path: root/roles/lib_openshift/src/test/unit/
diff options
authorKenny Woodson <>2017-02-06 21:04:59 -0500
committerKenny Woodson <>2017-02-08 12:17:33 -0500
commit2c2783db79faa780709ef16c3a1a71378ec2f4e3 (patch)
treece1e41ee47b2e54fe6b064cd3e9941d2bb0bb629 /roles/lib_openshift/src/test/unit/
parentb1565e9e843e99c6b3c0d99518c27249472f57fe (diff)
Adding port support for route.
Diffstat (limited to 'roles/lib_openshift/src/test/unit/')
1 files changed, 261 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/roles/lib_openshift/src/test/unit/ b/roles/lib_openshift/src/test/unit/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..ea3c27b94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/lib_openshift/src/test/unit/
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2
+ Unit tests for oc route
+# To run:
+# ./
+# .
+# Ran 1 test in 0.002s
+# OK
+import os
+import sys
+import unittest
+import mock
+# Removing invalid variable names for tests so that I can
+# keep them brief
+# pylint: disable=invalid-name,no-name-in-module
+# Disable import-error b/c our libraries aren't loaded in jenkins
+# pylint: disable=import-error,wrong-import-position
+# place class in our python path
+module_path = os.path.join('/'.join(os.path.realpath(__file__).split('/')[:-4]), 'library') # noqa: E501
+sys.path.insert(0, module_path)
+from oc_route import OCRoute # noqa: E402
+class OCRouteTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ '''
+ Test class for OCServiceAccount
+ '''
+ def setUp(self):
+ ''' setup method will create a file and set to known configuration '''
+ pass
+# @mock.patch('oc_route.OCRoute._run')
+# def test_list_route(self, mock_cmd):
+# ''' Testing getting a route '''
+# # Arrange
+# # run_ansible input parameters
+# params = {
+# 'kubeconfig': '/etc/origin/master/admin.kubeconfig',
+# 'state': 'list',
+# 'debug': False,
+# 'name': 'test',
+# 'namespace': 'default',
+# 'tls_termination': 'passthrough',
+# 'dest_cacert_path': None,
+# 'cacert_path': None,
+# 'cert_path': None,
+# 'key_path': None,
+# 'dest_cacert_content': None,
+# 'cacert_content': None,
+# 'cert_content': None,
+# 'key_content': None,
+# 'service_name': 'testservice',
+# 'host': '',
+# 'wildcard_policy': None,
+# 'weight': None,
+# 'port': None
+# }
+# route_result ='''{
+# "kind": "Route",
+# "apiVersion": "v1",
+# "metadata": {
+# "name": "test",
+# "namespace": "default",
+# "selfLink": "/oapi/v1/namespaces/default/routes/test",
+# "uid": "1b127c67-ecd9-11e6-96eb-0e0d9bdacd26",
+# "resourceVersion": "439182",
+# "creationTimestamp": "2017-02-07T01:59:48Z"
+# },
+# "spec": {
+# "host": "test.example",
+# "to": {
+# "kind": "Service",
+# "name": "test",
+# "weight": 100
+# },
+# "port": {
+# "targetPort": 8443
+# },
+# "tls": {
+# "termination": "passthrough"
+# },
+# "wildcardPolicy": "None"
+# },
+# "status": {
+# "ingress": [
+# {
+# "host": "test.example",
+# "routerName": "router",
+# "conditions": [
+# {
+# "type": "Admitted",
+# "status": "True",
+# "lastTransitionTime": "2017-02-07T01:59:48Z"
+# }
+# ],
+# "wildcardPolicy": "None"
+# }
+# ]
+# }
+# }'''
+# # Return values of our mocked function call. These get returned once per call.
+# mock_cmd.side_effect = [
+# # First call to mock
+# (0, route_result, ''),
+# ]
+# # Act
+# results = OCRoute.run_ansible(params, False)
+# # Assert
+# self.assertFalse(results['changed'])
+# self.assertEqual(results['state'], 'list')
+# self.assertEqual(results['results'][0]['metadata']['name'], 'test')
+# # Making sure our mock was called as we expected
+# mock_cmd.assert_has_calls([
+#['oc', '-n', 'default', 'get', 'route', 'test', '-o', 'json'], None),
+# ])
+ @mock.patch('oc_route.Yedit._write')
+ @mock.patch('oc_route.OCRoute._run')
+ def test_create_route(self, mock_cmd, mock_write):
+ ''' Testing getting a route '''
+ # Arrange
+ # run_ansible input parameters
+ params = {
+ 'kubeconfig': '/etc/origin/master/admin.kubeconfig',
+ 'state': 'present',
+ 'debug': True,
+ #'debug': False,
+ 'name': 'test',
+ 'namespace': 'default',
+ 'tls_termination': 'edge',
+ 'dest_cacert_path': None,
+ 'cacert_path': None,
+ 'cert_path': None,
+ 'key_path': None,
+ 'dest_cacert_content': None,
+ 'cacert_content': 'testing',
+ 'cert_content': 'testing',
+ 'key_content': 'testing',
+ 'service_name': 'testservice',
+ 'host': '',
+ 'wildcard_policy': None,
+ 'weight': None,
+ 'port': None
+ }
+ route_result ='''{
+ "apiVersion": "v1",
+ "kind": "Route",
+ "metadata": {
+ "creationTimestamp": "2017-02-07T20:55:10Z",
+ "name": "test",
+ "namespace": "default",
+ "resourceVersion": "517745",
+ "selfLink": "/oapi/v1/namespaces/default/routes/test",
+ "uid": "b6f25898-ed77-11e6-9755-0e737db1e63a"
+ },
+ "spec": {
+ "host": "",
+ "tls": {
+ "caCertificate": "testing",
+ "certificate": "testing",
+ "key": "testing",
+ "termination": "edge"
+ },
+ "to": {
+ "kind": "Service",
+ "name": "testservice",
+ "weight": 100
+ },
+ "wildcardPolicy": "None"
+ },
+ "status": {
+ "ingress": [
+ {
+ "conditions": [
+ {
+ "lastTransitionTime": "2017-02-07T20:55:10Z",
+ "status": "True",
+ "type": "Admitted"
+ }
+ ],
+ "host": "",
+ "routerName": "router",
+ "wildcardPolicy": "None"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }'''
+ test_route = '''\
+kind: Route
+ tls:
+ caCertificate: testing
+ termination: edge
+ certificate: testing
+ key: testing
+ to:
+ kind: Service
+ name: testservice
+ weight: 100
+ host:
+ wildcardPolicy: None
+apiVersion: v1
+ namespace: default
+ name: test
+ # Return values of our mocked function call. These get returned once per call.
+ mock_cmd.side_effect = [
+ # First call to mock
+ (1, '', 'Error from server: routes "test" not found'),
+ (1, '', 'Error from server: routes "test" not found'),
+ (0, 'route "test" created', ''),
+ (0, route_result, ''),
+ ]
+ mock_write.assert_has_calls = [
+ # First call to mock
+'/tmp/test', test_route)
+ ]
+ # Act
+ results = OCRoute.run_ansible(params, False)
+ # Assert
+ self.assertTrue(results['changed'])
+ self.assertEqual(results['state'], 'present')
+ self.assertEqual(results['results']['results'][0]['metadata']['name'], 'test')
+ # Making sure our mock was called as we expected
+ mock_cmd.assert_has_calls([
+['oc', '-n', 'default', 'get', 'route', 'test', '-o', 'json'], None),
+['oc', '-n', 'default', 'create', '-f', '/tmp/test'], None),
+ ])
+ def tearDown(self):
+ '''TearDown method'''
+ pass
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ unittest.main()