path: root/roles/openshift_logging_mux
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'roles/openshift_logging_mux')
8 files changed, 464 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/roles/openshift_logging_mux/defaults/main.yml b/roles/openshift_logging_mux/defaults/main.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..10fa4372c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/openshift_logging_mux/defaults/main.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+### General logging settings
+openshift_logging_mux_image_prefix: "{{ openshift_hosted_logging_deployer_prefix | default('') }}"
+openshift_logging_mux_image_version: "{{ openshift_hosted_logging_deployer_version | default('latest') }}"
+openshift_logging_mux_image_pull_secret: "{{ openshift_hosted_logging_image_pull_secret | default('') }}"
+openshift_logging_mux_master_url: "https://kubernetes.default.svc.{{ openshift.common.dns_domain }}"
+openshift_logging_mux_master_public_url: "{{ openshift_hosted_logging_master_public_url | default('https://' + openshift.common.public_hostname + ':' ~ (openshift_master_api_port | default('8443', true))) }}"
+openshift_logging_mux_namespace: logging
+### Common settings
+openshift_logging_mux_nodeselector: "{{ openshift_hosted_logging_mux_nodeselector_label | default('') | map_from_pairs }}"
+openshift_logging_mux_cpu_limit: 500m
+openshift_logging_mux_memory_limit: 1Gi
+openshift_logging_mux_replicas: 1
+# Destination for the application based logs
+openshift_logging_mux_app_host: "logging-es"
+openshift_logging_mux_app_port: 9200
+# Destination for the operations based logs
+openshift_logging_mux_ops_host: "{{ openshift_logging_mux_app_host }}"
+openshift_logging_mux_ops_port: "{{ openshift_logging_mux_app_port }}"
+### Used by "hosted" and "secure-aggregator" deployments
+openshift_logging_mux_use_journal: "{{ openshift_hosted_logging_use_journal | default('') }}"
+openshift_logging_mux_journal_source: "{{ openshift_hosted_logging_journal_source | default('') }}"
+openshift_logging_mux_journal_read_from_head: "{{ openshift_hosted_logging_journal_read_from_head | default('') }}"
+openshift_logging_mux_allow_external: False
+openshift_logging_mux_hostname: "{{ 'mux.' ~ (openshift_master_default_subdomain | default('router.default.svc.cluster.local', true)) }}"
+openshift_logging_mux_port: 24284
+# the namespace to use for undefined projects should come first, followed by any
+# additional namespaces to create by default - users will typically not need to set this
+openshift_logging_mux_default_namespaces: ["mux-undefined"]
+# extra namespaces to create for mux clients - users will need to set this
+openshift_logging_mux_namespaces: []
+openshift_logging_mux_app_client_cert: /etc/fluent/keys/cert
+openshift_logging_mux_app_client_key: /etc/fluent/keys/key
+openshift_logging_mux_app_ca: /etc/fluent/keys/ca
+openshift_logging_mux_ops_client_cert: /etc/fluent/keys/cert
+openshift_logging_mux_ops_client_key: /etc/fluent/keys/key
+openshift_logging_mux_ops_ca: /etc/fluent/keys/ca
+# following can be uncommented to provide values for configmaps -- take care when providing file contents as it may cause your cluster to not operate correctly
diff --git a/roles/openshift_logging_mux/files/fluent.conf b/roles/openshift_logging_mux/files/fluent.conf
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..aeaa705ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/openshift_logging_mux/files/fluent.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# This file is the fluentd configuration entrypoint. Edit with care.
+@include configs.d/openshift/system.conf
+# In each section below, pre- and post- includes don't include anything initially;
+# they exist to enable future additions to openshift conf as needed.
+## sources
+## ordered so that syslog always runs last...
+@include configs.d/openshift/input-pre-*.conf
+@include configs.d/dynamic/input-docker-*.conf
+@include configs.d/dynamic/input-syslog-*.conf
+@include configs.d/openshift/input-post-*.conf
+<label @INGRESS>
+## filters
+ @include configs.d/openshift/filter-pre-*.conf
+ @include configs.d/openshift/filter-retag-journal.conf
+ @include configs.d/openshift/filter-k8s-meta.conf
+ @include configs.d/openshift/filter-kibana-transform.conf
+ @include configs.d/openshift/filter-k8s-flatten-hash.conf
+ @include configs.d/openshift/filter-k8s-record-transform.conf
+ @include configs.d/openshift/filter-syslog-record-transform.conf
+ @include configs.d/openshift/filter-viaq-data-model.conf
+ @include configs.d/openshift/filter-post-*.conf
+## matches
+ @include configs.d/openshift/output-pre-*.conf
+ @include configs.d/openshift/output-operations.conf
+ @include configs.d/openshift/output-applications.conf
+ # no post - applications.conf matches everything left
diff --git a/roles/openshift_logging_mux/files/secure-forward.conf b/roles/openshift_logging_mux/files/secure-forward.conf
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f4483df79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/openshift_logging_mux/files/secure-forward.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# @type secure_forward
+# self_hostname ${HOSTNAME}
+# shared_key <SECRET_STRING>
+# secure yes
+# enable_strict_verification yes
+# ca_cert_path /etc/fluent/keys/your_ca_cert
+# ca_private_key_path /etc/fluent/keys/your_private_key
+ # for private CA secret key
+# ca_private_key_passphrase passphrase
+# <server>
+ # or IP
+# host
+# port 24284
+# </server>
+# <server>
+ # ip address to connect
+# host
+ # specify hostlabel for FQDN verification if ipaddress is used for host
+# hostlabel
+# </server>
diff --git a/roles/openshift_logging_mux/meta/main.yaml b/roles/openshift_logging_mux/meta/main.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f40beb79d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/openshift_logging_mux/meta/main.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+ author: OpenShift Red Hat
+ description: OpenShift Aggregated Logging Mux Component
+ company: Red Hat, Inc.
+ license: Apache License, Version 2.0
+ min_ansible_version: 2.2
+ platforms:
+ - name: EL
+ versions:
+ - 7
+ categories:
+ - cloud
+- role: lib_openshift
diff --git a/roles/openshift_logging_mux/tasks/determine_version.yaml b/roles/openshift_logging_mux/tasks/determine_version.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..229bcf3d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/openshift_logging_mux/tasks/determine_version.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# debating making this a module instead?
+- fail:
+ msg: Missing version to install provided by 'openshift_logging_image_version'
+ when: not openshift_logging_image_version or openshift_logging_image_version == ''
+- set_fact:
+ mux_version: "{{ __latest_mux_version }}"
+ when: openshift_logging_image_version == 'latest'
+# should we just assume that we will have the correct major version?
+- set_fact: mux_version="{{ openshift_logging_image_version | regex_replace('^v?(?P<major>\d)\.(?P<minor>\d).*$', '3_\\g<minor>') }}"
+ when: openshift_logging_image_version != 'latest'
+- fail:
+ msg: Invalid version specified for mux
+ when: mux_version not in __allowed_mux_versions
diff --git a/roles/openshift_logging_mux/tasks/main.yaml b/roles/openshift_logging_mux/tasks/main.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..54af40070
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/openshift_logging_mux/tasks/main.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+- fail:
+ msg: Application logs destination is required
+ when: not openshift_logging_mux_app_host or openshift_logging_mux_app_host == ''
+- fail:
+ msg: Operations logs destination is required
+ when: not openshift_logging_mux_ops_host or openshift_logging_mux_ops_host == ''
+- include: determine_version.yaml
+# allow passing in a tempdir
+- name: Create temp directory for doing work in
+ command: mktemp -d /tmp/openshift-logging-ansible-XXXXXX
+ register: mktemp
+ changed_when: False
+- set_fact:
+ tempdir: "{{ mktemp.stdout }}"
+- name: Create templates subdirectory
+ file:
+ state: directory
+ path: "{{ tempdir }}/templates"
+ mode: 0755
+ changed_when: False
+# we want to make sure we have all the necessary components here
+# create service account
+- name: Create Mux service account
+ oc_serviceaccount:
+ state: present
+ name: "aggregated-logging-mux"
+ namespace: "{{ openshift_logging_mux_namespace }}"
+ image_pull_secrets: "{{ openshift_logging_image_pull_secret }}"
+ when: openshift_logging_image_pull_secret != ''
+- name: Create Mux service account
+ oc_serviceaccount:
+ state: present
+ name: "aggregated-logging-mux"
+ namespace: "{{ openshift_logging_mux_namespace }}"
+ when:
+ - openshift_logging_image_pull_secret == ''
+# set service account scc
+- name: Set privileged permissions for Mux
+ oc_adm_policy_user:
+ namespace: "{{ openshift_logging_mux_namespace }}"
+ resource_kind: scc
+ resource_name: privileged
+ state: present
+ user: "system:serviceaccount:{{ openshift_logging_mux_namespace }}:aggregated-logging-mux"
+# set service account permissions
+- name: Set cluster-reader permissions for Mux
+ oc_adm_policy_user:
+ namespace: "{{ openshift_logging_mux_namespace }}"
+ resource_kind: cluster-role
+ resource_name: cluster-reader
+ state: present
+ user: "system:serviceaccount:{{ openshift_logging_mux_namespace }}:aggregated-logging-mux"
+# set hostmount-anyuid permissions
+- name: Set hostmount-anyuid permissions for Mux
+ oc_adm_policy_user:
+ namespace: "{{ openshift_logging_mux_namespace }}"
+ resource_kind: scc
+ resource_name: hostmount-anyuid
+ state: present
+ user: "system:serviceaccount:{{ openshift_logging_mux_namespace }}:aggregated-logging-mux"
+# create Mux configmap
+- copy:
+ src: fluent.conf
+ dest: "{{mktemp.stdout}}/fluent-mux.conf"
+ when: fluentd_mux_config_contents is undefined
+ changed_when: no
+- copy:
+ src: secure-forward.conf
+ dest: "{{mktemp.stdout}}/secure-forward-mux.conf"
+ when: fluentd_mux_securefoward_contents is undefined
+ changed_when: no
+- copy:
+ content: "{{fluentd_mux_config_contents}}"
+ dest: "{{mktemp.stdout}}/fluent-mux.conf"
+ when: fluentd_mux_config_contents is defined
+ changed_when: no
+- copy:
+ content: "{{fluentd_mux_secureforward_contents}}"
+ dest: "{{mktemp.stdout}}/secure-forward-mux.conf"
+ when: fluentd_mux_secureforward_contents is defined
+ changed_when: no
+- name: Set Mux configmap
+ oc_configmap:
+ state: present
+ name: "logging-mux"
+ namespace: "{{ openshift_logging_mux_namespace }}"
+ from_file:
+ fluent.conf: "{{ tempdir }}/fluent-mux.conf"
+ secure-forward.conf: "{{ tempdir }}/secure-forward-mux.conf"
+# create Mux secret
+- name: Set logging-mux secret
+ oc_secret:
+ state: present
+ name: logging-mux
+ namespace: "{{ openshift_logging_mux_namespace }}"
+ files:
+ - name: ca
+ path: "{{ generated_certs_dir }}/ca.crt"
+ - name: key
+ path: "{{ generated_certs_dir }}/system.logging.mux.key"
+ - name: cert
+ path: "{{ generated_certs_dir }}/system.logging.mux.crt"
+ - name: shared_key
+ path: "{{ generated_certs_dir }}/mux_shared_key"
+# services
+- name: Set logging-mux service for external communication
+ oc_service:
+ state: present
+ name: "logging-mux"
+ namespace: "{{ openshift_logging_mux_namespace }}"
+ selector:
+ component: mux
+ provider: openshift
+ labels:
+ logging-infra: 'support'
+ ports:
+ - name: mux-forward
+ port: "{{ openshift_logging_mux_port }}"
+ targetPort: "mux-forward"
+ external_ips:
+ - "{{ ansible_eth0.ipv4.address }}"
+ when: openshift_logging_mux_allow_external | bool
+- name: Set logging-mux service for internal communication
+ oc_service:
+ state: present
+ name: "logging-mux"
+ namespace: "{{ openshift_logging_mux_namespace }}"
+ selector:
+ component: mux
+ provider: openshift
+ labels:
+ logging-infra: 'support'
+ ports:
+ - name: mux-forward
+ port: "{{ openshift_logging_mux_port }}"
+ targetPort: "mux-forward"
+ when: not openshift_logging_mux_allow_external | bool
+# create Mux DC
+- name: Generating mux deploymentconfig
+ template:
+ src: mux.j2
+ dest: "{{mktemp.stdout}}/templates/logging-mux-dc.yaml"
+ vars:
+ component: mux
+ logging_component: mux
+ deploy_name: "logging-{{ component }}"
+ image: "{{ openshift_logging_image_prefix }}logging-fluentd:{{ openshift_logging_image_version }}"
+ es_host: "{{ openshift_logging_mux_app_host }}"
+ es_port: "{{ openshift_logging_mux_app_port }}"
+ ops_host: "{{ openshift_logging_mux_ops_host }}"
+ ops_port: "{{ openshift_logging_mux_ops_port }}"
+ mux_cpu_limit: "{{ openshift_logging_mux_cpu_limit }}"
+ mux_memory_limit: "{{ openshift_logging_mux_memory_limit }}"
+ replicas: "{{ openshift_logging_mux_replicas | default(1) }}"
+ mux_node_selector: "{{ openshift_logging_mux_nodeselector | default({}) }}"
+ check_mode: no
+ changed_when: no
+- name: Set logging-mux DC
+ oc_obj:
+ state: present
+ name: logging-mux
+ namespace: "{{ openshift_logging_mux_namespace }}"
+ kind: dc
+ files:
+ - "{{ tempdir }}/templates/logging-mux-dc.yaml"
+ delete_after: true
+- name: Add mux namespaces
+ oc_project:
+ state: present
+ name: "{{ item }}"
+ node_selector: ""
+ with_items: "{{ openshift_logging_mux_namespaces | union(openshift_logging_mux_default_namespaces) }}"
+- name: Delete temp directory
+ file:
+ name: "{{ tempdir }}"
+ state: absent
+ changed_when: False
diff --git a/roles/openshift_logging_mux/templates/mux.j2 b/roles/openshift_logging_mux/templates/mux.j2
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..770a2bfbd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/openshift_logging_mux/templates/mux.j2
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+apiVersion: "v1"
+kind: "DeploymentConfig"
+ name: "{{deploy_name}}"
+ labels:
+ provider: openshift
+ component: "{{component}}"
+ logging-infra: "{{logging_component}}"
+ replicas: {{replicas|default(1)}}
+ selector:
+ provider: openshift
+ component: "{{component}}"
+ logging-infra: "{{logging_component}}"
+ strategy:
+ rollingParams:
+ intervalSeconds: 1
+ timeoutSeconds: 600
+ updatePeriodSeconds: 1
+ type: Rolling
+ template:
+ metadata:
+ name: "{{deploy_name}}"
+ labels:
+ logging-infra: "{{logging_component}}"
+ provider: openshift
+ component: "{{component}}"
+ spec:
+ serviceAccountName: aggregated-logging-mux
+{% if mux_node_selector is iterable and mux_node_selector | length > 0 %}
+ nodeSelector:
+{% for key, value in mux_node_selector.iteritems() %}
+ {{key}}: "{{value}}"
+{% endfor %}
+{% endif %}
+ containers:
+ - name: "mux"
+ image: {{image}}
+ imagePullPolicy: Always
+{% if (mux_memory_limit is defined and mux_memory_limit is not none) or (mux_cpu_limit is defined and mux_cpu_limit is not none) %}
+ resources:
+ limits:
+{% if mux_cpu_limit is not none %}
+ cpu: "{{mux_cpu_limit}}"
+{% endif %}
+{% if mux_memory_limit is not none %}
+ memory: "{{mux_memory_limit}}"
+{% endif %}
+{% endif %}
+ ports:
+ - containerPort: "{{ openshift_logging_mux_port }}"
+ name: mux-forward
+ volumeMounts:
+ - name: config
+ mountPath: /etc/fluent/configs.d/user
+ readOnly: true
+ - name: certs
+ mountPath: /etc/fluent/keys
+ readOnly: true
+ - name: dockerhostname
+ mountPath: /etc/docker-hostname
+ readOnly: true
+ - name: localtime
+ mountPath: /etc/localtime
+ readOnly: true
+ - name: muxcerts
+ mountPath: /etc/fluent/muxkeys
+ readOnly: true
+ env:
+ - name: "K8S_HOST_URL"
+ value: "{{openshift_logging_mux_master_url}}"
+ - name: "ES_HOST"
+ value: "{{openshift_logging_mux_app_host}}"
+ - name: "ES_PORT"
+ value: "{{openshift_logging_mux_app_port}}"
+ - name: "ES_CLIENT_CERT"
+ value: "{{openshift_logging_mux_app_client_cert}}"
+ - name: "ES_CLIENT_KEY"
+ value: "{{openshift_logging_mux_app_client_key}}"
+ - name: "ES_CA"
+ value: "{{openshift_logging_mux_app_ca}}"
+ - name: "OPS_HOST"
+ value: "{{openshift_logging_mux_ops_host}}"
+ - name: "OPS_PORT"
+ value: "{{openshift_logging_mux_ops_port}}"
+ - name: "OPS_CLIENT_CERT"
+ value: "{{openshift_logging_mux_ops_client_cert}}"
+ - name: "OPS_CLIENT_KEY"
+ value: "{{openshift_logging_mux_ops_client_key}}"
+ - name: "OPS_CA"
+ value: "{{openshift_logging_mux_ops_ca}}"
+ - name: "USE_JOURNAL"
+ value: "false"
+ - name: "JOURNAL_SOURCE"
+ value: "{{openshift_logging_mux_journal_source | default('')}}"
+ value: "{{openshift_logging_mux_journal_read_from_head|lower}}"
+ value: "{{ openshift_logging_mux_hostname }}"
+ value: "{{ openshift_logging_mux_port }}"
+ - name: USE_MUX
+ value: "true"
+ value: "{{ openshift_logging_mux_allow_external | default('false') }}"
+ volumes:
+ - name: config
+ configMap:
+ name: logging-mux
+ - name: certs
+ secret:
+ secretName: logging-mux
+ - name: dockerhostname
+ hostPath:
+ path: /etc/hostname
+ - name: localtime
+ hostPath:
+ path: /etc/localtime
+ - name: muxcerts
+ secret:
+ secretName: logging-mux
diff --git a/roles/openshift_logging_mux/vars/main.yml b/roles/openshift_logging_mux/vars/main.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4234b74e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/openshift_logging_mux/vars/main.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+__latest_mux_version: "3_5"
+__allowed_mux_versions: ["3_5", "3_6"]