the host_type and the values in the dictionary. The dictionary should look similar to this: { 'master': { 'root': { 'volume_size': 10, 'device_type': 'gp2', 'iops': 500 }, 'docker': { 'volume_size': 40, 'device_type': 'gp2', 'iops': 500, 'ephemeral': 'true' } }, 'node': { 'root': { 'volume_size': 10, 'device_type': 'io1', 'iops': 1000 }, 'docker': { 'volume_size': 40, 'device_type': 'gp2', 'iops': 500, 'ephemeral': 'true' } } } """ if not isinstance(data, dict): # pylint: disable=line-too-long raise errors.AnsibleFilterError("|failed expects first param is a dict [oo_ec2_volume_def]. Got %s. Type: %s" % (str(data), str(type(data)))) if host_type not in ['master', 'node', 'etcd']: raise errors.AnsibleFilterError("|failed expects etcd, master or node" " as the host type") root_vol = data[host_type]['root'] root_vol['device_name'] = '/dev/sda1' root_vol['delete_on_termination'] = True if root_vol['device_type'] != 'io1': root_vol.pop('iops', None) if host_type in ['master', 'node'] and 'docker' in data[host_type]: docker_vol = data[host_type]['docker'] docker_vol['device_name'] = '/dev/xvdb' docker_vol['delete_on_termination'] = True if docker_vol['device_type'] != 'io1': docker_vol.pop('iops', None) if docker_ephemeral: docker_vol.pop('device_type', None) docker_vol.pop('delete_on_termination', None) docker_vol['ephemeral'] = 'ephemeral0' return [root_vol, docker_vol] elif host_type == 'etcd' and 'etcd' in data[host_type]: etcd_vol = data[host_type]['etcd'] etcd_vol['device_name'] = '/dev/xvdb' etcd_vol['delete_on_termination'] = True if etcd_vol['device_type'] != 'io1': etcd_vol.pop('iops', None) return [root_vol, etcd_vol] return [root_vol] def oo_split(string, separator=','): """ This splits the input string into a list. If the input string is already a list we will return it as is. """ if isinstance(string, list): return string return string.split(separator) def oo_haproxy_backend_masters(hosts, port): """ This takes an array of dicts and returns an array of dicts to be used as a backend for the haproxy role """ servers = [] for idx, host_info in enumerate(hosts): server = dict(name="master%s" % idx) server_ip = host_info['openshift']['common']['ip'] server['address'] = "%s:%s" % (server_ip, port) server['opts'] = 'check' servers.append(server) return servers def oo_filter_list(data, filter_attr=None): """ This returns a list, which contains all items where filter_attr evaluates to true Ex: data = [ { a: 1, b: True }, { a: 3, b: False }, { a: 5, b: True } ] filter_attr = 'b' returns [ { a: 1, b: True }, { a: 5, b: True } ] """ if not isinstance(data, list): raise errors.AnsibleFilterError("|failed expects to filter on a list") if not isinstance(filter_attr, string_types): raise errors.AnsibleFilterError("|failed expects filter_attr is a str or unicode") # Gather up the values for the list of keys passed in return [x for x in data if filter_attr in x and x[filter_attr]] def oo_nodes_with_label(nodes, label, value=None): """ Filters a list of nodes by label and value (if provided) It handles labels that are in the following variables by priority: openshift_node_labels, cli_openshift_node_labels, openshift['node']['labels'] Examples: data = ['a': {'openshift_node_labels': {'color': 'blue', 'size': 'M'}}, 'b': {'openshift_node_labels': {'color': 'green', 'size': 'L'}}, 'c': {'openshift_node_labels': {'size': 'S'}}] label = 'color' returns = ['a': {'openshift_node_labels': {'color': 'blue', 'size': 'M'}}, 'b': {'openshift_node_labels': {'color': 'green', 'size': 'L'}}] data = ['a': {'openshift_node_labels': {'color': 'blue', 'size': 'M'}}, 'b': {'openshift_node_labels': {'color': 'green', 'size': 'L'}}, 'c': {'openshift_node_labels': {'size': 'S'}}] label = 'color' value = 'green' returns = ['b': {'labels': {'color': 'green', 'size': 'L'}}] Args: nodes (list[dict]): list of node to node variables label (str): label to filter `nodes` by value (Optional[str]): value of `label` to filter by Defaults to None. Returns: list[dict]: nodes filtered by label and value (if provided) """ if not isinstance(nodes, list): raise errors.AnsibleFilterError("failed expects to filter on a list") if not isinstance(label, string_types): raise errors.AnsibleFilterError("failed expects label to be a string") if value is not None and not isinstance(value, string_types): raise errors.AnsibleFilterError("failed expects value to be a string") def label_filter(node): """ filter function for testing if node should be returned """ if not isinstance(node, dict): raise errors.AnsibleFilterError("failed expects to filter on a list of dicts") if 'openshift_node_labels' in node: labels = node['openshift_node_labels'] elif 'cli_openshift_node_labels' in node: labels = node['cli_openshift_node_labels'] elif 'openshift' in node and 'node' in node['openshift'] and 'labels' in node['openshift']['node']: labels = node['openshift']['node']['labels'] else: return False if isinstance(labels, string_types): labels = yaml.safe_load(labels) if not isinstance(labels, dict): raise errors.AnsibleFilterError( "failed expected node labels to be a dict or serializable to a dict" ) return label in labels and (value is None or labels[label] == value) return [n for n in nodes if label_filter(n)] def oo_parse_heat_stack_outputs(data): """ Formats the HEAT stack output into a usable form The goal is to transform something like this: +---------------+-------------------------------------------------+ | Property | Value | +---------------+-------------------------------------------------+ | capabilities | [] | | | creation_time | 2015-06-26T12:26:26Z | | | description | OpenShift cluster | | | … | … | | outputs | [ | | | { | | | "output_value": "value_A" | | | "description": "This is the value of Key_A" | | | "output_key": "Key_A" | | | }, | | | { | | | "output_value": [ | | | "value_B1", | | | "value_B2" | | | ], | | | "description": "This is the value of Key_B" | | | "output_key": "Key_B" | | | }, | | | ] | | parameters | { | | … | … | +---------------+-------------------------------------------------+ into something like this: { "Key_A": "value_A", "Key_B": [ "value_B1", "value_B2" ] } """ # Extract the “outputs” JSON snippet from the pretty-printed array in_outputs = False outputs = '' line_regex = re.compile(r'\|\s*(.*?)\s*\|\s*(.*?)\s*\|') for line in data['stdout_lines']: match = line_regex.match(line) if match: if match.group(1) == 'outputs': in_outputs = True elif match.group(1) != '': in_outputs = False if in_outputs: outputs += match.group(2) outputs = json.loads(outputs) # Revamp the “outputs” to put it in the form of a “Key: value” map revamped_outputs = {} for output in outputs: revamped_outputs[output['output_key']] = output['output_value'] return revamped_outputs # pylint: disable=too-many-branches def oo_parse_named_certificates(certificates, named_certs_dir, internal_hostnames): """ Parses names from list of certificate hashes. Ex: certificates = [{ "certfile": "/root/custom1.crt", "keyfile": "/root/custom1.key", "cafile": "/root/custom-ca1.crt" }, { "certfile": "custom2.crt", "keyfile": "custom2.key", "cafile": "custom-ca2.crt" }] returns [{ "certfile": "/etc/origin/master/named_certificates/custom1.crt", "keyfile": "/etc/origin/master/named_certificates/custom1.key", "cafile": "/etc/origin/master/named_certificates/custom-ca1.crt", "names": [ "public-master-host.com", "other-master-host.com" ] }, { "certfile": "/etc/origin/master/named_certificates/custom2.crt", "keyfile": "/etc/origin/master/named_certificates/custom2.key", "cafile": "/etc/origin/master/named_certificates/custom-ca-2.crt", "names": [ "some-hostname.com" ] }] """ if not isinstance(named_certs_dir, string_types): raise errors.AnsibleFilterError("|failed expects named_certs_dir is str or unicode") if not isinstance(internal_hostnames, list): raise errors.AnsibleFilterError("|failed expects internal_hostnames is list") if not HAS_OPENSSL: raise errors.AnsibleFilterError("|missing OpenSSL python bindings") for certificate in certificates: if 'names' in certificate.keys(): continue else: certificate['names'] = [] if not os.path.isfile(certificate['certfile']) or not os.path.isfile(certificate['keyfile']): raise errors.AnsibleFilterError("|certificate and/or key does not exist '%s', '%s'" % (certificate['certfile'], certificate['keyfile'])) try: st_cert = open(certificate['certfile'], 'rt').read() cert = OpenSSL.crypto.load_certificate(OpenSSL.crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, st_cert) certificate['names'].append(str(cert.get_subject().commonName.decode())) for i in range(cert.get_extension_count()): if cert.get_extension(i).get_short_name() == 'subjectAltName': for name in str(cert.get_extension(i)).replace('DNS:', '').split(', '): certificate['names'].append(name) except Exception: raise errors.AnsibleFilterError(("|failed to parse certificate '%s', " % certificate['certfile'] + "please specify certificate names in host inventory")) certificate['names'] = list(set(certificate['names'])) if 'cafile' not in certificate: certificate['names'] = [name for name in certificate['names'] if name not in internal_hostnames] if not certificate['names']: raise errors.AnsibleFilterError(("|failed to parse certificate '%s' or " % certificate['certfile'] + "detected a collision with internal hostname, please specify " + "certificate names in host inventory")) for certificate in certificates: # Update paths for configuration certificate['certfile'] = os.path.join(named_certs_dir, os.path.basename(certificate['certfile'])) certificate['keyfile'] = os.path.join(named_certs_dir, os.path.basename(certificate['keyfile'])) if 'cafile' in certificate: certificate['cafile'] = os.path.join(named_certs_dir, os.path.basename(certificate['cafile'])) return certificates def oo_pretty_print_cluster(data, prefix='tag_'): """ Read a subset of hostvars and build a summary of the cluster in the following layout: "c_id": { "master": { "default": [ { "name": "c_id-master-12345", "public IP": "", "private IP": "" } ] "node": { "infra": [ { "name": "c_id-node-infra-23456", "public IP": "", "private IP": "" } ], "compute": [ { "name": "c_id-node-compute-23456", "public IP": "", "private IP": "" }, ... ] } """ def _get_tag_value(tags, key): """ Extract values of a map implemented as a set. Ex: tags = { 'tag_foo_value1', 'tag_bar_value2', 'tag_baz_value3' } key = 'bar' returns 'value2' """ for tag in tags: if tag[:len(prefix) + len(key)] == prefix + key: return tag[len(prefix) + len(key) + 1:] raise KeyError(key) def _add_host(clusters, clusterid, host_type, sub_host_type, host): """ Add a new host in the clusters data structure """ if clusterid not in clusters: clusters[clusterid] = {} if host_type not in clusters[clusterid]: clusters[clusterid][host_type] = {} if sub_host_type not in clusters[clusterid][host_type]: clusters[clusterid][host_type][sub_host_type] = [] clusters[clusterid][host_type][sub_host_type].append(host) clusters = {} for host in data: try: _add_host(clusters=clusters, clusterid=_get_tag_value(host['group_names'], 'clusterid'), host_type=_get_tag_value(host['group_names'], 'host-type'), sub_host_type=_get_tag_value(host['group_names'], 'sub-host-type'), host={'name': host['inventory_hostname'], 'public IP': host['oo_public_ipv4'], 'private IP': host['oo_private_ipv4']}) except KeyError: pass return clusters def oo_generate_secret(num_bytes): """ generate a session secret """ if not isinstance(num_bytes, int): raise errors.AnsibleFilterError("|failed expects num_bytes is int") secret = os.urandom(num_bytes) return secret.encode('base-64').strip() def to_padded_yaml(data, level=0, indent=2, **kw): """ returns a yaml snippet padded to match the indent level you specify """ if data in [None, ""]: return "" try: transformed = yaml.dump(data, indent=indent, allow_unicode=True, default_flow_style=False, Dumper=AnsibleDumper, **kw) padded = "\n".join([" " * level * indent + line for line in transformed.splitlines()]) return to_text("\n{0}".format(padded)) except Exception as my_e: raise errors.AnsibleFilterError('Failed to convert: %s' % my_e) def oo_openshift_env(hostvars): ''' Return facts which begin with "openshift_" and translate legacy facts to their openshift_env counterparts. Ex: hostvars = {'openshift_fact': 42, 'theyre_taking_the_hobbits_to': 'isengard'} returns = {'openshift_fact': 42} ''' if not issubclass(type(hostvars), dict): raise errors.AnsibleFilterError("|failed expects hostvars is a dict") facts = {} regex = re.compile('^openshift_.*') for key in hostvars: if regex.match(key): facts[key] = hostvars[key] migrations = {'openshift_router_selector': 'openshift_hosted_router_selector', 'openshift_registry_selector': 'openshift_hosted_registry_selector'} for old_fact, new_fact in migrations.items(): if old_fact in facts and new_fact not in facts: facts[new_fact] = facts[old_fact] return facts # pylint: disable=too-many-branches, too-many-nested-blocks def oo_persistent_volumes(hostvars, groups, persistent_volumes=None): """ Generate list of persistent volumes based on oo_openshift_env storage options set in host variables. """ if not issubclass(type(hostvars), dict): raise errors.AnsibleFilterError("|failed expects hostvars is a dict") if not issubclass(type(groups), dict): raise errors.AnsibleFilterError("|failed expects groups is a dict") if persistent_volumes is not None and not issubclass(type(persistent_volumes), list): raise errors.AnsibleFilterError("|failed expects persistent_volumes is a list") if persistent_volumes is None: persistent_volumes = [] if 'hosted' in hostvars['openshift']: for component in hostvars['openshift']['hosted']: if 'storage' in hostvars['openshift']['hosted'][component]: params = hostvars['openshift']['hosted'][component]['storage'] kind = params['kind'] create_pv = params['create_pv'] if kind is not None and create_pv: if kind == 'nfs': host = params['host'] if host is None: if 'oo_nfs_to_config' in groups and len(groups['oo_nfs_to_config']) > 0: host = groups['oo_nfs_to_config'][0] else: raise errors.AnsibleFilterError("|failed no storage host detected") directory = params['nfs']['directory'] volume = params['volume']['name'] path = directory + '/' + volume size = params['volume']['size'] access_modes = params['access']['modes'] persistent_volume = dict( name="{0}-volume".format(volume), capacity=size, access_modes=access_modes, storage=dict( nfs=dict( server=host, path=path))) persistent_volumes.append(persistent_volume) elif kind == 'openstack': volume = params['volume']['name'] size = params['volume']['size'] access_modes = params['access']['modes'] filesystem = params['openstack']['filesystem'] volume_id = params['openstack']['volumeID'] persistent_volume = dict( name="{0}-volume".format(volume), capacity=size, access_modes=access_modes, storage=dict( cinder=dict( fsType=filesystem, volumeID=volume_id))) persistent_volumes.append(persistent_volume) elif not (kind == 'object' or kind == 'dynamic'): msg = "|failed invalid storage kind '{0}' for component '{1}'".format( kind, component) raise errors.AnsibleFilterError(msg) return persistent_volumes def oo_persistent_volume_claims(hostvars, persistent_volume_claims=None): """ Generate list of persistent volume claims based on oo_openshift_env storage options set in host variables. """ if not issubclass(type(hostvars), dict): raise errors.AnsibleFilterError("|failed expects hostvars is a dict") if persistent_volume_claims is not None and not issubclass(type(persistent_volume_claims), list): raise errors.AnsibleFilterError("|failed expects persistent_volume_claims is a list") if persistent_volume_claims is None: persistent_volume_claims = [] if 'hosted' in hostvars['openshift']: for component in hostvars['openshift']['hosted']: if 'storage' in hostvars['openshift']['hosted'][component]: params = hostvars['openshift']['hosted'][component]['storage'] kind = params['kind'] create_pv = params['create_pv'] create_pvc = params['create_pvc'] if kind not in [None, 'object'] and create_pv and create_pvc: volume = params['volume']['name'] size = params['volume']['size'] access_modes = params['access']['modes'] persistent_volume_claim = dict( name="{0}-claim".format(volume), capacity=size, access_modes=access_modes) persistent_volume_claims.append(persistent_volume_claim) return persistent_volume_claims def oo_31_rpm_rename_conversion(rpms, openshift_version=None): """ Filters a list of 3.0 rpms and return the corresponding 3.1 rpms names with proper version (if provided) If 3.1 rpms are passed in they will only be augmented with the correct version. This is important for hosts that are running both Masters and Nodes. """ if not isinstance(rpms, list): raise errors.AnsibleFilterError("failed expects to filter on a list") if openshift_version is not None and not isinstance(openshift_version, string_types): raise errors.AnsibleFilterError("failed expects openshift_version to be a string") rpms_31 = [] for rpm in rpms: if 'atomic' not in rpm: rpm = rpm.replace("openshift", "atomic-openshift") if openshift_version: rpm = rpm + openshift_version rpms_31.append(rpm) return rpms_31 def oo_pods_match_component(pods, deployment_type, component): """ Filters a list of Pods and returns the ones matching the deployment_type and component """ if not isinstance(pods, list): raise errors.AnsibleFilterError("failed expects to filter on a list") if not isinstance(deployment_type, string_types): raise errors.AnsibleFilterError("failed expects deployment_type to be a string") if not isinstance(component, string_types): raise errors.AnsibleFilterError("failed expects component to be a string") image_prefix = 'openshift/origin-' if deployment_type in ['enterprise', 'online', 'openshift-enterprise']: image_prefix = 'openshift3/ose-' elif deployment_type == 'atomic-enterprise': image_prefix = 'aep3_beta/aep-' matching_pods = [] image_regex = image_prefix + component + r'.*' for pod in pods: for container in pod['spec']['containers']: if re.search(image_regex, container['image']): matching_pods.append(pod) break # stop here, don't add a pod more than once return matching_pods def oo_get_hosts_from_hostvars(hostvars, hosts): """ Return a list of hosts from hostvars """ retval = [] for host in hosts: try: retval.append(hostvars[host]) except errors.AnsibleError: # host does not exist pass return retval def oo_image_tag_to_rpm_version(version, include_dash=False): """ Convert an image tag string to an RPM version if necessary Empty strings and strings that are already in rpm version format are ignored. Also remove non semantic version components. Ex. v3.2.0.10 -> - v1.2.0-rc1 -> -1.2.0 """ if not isinstance(version, string_types): raise errors.AnsibleFilterError("|failed expects a string or unicode") if version.startswith("v"): version = version[1:] # Strip release from requested version, we no longer support this. version = version.split('-')[0] if include_dash and version and not version.startswith("-"): version = "-" + version return version def oo_hostname_from_url(url): """ Returns the hostname contained in a URL Ex: https://ose3-master.example.com/v1/api -> ose3-master.example.com """ if not isinstance(url, string_types): raise errors.AnsibleFilterError("|failed expects a string or unicode") parse_result = urlparse(url) if parse_result.netloc != '': return parse_result.netloc else: # netloc wasn't parsed, assume url was missing scheme and path return parse_result.path # pylint: disable=invalid-name, unused-argument def oo_openshift_loadbalancer_frontends( api_port, servers_hostvars, use_nuage=False, nuage_rest_port=None): """TODO: Document me.""" loadbalancer_frontends = [{'name': 'atomic-openshift-api', 'mode': 'tcp', 'options': ['tcplog'], 'binds': ["*:{0}".format(api_port)], 'default_backend': 'atomic-openshift-api'}] if bool(strtobool(str(use_nuage))) and nuage_rest_port is not None: loadbalancer_frontends.append({'name': 'nuage-monitor', 'mode': 'tcp', 'options': ['tcplog'], 'binds': ["*:{0}".format(nuage_rest_port)], 'default_backend': 'nuage-monitor'}) return loadbalancer_frontends # pylint: disable=invalid-name def oo_openshift_loadbalancer_backends( api_port, servers_hostvars, use_nuage=False, nuage_rest_port=None): """TODO: Document me.""" loadbalancer_backends = [{'name': 'atomic-openshift-api', 'mode': 'tcp', 'option': 'tcplog', 'balance': 'source', 'servers': oo_haproxy_backend_masters(servers_hostvars, api_port)}] if bool(strtobool(str(use_nuage))) and nuage_rest_port is not None: # pylint: disable=line-too-long loadbalancer_backends.append({'name': 'nuage-monitor', 'mode': 'tcp', 'option': 'tcplog', 'balance': 'source', 'servers': oo_haproxy_backend_masters(servers_hostvars, nuage_rest_port)}) return loadbalancer_backends def oo_chomp_commit_offset(version): """Chomp any "+git.foo" commit offset string from the given `version` and return the modified version string. Ex: - chomp_commit_offset(None) => None - chomp_commit_offset(1337) => "1337" - chomp_commit_offset("v3.4.0.15+git.derp") => "v3.4.0.15" - chomp_commit_offset("v3.4.0.15") => "v3.4.0.15" - chomp_commit_offset("v1.3.0+52492b4") => "v1.3.0" """ if version is None: return version else: # Stringify, just in case it's a Number type. Split by '+' and # return the first split. No concerns about strings without a # '+', .split() returns an array of the original string. return str(version).split('+')[0] def oo_random_word(length,source='abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789'): """Generates a random string of given length from a set of alphanumeric characters. The default source uses [a-z][A-Z][0-9] Ex: - oo_random_word(3) => aB9 - oo_random_word(4, source='012') => 0123 """ return ''.join(random.choice(source) for i in range(length)) class FilterModule(object): """ Custom ansible filter mapping """ # pylint: disable=no-self-use, too-few-public-methods def filters(self): """ returns a mapping of filters to methods """ return { "oo_select_keys": oo_select_keys, "oo_select_keys_from_list": oo_select_keys_from_list, "oo_chomp_commit_offset": oo_chomp_commit_offset, "oo_collect": oo_collect, "oo_flatten": oo_flatten, "oo_pdb": oo_pdb, "oo_prepend_strings_in_list": oo_prepend_strings_in_list, "oo_ami_selector": oo_ami_selector, "oo_ec2_volume_definition": oo_ec2_volume_definition, "oo_combine_key_value": oo_combine_key_value, "oo_combine_dict": oo_combine_dict, "oo_split": oo_split, "oo_filter_list": oo_filter_list, "oo_parse_heat_stack_outputs": oo_parse_heat_stack_outputs, "oo_parse_named_certificates": oo_parse_named_certificates, "oo_haproxy_backend_masters": oo_haproxy_backend_masters, "oo_pretty_print_cluster": oo_pretty_print_cluster, "oo_generate_secret": oo_generate_secret, "oo_nodes_with_label": oo_nodes_with_label, "oo_openshift_env": oo_openshift_env, "oo_persistent_volumes": oo_persistent_volumes, "oo_persistent_volume_claims": oo_persistent_volume_claims, "oo_31_rpm_rename_conversion": oo_31_rpm_rename_conversion, "oo_pods_match_component": oo_pods_match_component, "oo_get_hosts_from_hostvars": oo_get_hosts_from_hostvars, "oo_image_tag_to_rpm_version": oo_image_tag_to_rpm_version, "oo_merge_dicts": oo_merge_dicts, "oo_hostname_from_url": oo_hostname_from_url, "oo_merge_hostvars": oo_merge_hostvars, "oo_openshift_loadbalancer_frontends": oo_openshift_loadbalancer_frontends, "oo_openshift_loadbalancer_backends": oo_openshift_loadbalancer_backends, "to_padded_yaml": to_padded_yaml, "oo_random_word": oo_random_word }