OPENSTACK Setup instructions ============================ Requirements ------------ The OpenStack instance must have Neutron and Heat enabled. Install Dependencies -------------------- 1. The OpenStack python clients for Nova, Neutron and Heat are required: * `python-novaclient` * `python-neutronclient` * `python-heatclient` On RHEL / CentOS / Fedora: ``` yum install -y ansible python-novaclient python-neutronclient python-heatclient ``` Configuration ------------- The following options can be passed via the `-o` flag of the `create` command: * `infra_heat_stack` (default to `playbooks/openstack/openshift-cluster/files/heat_stack.yaml`): filename of the HEAT template to use to create the cluster infrastructure The following options are used only by `heat_stack.yaml`. They are so used only if the `infra_heat_stack` option is left with its default value. * `image_name`: Name of the image to use to spawn VMs * `public_key` (default to `~/.ssh/`): filename of the ssh public key * `etcd_flavor` (default to `m1.small`): The ID or name of the flavor for the etcd nodes * `master_flavor` (default to `m1.small`): The ID or name of the flavor for the master * `node_flavor` (default to `m1.medium`): The ID or name of the flavor for the compute nodes * `infra_flavor` (default to `m1.small`): The ID or name of the flavor for the infrastructure nodes * `network_prefix` (default to `openshift-ansible-<cluster_id>`): prefix prepended to all network objects (net, subnet, router, security groups) * `dns` (default to `,`): comma separated list of DNS to use * `net_cidr` (default to `192.168.<rand()>.0/24`): CIDR of the network created by `heat_stack.yaml` * `external_net` (default to `external`): Name of the external network to connect to * `floating_ip_pool` (default to `external`): comma separated list of floating IP pools * `ssh_from` (default to ``): IPs authorized to connect to the VMs via ssh Creating a cluster ------------------ 1. To create a cluster with one master and two nodes ``` bin/cluster create openstack <cluster-id> ``` 2. To create a cluster with one master and three nodes, a custom VM image and custom DNS: ``` bin/cluster create -n 3 -o image_name=rhel-7.1-openshift-2015.05.21 -o dns=, openstack lenaic ``` Updating a cluster ------------------ 1. To update the cluster ``` bin/cluster update openstack <cluster-id> ``` Terminating a cluster --------------------- 1. To terminate the cluster ``` bin/cluster terminate openstack <cluster-id> ```